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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68

Chief Dalloway looked at Lucianne and said apologetically, “No, my Queen. I’m afraid not. We’ve taken

his blood and run it through hospital records but no one has contacted us with a match yet.”

She then asked, “No criminal records either, I suppose?”

He shook his head in dismay. “None, my Queen.”

Xandar then noted, “So he’s either a first-time offender or this is his first time getting caught.”

Chief Dalloway spoke up, “If I may, my King, we think it’s the latter. First-time offenders are

re fridgetty and more willing to blurt something, even if it’s blurting a lie. This one is unusually calm and

quiet. The medical team said that there’s nothing wrong with his physique or mental abilities, so he’s

ready for questioning.”

Xandar’s face hardened just slightly and he uttered, “Good. Show the members of the alliancet o the next

room to watch. We’ll take it from here.” “Yes, your Highness.”

The other two policemen who were with the Chief held open the door for the wolves. That was when

Xandar called out, “Juan,” Everyone turned, and Xandar smiled as he continued,” Christian and I were

hoping that you could join us.”

Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise. Lucianne was surprised as well, and she could not help the

upward curl of the corner of her lips. Juan glanced at Lucy and the alliance before he nodded with a

grateful smile, “It would be my pleasure, your Highness. Thank you.”

The alliance went into the room. Juan and Christian waited outside the door of the interrogation room

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because Xandar wasn’t ready yet. Xandar held on to Lucianne’s hand to stop her from following the


Looking deeply into her black orbs as he held her hands, he then pecked a kiss on her forehead and

uttered softly, “Baby, we’re not going to play nice in there. We’ll try our best to play fair. But…” he

furrowed his brows and averted his gaze for a moment before he locked his eyes with hers again, “But I

might have to use the King’s Authority if he refuses to speak.”

The King’s Authority is like an Alpha’s Authority, only stronger because Xandar was the Lycan King.

When it is emitted, it enables the King to compel any of his subjects to do anything he commands, the

same way Alphas can command their pack members. When it comes to the King’s Authority, not even

the Queen is strong enough to defy it.

It is a very archaic power that is seldom used by civilized Alphas and Kings, who believe that using that

power to force people against their will simply makes them a ruthless dictator, one who has no qualms in

choosing to abuse their power. Xandar himself always felt uncomfortable wielding it after his father’s

death that he had never used it. He only tested it o

n Christian once for fun because his cousin was curious. It worked, to Christian’s excitement and to

Xandar’s dismay. They never activated it again after that time.

His worried eyes pierced into his mate’s as he kissed her fingers before assuring her firmly, “I just want

you to know that I will never use that on you or on anyone innocent. If I use it in there, it’s because I have

to. I just need you to be safe, okay?”

Lucianne took her hands from his and reached for his face, pulling it down to peck a kiss on his lips

before she whispered, “I know you enough to know that you won’t use it unless you need to, Xandar. Go.

It’ll be okay.”

He smiled with relief and pecked another kiss on her nose before uttering, “Thank you for understanding,


Lucianne stepped into the room where the other wolves were. Most of them had pulled a chair close to

the one-way mirror to study the prisoner. Those who didn’t sit were leaning close to the glass, eyes

converging on the figure in the next room.

The prisoner’s cuffed hands were on the small square table. He sat with an upright back facing the

entrance. The police took precautions seriously, seeing that they tied his legs to the chair he sat in as

well. He didn’t look scared or defeated. It was difficult to know what was going through his head. He just

looked like he was waiting to catch a subway for work.

Lucianne pushed herself up to sit on the rectangular table behind her friends in their chairs. Toby joined


Xandar entered the interrogation room with Christian, Juan and Chief Dalloway behind him. The King’s

face was dark and hardened. Menacing didn’t even begin to describe Xandar at that moment. He looked

like he was ready to single-handedly slaughter an entire pack.

When he reached the rogue, Xandar slammed the prisoner’s head against the table and he groaned in

pain. The wolves from the other room flinched upon the impact. Lucianne jerked i n shock as well. She

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thought that they were going to be nice first, then use force. 1

Toby whispered from her side, “Let’s be fair. If it was someone else who got stabbed, you would’ve done

what the King just did.”

“No argument there.” She said with a smile.

The three men took their seats around the square table, and the Chief stood at the side, ready t o take

notes. Xandar sat facing the rogue. He growled in warning as he said, “Talk.”

The rogue, whose head was already inflamed as he smirked, “About what, your Highness?”

Christian had an equally deathly expression as he extended his claws and plunged them into the rogue’s

arm with force before pulling it back out, eliciting a second groan from the rogue.” If your mind is foggy

from your time here. Let’s start simple: who sent you to the Jewel Pack?”

Blood stains started forming in large patches on the arm area of his prison clothes but no one gave a

dam*. The rogue gritted his teeth to cope with the pain as he uttered, “No one.” He was

clearly lying.

Juan’s hand reached for his nape and gave it a good enough squeeze before he said darkly,“ You’d die

trying to protect your boss, huh? You don’t see your boss protecting you now. You’re the one rotting


The rogue’s dark chuckle that came next would send a shiver down the spines of anyone with a faint

heart. Juan retracted his hand seeing that the rogue was about to say something. With a cocky smirk,

the rogue locked eyes with Juan and taunted, “At least I’m capable of protecting someone. What did you

accomplish when your wolf needed you?”