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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 465
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Chapter 465

After leaving the airport, Leandro made his way back to the Reynolds Vista Retreat.

The place had always been quiet, but now with Gloria gone, it was as if the last whisper of life had followed her out

the door.

The house staff, normally scattered about, had gathered in small clusters, chattering away. But at the sight of

Leandro’s return, they scattered like leaves in the wind.

Ascending the staircase, Leandro entered Gloria’s room and noticed two prominently placed boxes. After a moment

of silence, he approached, picked up the boxes, and left the room.

When he arrived back at the Reynolds Manor, Seraphina was helping Valerio with his arts and crafts homework-a

simple arrangement of handcrafted flowers that Seraphina had transformed into a dance of colors and shapes.

Leandro approached, and Seraphina, catching sight of him, didn’t miss a beat. “You’re back?” she asked simply.

“Yeah, Leandro replied, placing the two boxes on the table.

Both Seraphina and Valerio’s eyes were drawn to the boxes.

“Dad, what’s that?” Valerio asked, “A gift?”

Leandro nodded slowly, “Yes, a gift.”

“Who’s it for?” Valerio inquired with growing interest, “Can I open it?”

After receiving a nod from Leandro, Valerio eagerly grabbed one box while Seraphina picked up the other, and they

opened them simultaneously.

“It’s a ring!” Valerio exclaimed, holding up a radiant emerald ring.

Seraphina looked up too, revealing a jade pendant shaped like a peanut in her hand, its texture pure and flawless.

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“Clearly, we got them mixed up,” Seraphina remarked to Valerio, swapping her peanut pendant for the emerald

ring in Valerio’s hand.

“Oh, a peanut,” Valerio said, “Is this for me?”

Leandro affirmed with a soft tone, “Your grandmother wanted you to have it, wishing you a lifetime of safety.”

At the mention of his grandmother, Valerio paused, then looked towards Seraphina.

Seraphina casually slipped the ring onto her finger and propped her chin, teasing, “Don’t you want it? Then give it

to me! It’s been ages since I’ve gotten a present!”

After a brief silence, Valerio sprang up, “Mom, you’re too greedy! You already have a ring! This one’s mine!”

“Petty little guy, isn’t what’s yours also mine?” Seraphina slapped the table with a sudden motion, but quickly

winced from hitting her ring-clad finger and held it up, hissing from the pain.

Leandro took her hand gently, examining the pear-shaped emerald that shone brilliantly against the platinum and

diamond setting.

“It’s beautiful,” Leandro said.

Seraphina cocked her head, “Is it for me? You sure you didn’t get it mixed up?”

“Maybe, Leandro responded, “But let’s just go with it. It’s kind of fun, right?”

Seraphina snorted, admiring the ring on her finger while adding, “Don’t talk nonsense, I’m not that kind of greedy


“Then I’ll take it back until I’m sure,” Leandro said.

Quick as a flash, Seraphina withdrew her hand with the ring and patted his chest with the other, “What’s yours is

mine, remember? I’ll keep it safe for you, no worries.”

With that, she stood up and headed towards the kitchen, eager to show off her new treasure to the housemaid,

“Look what I got-”

Leandro sat back, smiling faintly as he watched her leave.

Two days later, the Reynolds Mánor hosted a small recovery party for Leandro, inviting his childhood friends who

had visited him often during his hospital stay.

Leandro, usually the busiest of them all, had suddenly found some free time and organized a dinner that no one

wanted to miss.

The manor buzzed with life as the guests arrived and immediately encircled Valerio. They teased him and

persuaded him to challenge his dad, creating a lively atmosphére.

The revelation that Valerio was Seraphina’s biological child sparked yet another round of excitement.

Edgar Lamont was utterly baffled, turning to Leandro with a barrage of questions, “What’s going on? It hasn’t been

that long since I last saw you, and now-how much more are you hiding from us?”

Seraphina interjected, “It’s not like we intentionally kept it from you. Whether you know it or not… it’s irrelevant. It’s

a family matter, why should you worry?”

“How can it be irrelevant?” Edgar protested, scooping Valerio into his arms, “Before, we didn’t know if he could

speak, or where he came from, so it was hard to know how to treat him. Now it’s different. He’s your son! Plus, he’s

got a sweet tongue now. I’ve grown so fond of him, thinking of making him my godson-say hello to your godfather!”

Valerio looked to Leandro and Seraphina, silent.

Leandro couldn’t be bothered with such matters, but Seraphina glared at Edgar, “Who agreed to that? Son, don’t

you dare call him that!”

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Victor laughed out loud, “Ignore him; he’s just feeling guilty about something.”

Edgar shot Victor a glare, and Seraphina, intrigued, slid over, “What have you done that made you guilty enough to

use my son as a shield?

“Please,” Edgar said, “What could I possibly feel guilty about? Right, my dear godson?”

Valerio, ever obedient to Seraphina, turned his face away, declining to respond.

Seraphina sidled up to Victor and said, “If he won’t spill the beans, Victor, tell us.”

“It’s no big deal,” Victor replied, “Their family just signed a major deal with the Martin Group-”

“Oh! Seraphina turned sharply to Edgar. “You traitor! How dare you show your face at my dinner table? And you

have the nerve to ask to be my son’s godfather after this?”

Edgar was caught off guard by Seraphina’s verbal barrage and could only stammer out a defense. “I didn’t mean

to… First off, I couldn’t decide this alone; second, when the deal was struck, I honestly thought the Reynolds and the

Martin Groups had buried the hatchet; and third, all this drama unfolded after your accident-by then, the contracts

were already signed. There was nothing I could do!”

Leandro, on the other hand, seemed unfazed, merely glancing at Edgar before turning back to chat with Hal


Seraphina, however, was relentless. She was determined to see Edgar, whom she considered a “public enemy,”

ousted from the Reynolds circle.

As they were jostling at the door, a car pulled up. The engine cut out, and Herman stepped out of the driver’s seat.

“What in the world are you two doing?” Herman asked, a frown creasing his brow as he caught sight of Seraphina

and Edgar’s shoving match. “Don’t ask,” Seraphina snapped. “Just help me kick him out first!”

Edgar, usually a suave and worldly man, found himself at a loss under the assault of Seraphina, Leandro’s wife. He

had to surrender, “I’m sorry, okay? It’s all my fault! I swear, I’ll never do anything to cross the Reynolds Group or

Leandro. Can we let it go now?”

Seraphina huffed, “Swear again.”