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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 490
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In the darkest hours before dawn, when Reynolds Vista Retreat lay silently enshrouded in the night's embrace, Leandro returned to the grandeur of Reynolds Manor. The estate, a silhouette against the nocturnal landscape, was all but asleep, save for the gentle luminescence that seeped through the window of his bedroom.

Ascending the grand staircase, Leandro pushed open the door to find Valein a solitary slumber upon the bed.

As he adjusted the covers around his son, he noted the undisturbed state of the rest of the bed - Seraphina had not been to sleep since he left.

His search through the house yielded no sign of her until he reached the third-floor terrace. There she was, nestled in a lounge chair, gazing up at a sky where thin clouds danced around a veiled moon and stars. The night air was crisp, almost to the point of biting.

Seraphina was wrapped in a thick robe but was barefoot, her feet untouched even by socks. Approaching, Leandro touched her feet and, feeling their chill, draped his coat over them.

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"I heard you cback," Seraphina finally spoke, her voice as tranquil as the night. "I just didn't want to move." Leandro grunted his acknowledgment and sat down beside her. She leaned into him, her gaze returning skyward, and after a while, she said, "Do you remember? Long ago, the stars used to shine so bright." He followed her gaze into the heavens and murmured his agreement.

Catching a glimpse of him, she teased, "You're not the romantic type, are you? | bet you've never really looked at the stars. But my dad, he loved them." "In the summers, he'd takeout to the courtyard to cool off and star gaze. | never saw what was so special about the stars until he began to tell their stories. | was addicted to his tales; | wanted to join him every tjust to hear more." "My mom, of course, wouldn't join us. She didn't fancy getting bitten by bugs on warm summer nights. But she never scolded my dad for his hobby. She supported everything he did because she truly loved him, and he was truly worth loving..." "Leandro, it's a shyou never met my father. He was the most learned, charming man in the world..."Her voice trailed off with those last words.

After a long silence, she whispered, "Life's not fair... it's just not fair..." Leandro remained silent, simply pulling her closer into his embrace. Seraphina buried her face in his chest, clutching at the fabric of his shirt, staying still for a long time...

The next morning, Seraphina stood at the entrance of the Martin Group, requesting to see Simon at the reception.

"I'm sorry, miss, but if you wish to meet Mr. Martin, you'll have to schedule an appointment through his secretary or assistant," the receptionist replied politely.

With a slight smile, Seraphina suggested, "Then, could you please call his secretary or assistant and let them know I'd like to meet their boss?" The receptionist maintained her professional demeanor. "You could leave your nand number, and we'll forward your request to Mr. Martin's secretary upstairs." As Seraphina contemplated whether to contact Simon directly through Andrea, a familiar voice with a hint of laughter cfrom behind her, "Sera?" She turned to see Bowen, his handsface breaking into a welcoming smile.

"What a coincidence," Bowen remarked, his eyes hinting at something more. "Didn't expect to bump into you here. Do you need something?" "I was hoping to see Mr. Martin. | hear you're one of the top dogs at the Martin Group. Could you helpout here and introduce us?" Seraphina responded with a small smile.

Bowen chuckled, helping her towards the elevators. "With your current status, Sera, | might be the one needing introductions from you." "Are you sure you dare letmake introductions?" she quipped.

With a light laugh, Bowen pressed the button for the 66th floor. As the elevator ascended, he mused, "Uncle Simon's been in high spirits these past days, probably because of you, right?" "And what about you, Bowen? Are you in good spirits?" Seraphina countered.

"If you and your father reconcile, I'd be happy for you both," he said.

"That might disappoint you then," she replied with a sly grin. "After meeting with me, Mr. Martin might not be in the best of moods. | hope you won't hold that against me." "I can't believe you'd give up having such a father," Bowen sighed, then added, "You sure have a strong character." "Not only that, | remember my debts," she said, locking eyes with him. "I hope you remember that too." Bowen nodded slowly. "You might hatenow, but one day, you may ctofor help. So let's not say things we might regret." As the elevator slowed and the doors opened, Seraphina left him with a parting shot, "Take that advice to heart, Bowen. You might need it." With that, she stepped out onto the 66th floor, leaving Bowen to watch her go before turning towards his own office with a cold smirk.

Seraphina approached the door of Simon's office just as his assistant, Isaac, was stepping out. Startled by her sudden appearance, Isaac halted mid-stride before quickly advancing and murmuring in a low voice, "Miss..." "You can callMrs. Reynolds," Seraphina corrected.

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"Yes, Mrs. Reynolds," Isaac replied promptly, then added, "Are you here to see Mr. Martin? He's currently in a video conference, so you might need to wait a bit." "That's fine," Seraphina said, "I've got time." Isaac quickly lead her into the visitor's lounge, served her a cup of coffee, and left.

Five minutes later, Isaac reappeared, inviting her to Simon's office, which had just been the scene of an ongoing video conference.

"Mr. Martin was delighted to hear that you've come," Isaac explained. "He immediately paused the meeting and askedto bring you in." Seraphina's lips curved slightly, but she remained silent.

Upon entering Simon's office, she found him, not hunched over his desk as one might expect, but rather in the meeting area, grinding coffee beans by hand.

Seeing Seraphina walk in, Simon beamed. "You should've givena call before coming. | would've sent someone to pick you up so you wouldn't have to deal with any hassle downstairs. Do you want scoffee? I'll brew you a cup." Seraphina took measured steps forward, picking up the coffee beans near him for a whiff.

"I blended these beans myself. Smell good?" asked Simon.

"Delightful," Seraphina replied slowly, setting the beans down, and looked up at him. "But | don't think the conversation we need to have today should be had over coffee." Without missing a beat, Simon continued grinding the coffee, asking calmly, "What is it you'd like to discuss?" "It's about my father," Seraphina answered.

Simon's hands paused briefly, then he took a handkerchief, cleaned his hands, and spoke again, "You mean Carney Reynolds? What about him?" As he spoke, Simon sank casually into the couch, wiping his hands and asking her the question as if he had nothing to hide. Seraphina's lips curled into a faint, knowing smile before she finally spoke, "Seventeen years ago, did you kill him?"