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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 487
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After locking eyes with Simon for a brief moment, Seraphina slowly started to speak, "You know, I think I've got a pretty good handle on what kind of man Mr. Martin is. There are certain things from the past, | reckon we both have an inkling about." Her words were a clear insinuation; she was aware, to some extent, of the shady dealings Simon had once been involved in.

However, to her surprise, Simon just offered a slight smile before replying, "If you wish to cling to your former opinions of me, | won't force your hand. But, there's plenty of time ahead of us. If one day you decide to change your mind, | reckon I'd be pretty pleased." With those words, Simon picked up a mini cupcake and placed it on the small plate in front of Seraphina.

It took her a moment, but eventually Seraphina picked up the cupcake and took a bite, then she remarked casually, "Well, if you've got the patience, then wait you shall." Lunch ended in a somewhat strained mood, but luckily Simon was all for maintaining harmony, preventing the situation from spiraling downward too much.

Still, Seraphina was far from warm or cordial with him.

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After the meal, Simon had to leave first, while Seraphina offered to drop Andrea back at her studio. Throughout dinner, Andrea had been quiet, but on the way back, she finally turned to Seraphina and asked, "What's on your mind?" "What do you mean?" Seraphina responded, a bit caught off guard.

"lI just feel like there's something bothering you," Andrea said. "Can't you tell me?" Seraphina exhaled slowly and said, "I'm someone who's just faced death. What else could there be—" Andrea paused before adding, "Leandro must be furious, right? Is he planning to go after dad?" Seraphina looked at her and said slowly, "And what if he is? Will that make you angry?" "If you're not mad, what right do | have to be?" Andrea replied.

"We're standing at different points," Seraphina stated.

"I know," Andrea admitted. "But when | heard you were in trouble, that's when I really got angry." Hearing this, Seraphina turned to look at her and after a long moment, reached out to hold her hand.

"Don't worry about me," Andrea said. "Whether you forgive him or not, do what you must. It doesn't concern me." After parting with Andrea, Seraphina returned to Reynolds Manor. As the car rolled through the gates, she immediately noticed several unfamiliar vehicles parked at the main entrance.

Clearly, Leandro hadn't come home yet, but there were other guests.

Entering the house, it was as she suspected; several shareholders from the Reynolds Group circled around Conway in the living room.

It was obvious that Luke and Norman were leading the conversation. Just as Seraphina walked in, she caught Luke complementing Ferne Reynolds— "At first, | thought Ferne, being such a young girl, what could she really accomplish? Maybe she got lucky with a few projects, but she wouldn't have any significant impact on the Reynolds Group. But lately, the more | see of her, the more I'm convinced of her capabilities. She's competent, determined, and has the guts. She's definitely fit for the role of CEO." Norman, smirking slightly, added, "Indeed. These days, one really shouldn't underestimate women. Ferne's young and energetic; she's bound to do great things. Mr. Reynolds, having a granddaughter like her is truly a blessing." Conway, seated at the center, simply smiled and sipped his tea, "I'm of course delighted if Ferne's capable." The group was in the midst of their lively discussion when Seraphina, pouting slightly, entered and said, "Grandpa now only has eyes for his powerhouse granddaughter, doesn't care for me, the layabout, one bit!" Seeing Seraphina, the room fell silent for a moment before Conway burst into laughter, "You rascal, when have | ever say that?" "So it's not true?" Seraphina squeezed into the group, sitting beside Conway, "I just got out of the hospital today, and you're here, busy lauding your 'powerhouse granddaughter,’ completely ignoring me. So unfair!" "Sera!" Before Conway could reply, Luke, assuming the role of an elder, chided her, "We're discussing important matters with your grandfather; don't be childish—" "Ouch—" Before Luke could finish, Seraphina suddenly clutched her head and cried out, "My head, it's killing me... Grandpa, it hurts so bad..." Concerned, Conway quickly helped her up, "You must not have listened to the doctor's advice; otherwise, why would your headache come back all of a sudden? Go upstairs now, I'll call the doctor—" While speaking, Conway assisted Seraphina to the staircase, then turned back to address the others, "Please, make yourselves at home." The guests exchanged glances, but by then, Conway and Seraphina had vanished upstairs.

Once on the second floor, Seraphina's demeanor suddenly changed, and she began to support Conway.

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He gasped for air and tapped her playfully, "My old bones are nearly scattered because of you!" "Nonsense!" Seraphina retorted, bouncing back, "How can | be that heavy? I'm so slender!" Conway rolled his eyes at her and proceeded to his room.

"You are heartless!" Seraphina continued to grumble as she followed, "I risked my life to rescue you from those wolves downstairs, and not a word of thanks! Instead, you accuse me of being fat! You're the most heartless old man!" Finally settling down, Conway ignored her complaints and settled into his rocking chair, tuning into the radio for a . Seraphina busied herself making tea and fussing over him, "Have you eaten? Taken your medicine? Did you get your shot? All you ever do is getting together with people—" Seraphina and Conway were having a blast upstairs, leaving the bunch downstairs to their own devices. The only disturbance was the servant, who would occasionally swing by to refill their coffee mugs and top off their water glasses.

These were not men used to twiddling their thumbs, and after about twenty minutes of waiting, they started to get restless. Just as they were about to head out, the door swung open, and in walked Leandro.

His piercing gaze swept over the group, and after a brief moment of intensity, he addressed them nonchalantly, "Are you all here to see Grandpa?" Luke and Norman were familiar with Leandro's occasional visits, but the other two shareholders, aware of Leandro's prowess and tactics, couldn't help but feel intimidated.

Seeing the tension, Luke decided to cut to the chase. "We're here to discuss appointing Ferne as CEO of the Reynolds Group with Conway." "Is that so?" Leandro replied coolly. "Did you reach an agreement?" "Not yet," said Luke. "But Ferne's been performing exceptionally well lately. All the shareholders are impressed and support her. It's only a matter of time before the decision is made." Leandro's expression remained unchanged, yet he nodded and surprisingly said, "Well then, | wish you success with your plans." With that, he walked past the group and went straight through the door.

The remaining men exchanged uneasy glances, suddenly feeling a tinge of panic spreading among them.