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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 506
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Seraphina pressed her lips together, a hint of amusement in her voice as she said, “I'd actually be more worried if he turned out to be just sordinary guy.” She was fearless by nature, seemingly drawn to danger like a moth to a flame. The more treacherous the foe, the more she relished the challenge.

Even after reconnecting with Valerio, she had deliberately steered clear of srisky characters and situations, but when push cto shove, her heart still raced with excitement.

How could Leandro not understand what was going through her mind? He reached out, his hand gently stroking her back, his voice a soft murmur, “With Simon looking out for you, Lionel wouldn't dare touch you. But remember, Simon isn't one to be trifled with either - he won't tolerate everything.” “I'm actually quite curious to see where his limits are,” Seraphina replied.

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Leandro fell silent, not responding immediately.

After a moment, Seraphina looked up at him again and asked, “What about you? Will you stand by me, no matter what | do?” Leandro glanced down at her.

Continuing, Seraphina pressed, “Even if | were to, let's say, step out of line?” After a brief pause, Leandro finally spoke, “What exactly do you think you could do that would forceto choose sides?” “Oh, the list could be endless!” Seraphina started confidently but found herself at a loss for words. After all, Leandro, with his cool and calculated demeanor, had trusted her with Valefrom the get-go, even before he had fully grasped her current temperament. This unwavering trust was evident from the beginning. Otherwise, none of what followed would have happened.

Seraphina fell silent for a moment before asking, “What if | cheat on you?” Leandro's reply cslowly, “Then you're welcto try.” Seraphina chuckled mischievously and agreed, “Alright.” Halfway through their drive, they passed by the hospital where Lorenzo worked. Seraphina immediately instructed the driver to turn into the hospital parking lot.

She had already contacted Lorenzo and knowing that Leandro was on the night shift, she decided to pop over for sanswers.

Upon arriving, Seraphina got out of the car and then turned to Leandro, “Are you coming with me?” Leandro, clearly uninterested in the hospital visit, waved her off, “I need to make a call.” That suited Seraphina just fine. She turned and strode into the hospital with a spring in her step.

Lorenzo was attending to a teenage girl who had cin for a late-night consultation. The girl, flush with embarrassment, was accompanied by a friend who was trying to stifle her giggles, especially whenever she glanced at Lorenzo's handsome, stoic face.

Unaffected by the girls' reactions, Lorenzo completed the examination with clinical detachment, prescribed the necessary medication, and sent them on their way.

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Only then did Seraphina enter his office, slumping into the chair across from him with an exaggerated groan, “Lory, I'm feeling terrible. Givea check-up, will you?” Lorenzo didn't even lift his eyes from his computer screen, responding flatly, “You're fine. Go hand maybe a good scolding from your husband will do the trick.” Seraphina reached for a pen on his desk and tossed it at him.

Lorenzo dodged the projectile without looking up, still focused on his screen.

"Let's talk business," Seraphina said, getting to the point. "How do you know Renee?" "Who?" asked Lorenzo.

"Renee," Seraphina emphasized each syllable, "It's a unique name; you can't have forgotten. Did you treat her?" "No," Lorenzo typed as he spoke, "I don't know who that is." "You don't know her?" Seraphina scoffed, "Who are you kidding? That girl lurking behind the trees watching you, you don't know her?" Upon hearing this, Lorenzo finally granted her a glance, his voice nonchalant, "I believe | already told you, | don't know her." Seraphina paused, recalling that he had indeed denied knowing the girl before. She had assumed it was a brush- off, but now, even with Renee's nout in the open, he still claimed ignorance.

"You actually don’t know her?" Seraphina asked, her curiosity piqued, "Then how does she know you?" "How should | know?" Lorenzo retorted irritably.

"She doesn't just know you; she's got skind of intense crush on you," Seraphina said. "Her eyes light up at the mere mention of your name." Lorenzo's brows furrowed slightly at her description but relaxed soon after as he replied indifferently, “So what?” Seeing his reaction, Seraphina realized he probably didn't know Renee after all. But if Lorenzo had never treated Renee, how did a girl, kept away from the outside world, becso infatuated with him? Rubbing her chin, Seraphina muttered to herself, “This is like a creep story.” "I'm here to treat the living, not chase ghosts," Lorenzo quipped, "You might want to hire a detective for that." "Ugh, you're no fun!" Seraphina huffed, standing up and storming out.

She'd cin full of vigor and left without any answers, having only received a cold shoulder and a series of icy rebuffs. No sooner had Seraphina stepped out than she spun around and burst back in, shouting, “Lorenzo!” Lorenzo suddenly looked up, and right then, Seraphina seized the moment, snapping his picture with a definitive "click" of her smartphone.

His brow furrowed instantly, "What are you up to now?" "I need to chat with your fan club, and having a photo of you is pretty much essential," Seraphina quipped, waving her phone before adding, "Later, you've gotta lendyour yearbooks from elementary, middle, high school, and college, alright? I'll use them to schmooze with your admirers!" Lorenzo finally stood up and strode over to Seraphina, only to usher her out and slam the door shut with a resounding "bang." As she turned to leave, Seraphina couldn't help but shiver uncontrollably. The guy was like a walking iceberg, almost freezing someone to death with his chill! But what about Renee, who had been sheltered and raised in Lionel's shadow, never even setting foot outside, let alone having a normal schooling experience? How on earth did she know and showed great interest at the mention of Lorenzo's name?