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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 72
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72-1 Am Trash

“What files?” Maynard turned around and questioned me this time. It was all happening at such a pace

that I was not able to respond to Maynard and only focus on one person at a time.

“Wait!” I pushed him gently to the side and came out from behind him to stare at Thiago, “Then what files

were those?” my eyes were watery and my voice was soft. I knew I saw him taking pictures of some files.

I was just a fool enough to think he took pictures of the files for me. Maynard was standing beside us

with his eyes staring at one person and then the other. I bet he was trying to comprehend as much as he

could from the way we were talking to each other.

“You want to know? Well it was a fucking information about my mother’s case that your pack and your

Alpha King kept hidden from any of us,” he shouted back in my face and all I could do was step back and

gasp in shock.

It then struck me. All that time, he wasn’t taking care of me for me, he was taking care of someone he

had seen a potential to use in his favor. I was got used by him and couldn’t even fathom it right now. I

missed my chance of getting information about my parents just because he was too bitter and didn’t


“You used me to unlock the vault and steal the files you wanted. You never cared about my parents or

wanted to help me,” I said through sobs. My heart drowned in my chest with sorrow when I saw him nod

his head.

“Yes! I used you.” finally, he confessed, why he was the first one to show interest in me.

“A vault, what are we talking about? What have you two done?” Maynard was now even more impatient

and curious. I didn’t know how to tell him how the person I thought loved me and cared for me has fooled

me because I have shown a lot of trust in Thiago to Maynard before.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“You never cared about me or my parents,” I repeated myself, this time, I even watched his face to see

how he can react to it?

“Yes! I don’t care about your fucking parents. They can rot in hell for all I care, in fact, I hope they rot in

hell,” he made sure he looks through my eyes and says it to my face.

I couldn’t hear him talk like that about my parents but when I raised my hand to hit him, he blocked it.

“Hey!” Maynard saw how tight Thiago’s grasp was around my wrist and reached him in panic.

“Don’t do that again. I have tolerated your annoying ass long enough. If you tried hitting me again, I’ll

fucking hit you back harder.” the anger he displayed in his voice was genuine. He was not making it up.

He pushed me back but Maynard held me from falling down. I couldn’t even use my powers; I was just

defeated by my own mate.

I didn’t utter another word and Thiago escaped the scene.

I turned around and rested my forehead on Maynard’s chest, thinking he will realize why I was spending

so much time with Thiago but he didn’t.

He quickly pushed me back, making me stare at him in shock too. There was not only anger but triumph

on the face of Maynard.

“I’m not your fucking second chance or a stupid shoulder to cry on whenever your favorite mate fucks

you over,” he didn’t care when he said those words and left me alone to cry in my room.

I was heartbroken and humiliated.

That one moment made me dislike Maynard too as much as I disliked Thiago. But Maynard was upset

because he wanted me to choose him.

Now I have lost all the hopes.

Soon night arrived and everybody was back in the room. I had swollen eyes and a puffy nose from crying

for hours. It wasn’t even that I lost Thiago, but how he played me had unsettled me the most.

“And when are you coming back?” Lazlo was on the call with Jessica even when he arrived back.

“Can’t you come two days earlier? It’s just that I’m missing you a lot,” he kept talking to her while I stayed

in my study chair, pretending to finish the assignment.

I was holding tears in and not crying in front of them but they were aware of what I was going through.

Thiago was silently busy on his phone, probably going through the pictures he took instead of helping me

as he had promised.

Maynard was eating a burrito and watching a movie when his attention turned to Lazlo.

“So she is coming early?” He asked once Lazlo has cut the call. I bet he knew I would be bothered by

her mention hence he did it anyway

“Yep!” he voiced excitedly. Her name was a reminder of the horrible things I went through that night but

my mate was busy flirting with her.

“You finally understood the difference between trash and a gem?” Maynard passed that comment,

basically calling me trash.

“Yeah! Trashes are for everyone. They are good to the eyes and probably in the bed but they don’t

deserve a good relationship title. Their hoe ass cannot handle all that,” Lazlo taunted me even when they

knew I was not hoeing around. They were my mates and willingly stayed connected to me after I told

them I will not pick one.

I didn’t even know what I have done to them to be called all these names? my tears were now wetting

the assignment pages.

“Guys! That’ll be enough,” Thiago raised his face from his phone and eyed them to not poke me much.

I closed my eyes tightly because they have successfully hurt me enough to not be able to hold the tears

back. I slammed the assignment folder on my desk, getting their attention but then sprinted out of the


I was briskly walking toward the rooftop when I saw a shadow standing in the stairway.

Dang Mr. Tripper!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He was hiding in the stairway, knowing I’ll be coming there when he might have spotted me leave the

room. Where do I go and cry now? I had to return to my room to avoid Mr. Tripper. I felt like a magnet

that grabbed trouble. I walked back to the room and booked into the bathroom before they could even

pass a comment to me.

“I’m trash but that Jessica is a gem, I had tears in my eyes when I sat down on the bathroom floor and

spoke to Nia.

‘The fact that we told them everything but they didn’t believe us makes things even worse, Nia mumbled.

“I badly want to go out there and reject them all. Screw these mates, I muttered angrily, waiting to see

Nia’s reaction,

‘We cannot do that yet. I’m trying to adjust to the new powers and if you reject them now, I will be in

dismay. Losing mates constantly is not only going to hurt me but the Moon Goddess will be upset too,

she instantly warned me so that I don’t make the mistake of rejecting any of them.

“Moon Goddess isn’t mad with them for treating their mate so badly?’ I frowned sadly, not happy with

how I have to constantly do better to get accepted.

“Why do you think they haven’t rejected us already?” she explained to me in simple words why my mates

kept me around.

“How are we going to survive here now? They all hate us. And then now they will date around, how are

we going to survive?’ asked her because I was clueless about myself.

‘We need to master our powers and focus on that because soon after this academy is over, we will be

thrown in the lap of Corbin again. Remember, he said he will get his hands on us again, Nia reminding

me of our future problems gave me the strength to go


I cannot fade away now. Although my relationship with my mates is scarred, I need to get a stronger grip

on my powers and show them all who is a warrior and a gem?