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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

The waiter showed Xandar and Lucianne to the table that Xandar had specifically reserved earlier. It was

a secluded corner booth. After placing their order, the waitress drew the see through curtains and left

them alone.

Lucianne reached for Xandar’s hands across the table as she asked in concern, “Are you okay?”

He smiled and kissed her hand, more normally this time, and said, “I am now.”

Lucianne returned his smile and said, “So uh…your question on kids. I’ve always thought about having

my own before the string of rejections. After the latest mate bond snap, I actually made peace with the

fact that I may never have children of my own. The plan was to adopt a child when I was ready, like when

there were fewer rogue attacks so that I’ll have more time on my hands. But last year was clearly not the

best time to take on that type of responsibility so I haven’t committed myself to motherhood just yet.”

Xandar then uttered sadly, “Aren’t you at least reconsidering having your own kids now?” That question

was more than what it seemed. He was asking whether Lucianne had considered having kids with him.

Lucianne immediately explained, “I was getting there, Xandar. Adoption was the plan until I saw that

you’re… different. I admit that I haven’t given thought to the details on the subject just yet. But I can’t

deny that…it’s a possibility now.”

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Xandar took hold of her hands and asked with a warm smile, “How many have you always


Lucianne was a bit surprised by the enthusiasm in his voice. “Uh…w-well, I don’t really know. But

definitely not too many. I can’t handle that many kids, to be honest. I still want to be able t o keep doing

the things I do now so… I guess two? One is a little lonely. I was lucky to have Juan as a sibling-like

figure to grow up with.”

Xandar smiled wider and he said, “I’m with you there. Life would’ve been boring without Christian. I

mean, I had Greg too. But I always wanted to toss him out, not that I could ever.” Lucianne chuckled


He kissed her hands and said with starry eyes, “You’re going to be a great mother, Lucy.”

Lucianne was a little stunned by how fast Xandar was ready for something like this. They just met a

week ago. She wasn’t even ready to accept a marriage proposal from him if he made one, at least not

yet. Now, he was already excited about her becoming a mother?

She then responded by saying, “I–I don’t know about that, Xandar. I hope to be one, that’s for sure.”

“Baby,” Xandar looked at her in disbelief with the wide smile still glued effortlessly on his

face, “Have you seen yourself around kids? You’re a natural!”

Lucianne furrowed her eyebrows as she explained her point of view, “Xandar, speaking sweetly to them

and having to do the midnight feeding, diaper-changing, laundry, and a whole list of other things are very

different. Motherhood is a whole job on its own.”

He squeezed her hands slightly as he assured her, “But you won’t be doing it alone, Lucy. You’d have


Lucianne smiled, “I know.” She stroked his hand once and uttered, “Thank you.” Xandar pecked another

kiss on her hand before uttering, “Anything for you, Lucy.”

There was a short pause before Lucianne asked, “So, what about you? Have you ever thought about

kids? Before we met, I mean.”

He played with her fingers and said, “Before we met, I was always conflicted on that particular subject. I

didn’t know whether I wanted the responsibility of bringing up another being. I mean, I would’ve been

proud to bring up a little Christian but if I brought up a little Greg, I don’t think I’d be doing the world any


Lucianne chuckled lightly at his line of reasoning before she asked, “What about bringing up a little you?

You turned out alright.”

Xandar kissed her fingers as he locked eyes with his mate and uttered, “Only if it’s with you, Lucy.

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Though I must admit…” he leaned closer to her and said, “I prefer a little girl who’ll grow up to be as

beautiful as her mother.”

Lucianne was already flustered but she tried to keep her voice steady as she said, “The gender shouldn’t

matter, Xandar, as long as it’s healthy. Having a little boy who’ll look as handsome a s you would be a

blessing too, don’t you think?”

Completely disregarding the compliment Lucianne just threw his way, Xandar said, “That depends. If he’s

going to get your hugs and kisses without effort, then I might have a problem with him.” His Lycan was

nodding in agreement in his head. 2

Lucianne narrowed her eyes and asked sarcastically, “So, what would you do if you have a son? Send

him to a daycare centre?”

Xandar pondered for a bit before saying, “Hm…It’ll be cheaper if we got Christian and Annie to help bring

him up.”

“You better be joking, Xandar.” Lucianne said sternly.

Xandar chuckled and stroked her hands lovingly as he said, “Of course I’m joking, sweetheart. A boy or a

girl, as long as it’s from you, it’ll be a blessing.” Lucianne’s tension eased only for a second before

Xandar added, “Still, a girl would be better.”

A waiter came with their food. After the curtains were drawn back again, Xandar then asked casually,

“Have you thought about baby names?”