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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161

“So, cuz. It’s safe to say that we’ve been played on all those projects.” Christian noted in anger before

drowning down the coffee in his polystyrene cup as the four of them sat at a table in the court cafeteria.

Judge Cook ordered a short recess after Marie Martin fainted at trial.

Xandar was as infuriated as his cousin was when he responded, “And to think I was absurd when I

thought she or the others who backed her up shared some form of relationship with the companies they

voted for. It was so obvious that those companies weren’t the best!”

“But why would you dismiss your suspicions, darling?” Lucianne asked innocently as her small hand

rested on his lap.

With much shame, Xandar took her hand and laced their fingers. He then peered into her black orbs ,

before saying, “Because we did a background check, and we couldn’t find any blood relationship

between our ministers and the companies they voted for. And the ministers all had a mate at that time.

Martin’s own mate died from a car accident only around… three years ago, I think. I never thought

someone could bribe any of them by using sex. And since the audit department didn’t put a red flag on

anything, I thought I was just being paranoid.”

Lucianne nodded in understanding as she uttered, “Looks like your suspicions have been justified all


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Xandar scoffed. “And what’s the use of that? The damage remains. Nothing can be done to rectify the

years of unfair competition. Now, the whole Kingdom would know about the countless projects during my

reign that are tainted by corruption. One for the history books.”

“No, Xandar. There is still something that can be done.” Lucianne said sterly, demanding her mate’s

attention before she continued.

Even Annie and Christian’s eyes focused on her as Lucianne spoke, “Issue a statement by tonight. Tell

the Kingdom what happened.”

“And say that the government wasn’t involved?” Xandar asked doubtfully.

“No, dearest. Say that it was. Own up to it. Marie Martin and the rest of them were govering members. It i

s clear that the government was involved. But they have been removed from goverment as soon as you

and Christian found out what was going on behind your backs. Tell the people what they deserve to

know: the truth.”

“The truth is that certain companies successfully secured government contracts with the help of corrupt

ministers, who had always managed to get the majority vote in government; the truth is that you’ve done

a background check on these ministers but there was no evidence suggesting that there was dishonest

behavior because you found no blood ties or relationships between them and the company members,

and there were no suspicious activities in the audits that were faked; the truth is that you did everything

within your reach to ensure that there was fair competition but unfortunately, senior ministers were crafty

and manipulative. They went behind yours, Christian’s and every other honest minister’s backs to vote

for particular contracts for their own benefit.”

Lucianne lifted up his hand to peck a kiss on his fingers as she whispered, “The truth is that the

corruption was uncovered during the early years of your reign, my love. Kings rule for hundreds of years.

This is only your nineteenth. Not all is lost. Things can still be turned around. See this setback as an

opportunity to gain the trust of the people. By owning up to it, you’re giving everyone in the Kingdom

something you’ve always given me whenever you’re in the room: assurance.”

“You’re assuring them that no issue, good or bad, will be swept under the mat. You’re assuring them that

n o matter how bad things are or will be, you will not choose to look the other way or bury it. You’re

assuring them that you will always get to the bottom of things and find a solution. You’re assuring them

that transparency and accountability will always be guaranteed as long as you’re King.”

“And as for the projects from unfair competitions…” Lucianne shrugged and said, “You could always give

away a portion of the profits generated by the government from the public’s use of the finished projects…

o I you could lower the tax rate a little if it makes you feel any better.”

Xandar’s eyes glistened in happiness and gratitude. He pulled Lucianne into a deep kiss before parting

their lips to ask, “How did I get so lucky to be bonded to you, my love?”

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Christian coughed to get his cousin’s attention. His voice was more cheerful than before when he said, “

Sorry, cuz. But she’s bonded to all of us, as in, the whole Kingdom. You have to share her. She’s

everyone’s Queen, not just yours.”

“Thanks for spoiling my moment with my mate.” Xandar complained with narrowed eyes.

Christian disregarded his cousin’s sarcasm and offered a wide grin and a playful bow as he said, “As

your favorite cousin, it is my greatest pleasure to annoy you, your Highness.”

When Lucianne was chuckling from watching the Duke bow like that, her mate pecked a surprise kiss on

her cheek before whispering into her ear, “Thank you, baby, so much. I needed that.” A kiss on her ear

lobe and he uttered, “I love you.”

As the usual blushes crept up her cheeks, Lucianne said, “I know. I love you, too.”

They still had some time before the court resumed its session. So, Xandar got out his phone to type out

a draft for the press statement. The four of them then passed his phone around amongst themselves to

proofread and edit the text until they were all satisfied.


After recess, the court invited Patrick Dupont to take the stand next. And after the first few questions, it

was clear that Dupont was derailing from his original defense. Initially, he said what the other ministers

said, which was that he accepted the money due to Greg Claw’s coercion.

Today, howeyer, Dupont argued that he didn’t have a clue” that government funds in large sums had

been channeling into his account for almost two decades!