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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 176
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Chapter 176

Jake raised an eyebrow, and his animal was turned on by what the hottest she-wolf just said to them.

Seeing that there were no booby traps or Oleander arrows ready to be fired, Xandar, Christian, the

alliance, Phelton, Dalloway, Langford and two more Lycan warriors came through. Jake glanced over

each of them before his sights returned to Lucianne as he said, “Miss you? Yes. Them? Not so much.”

Because they killed your friends back in our little rendezvous in Forest Gloom? How many people did

you lose that day again? Fifty? Lucianne taunted, and was satisfied to see some of those behind Jake

were exchanging fearful looks.

Jake knew it, too. “Trying to scare my people, Lucy?”

Lucianne dropped her fake smile and said, “Surrender, Jake. You and your people have nowhere to run.

Give yourselves up and the law might be more lenient with this.”

Jake chuckled in dark humor and said, “I don’t surrender, sweetheart.”

Enraged growls were fired from those around Lucianne at what Jake just called her. After it died down,

Lucianne said, “Poor memory you have there. Maybe Orphelia can be of more help.”

Orphelia was one of Jake’s less intelligent cronies. Lucianne turned to her in mock bewilderment as she

asked, “Orphelia, I forgot why Clement let Jake leave Forest Gloom instead of killing him in the challenge

for the Alpha title. Do you remember why?” “It’s because Jake sur— Orphelia’s answer was stopped by

Jake’s homicidal growl.

His eyes burnt into Lucianne’s but before he could speak, Lucianne spoke, “The rest of you behind him,

you have a chance to come forward and surrender. Stand with your Alpha, and we WILL kill you.

Surrender, and you’ll leave this island unharmed”

Although there were arrogant chuckles after Lucianne announced the offer, there were also

contemplative faces. Many of their eyes glazed over, like they were discussing amongst themselves.

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They lost many friends in the last battle that they were fortunate enough to not be sent to. Even the

Alpha’s own sister didn’t make it.

Toby yelled, “Sixty seconds, people!”

Out of the hundreds behind Jake, about fifteen Lycans and ten wolves came forward. When Lucianne’s

scent didn’t pick up any traces of silver or Oleander from those who were coming to their side, she gave

Dalloway a nod to cuff them to suppress their abilities while his deputy and the other policemen got them

out of the building.

Jake and his loyal followers growled and glared at the traitors, who chose to switch sides at the last

minute. The Alpha then scowled at Lucianne and spat, “That was a mistake, Lucy!”

Lucianne spat back, “The mistake was teaching Clement to spare your life if you surrendered in the

Alpha challenge! The mistake was not insisting that he killed you and Iris.”


His followers were shocked at this declaration, and many of his followers became hesitant to take his

side. They thought Iris died i n battle. They weren’t told that the Alpha was the one behind her death.

Alithia stared at Jake in shock and asked, “What did you just say?”

Toby yelled again, “Last chance!” Two lycans immediately came forward, and muttered Oleander blades

as they walked past Toby

Jake’s jaw clenched, and his eyes watered just slightly as he told Lucianne, “If it was a mistake to ask

that weakling brother of mine to keep me alive, why don’t you just kill me now?”

Lucianne scoffed and asked thetorically. “What do you think we’re here for, genius?”

In a low, menacing voice, Xandar announced, “My sole purpose of being here today IS to kill you.”

Jake’s eyes were fixed on Lucianne’s as he uttered, “I can promise you, by the end of today, you won’t

be his anymore, sweetheart.”

Upon Lucianne and Xandar’s growls, everyone charged forward and the battle began Their cavalry

barged in through the entrance and exits upon Toby’s command,

Xandar, Juan and Tate went for Jake without giving it a second thought. The sneaky rogue Alpha

charged towards them at first but right before both sides collided, Jake leaped to the side, running away

when the rest of his followers were forced to fight their opponents Xandar and the two Alphas with him

were blocked by rogue Lycans, and were forced to fight them off first.

Alithia cleverly avoided Lucianne when she went for Toby without knowing his level of skill. They charged

at each other and when Alithia was close enough, Toby extended his claws and impaled her abdomen

before flipping her body to the side as he took on the

next one.

Lucianne’s human part was small enough to dash through opponents as she followed Jake, asking the

unshifted Sylvia and shifted Luna Emilia to follow her. The rogue Lycans seemed to be targeting the King

as they came attacking in fours. When he saw his Queen running towards a hallway, he sent a link for

any available warriors to follow Lucianne and the two wolves with her while h e tried to get rid of pesky

rogues around him.

Phelton growled before flipping himself over his surprised opponent, pulling the rogue’s ears as soon as

he landed behind him, tearing them as the rogue let out a deafening howl. The warrior then used that

time to impale his opponent’s throat and abdomen with his claws before dashing across the room to

catch up to the Queen.

Juan killed the two rogue wolves who were in his way before sprinting in the same direction, praying that

he would get to his sister before anything happened to her. After the King snapped the necks of the last

two rogues attacking him, he leaped over the dead bodies scattered around him before bolting. Christian

was only a little behind.

Lucianne, Sylvia and Emilia came to a hall that was smaller than the one they came from. They couldn’t

see Jake from where they were. Lucianne told them to stay back as she stepped through the doorway.

She sniffed the air, making sure there wasn’t any poison there to harm her friends.

She then gave them the greenlight to come through. As soon as they stepped in, Lucianne smelled silver

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coming at lightning speed from above, and two blades came into view in Sylvia and Emilia’s way.

Lucianne pushed Emilia’s wolf away before taking the blade for Sylvia, groaning as she fell to the

ground. After extracting the blade with a mild concentration of silver from her arm, Lucianne shouted,

“Get out of here, now!”

Sylvia stubbornly insisted, “We’re not leaving you, Lucy!”

“EMILIA! DODGE!” Lucianne exclaimed when she smelled another blade coming. The blade narrowly

missed the Luna, and Lucianne pulled Sylvia and Emilia out of the hall before peering through the


The guys joined them. Xandar noticed her injury, and immediately placed his hand over the already-

healing wound to heal it faster as he asked, “What are we looking at, Lucy?”

“Silver blades are being thrown from a higher level. But they don’t seem to be targeting me. One went for

Sylvia, and another two went for Emilia.” Lucianne explained.

When Lucianne was healed, Christian and Phelton walked through the doorway. Xandar made his mate

promise to stay behind with the other wolves as he went into the room to join the Duke and warrior. The

wolves watched them from where they were.

Nothing seemed to be happening. The three of them stood right in the middle and looked up. There

wasn’t anything or anyone. It was just a deserted second floor corridor. Tate caught up to the wolves and

shifted back before Juan filled him in.

Just as the three Lycans in the room were walking back to the doorway, everyone heard growls before

more rogue Lycans appeared on the second floor corridor, throwing themselves over the railing and

landing perfectly on the floor where the King, Duke and deputy minister were. Lucianne immediately

linked for back-up, so did the three in the room as they took on the rogues.

Lucianne watched the scene in worry, feeling utterly useless and helpless. She prayed that the three of

them could hold on until the other warriors came to help. Suddenly, a blade was thrown in Xandar’s

direction and it made a scratch across the length of his forearm, causing him to groan in pain.

“XANDAR!” Lucianne screamed.