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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 37
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Chapter 37

Balch adjusted his glasses, squinting slightly to look at the woman in front of him.

The bright headlights illuminated her face. Her smile was still brilliant, but her eyes had lost their usual

sparkle. Balch reached out, steadying her by the arrn, feeling her chill through her thin clothing

Quickh he shed his formal jacket and draped it over Seraphina’s shoulders, whispering, “It’s a bit chilly.

You’re not dressed warmly enough”

“Really?” Seraphina tilted her head slightly. “I don’t feel it ”

Balch looked at her, slowly saying “Are you okay?”

Tm fine” Semphina shrugged off his jacket and handed it back to him, “I’m good!”

Balch eyed her but didn’t take the jacket Seraphina stuffed it into his arms before turning to leave

After a series of hurried movements, she suddenly stopped. The next moment, she swayed, almost

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falling into Balch’s arms.

Balch immediately steadied her, but Seraphina insisted on standing up straight

“I know you might’ve had a rough day” Balch said, “Don’t push yourself too hard”

Seraphina bowed her head, letting out a soft chuckle.

Balch fell silent for a moment before saying. “Your body temperature is really low. Why don’t you come

over to my place and take a hot shower, relax a bit?

After a moment of silence, Seraphina lifted her head to look at him, slowly beginning to smile. “Sure.”

Balch was surprised she agreed to his sudden suggestion. He saw her smile, worried she might have

misunderstood something, but didn’t know how to clarify. All he could do was help her into his car and

drive her to his home.

Balch’s villa wasn’t extravagant, but it was very cozy and full of life. Neat and warm like there was a

housewife taking care of it every day

However, thinking of the housewife who had been dead for two years, Janetta, gave Seraphina a chill.

Balch turned his head, seeing her shiver, said, “I’ll show you to the quest room”

Seraphina nodded, following behind him. As they passed the living room, she saw a huge portrait of

Janetta. After Balch briefly introduced the room, he left. Seraphina watched his retreating figure as he

closed the door, slowly taking off her clothes.

The shadow of a woman who had been dead for two years still filled the entire house.

Seraphina took a deep breath and followed Balch into the guest room.

She stayed in the bathroom for about an hour When she came out after the bath, she was only

wrapped in a white towel, her long hair draped over her delicate skin.

Seraphina opened the door and stepped out.

Balch was sitting quietly in the living room waiting. Hearing her, he lifted his head, and was taken aback

when he saw her.

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“Ive finished bathing.” Seraphina walked straight to him and sat down, “Mr. Lawson, would you like to

get straight to it, or do we chit–chat first?”

Balch looked at her, slowly saying. “You’ve misunderstood, I didn’t mean that.”

Seraphina glanced down at herself, then turned to look at him, laughing. “Really? Mr. Lawson, you

brought me home to shower, just for a shower?”

Balch heard her sarcastic tone, but didn’t get angry, Instead, he got up and went upstairs.

Not long after, he came back down with a grey bathrobe in his hand.

Seraphina sat on the sofa without moving. He directly draped the robe over Seraphina and tied the belt,

eliminating any possible ambiguity.

“Never give up on yourself, no matter what Balch said softly.

Seraphina looked at the man in front of her, “Mr. Lawson, do you think I’m giving up on myself?”

Balch lifted his eyes to look at her.

Seraphina chuckled, slowly saying, “I’m actually just searching for a lifeline”