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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120

Leandro walked straight into the venue while listening to Keen’s explanation about Copper’s identity

Then Seraphina gently wheeled Cooper out of the elevator Watching Leandro’s back Cooper finally

couldn’t help but ask, “Sera, who’s that guy?”

“Leandro Reynolds, Seraphina replied, “the head honcho of the Reynolds family in Sunburst City”

“And how do you two know each other?”

Seraphina gave a small smile. “That’s a long story”

Hearing this. Cooper wanted to ask more, but the crowd amund them was getting more, so he had to

hold his tongue.

Since Cooper hadn’t shown his face in a long while, almost no one recognized him outside the venue.

Only after a staff member confirmed his identity did they usher them

into the venue

Inside, the venue was brightly lit and already packed with quests.

Seraphina noticed that from the moment they entered the venue, Cooper had become a bit tense

He hadn’t attended such an event in many years, and especially not in this condition. His emotions

were inevitably fluctuating

Seraphina bent slightly towards him and said with a smile, “I came here hoping to meet some big shots.

You’ve got to introduce me around, okay?”

Cooper gave a small laugh and said, “Sure”

Today was a big day for the Adams Group Many of the guests were ok friends of the Adams family.

Even though Cooper hadn’t seen them in a long time, he still remembered them.

Seraphina pushed him around the venue for a bit, attracting quite a few looks. Without Cooper

initiating, many people came up to greet him.

At first, Cooper was a bit uncomfortable, but he’d grown up in this environment, so he quickly adapted.

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Seeing him so at ease, Seraphina felt reassured.

From a distance, Melisa saw this and excitedly walked over to her husband Nathan Adams. Ignoring

that Nathan was talking to a guest, she tugged at his sleeve, exclaiming. “Nathan, look, that’s

Seraphina Look how happy Cooper seems with her around!”

Nathan glanced in the direction she pointed, then quickly averted his eyes. He muttered “Melisa I’m

talking to a guest. It’s rude to disturb us like this”

Melisa just then realized her rudeness. She looked at the person in front of Nathan and laughed


“This is Mr. Leandro of the Reynolds Group in Sunburst City Nathan introduced, “This is my wife,

Melisa I apologize for her rudeness just now”

Leandro nodded slightly, saying calmly. “Melisa is quite straightforward”

Melisa burst into laughter, telling her husband, “See, Mr. Reynolds doesn’t mind at all. The more I see

of Seraphina, the more I like her. Let’s observe a while longer, and if we think it’s right, let’s allow her

and Cooper to make their relationship official, okay? Cooper’s been sweet on her for years. My boy has

good taste”

Nathan was somewhat helpless in the face of his wife’s enthusiasm, but hearing her words, he couldn’t

help but take another look at Cooper and Seraphina

Though Cooper was in a wheelchair, just by appearances, they seemed well–matched

Keen, who was standing behind Leandro, heard Melisa’s words and couldn’t help but wipe the sweat

off his forehead, then looked at Leandro’s back. He thought to himself that the Adams family probably

didn’t know about Leandro and Seraphina’s relationship Judging by their current behavior, they clearly

wanted to snatch Seraphina away!

As he was lost in thought, he suddenly heard Leandro ask, “Melisa, have you set your sights on


The Adams couple were both somewhat surprised at this.

“Mr. Reynolds, do you know Ms. Bennett?” Nathan asked

Leandro glanced at Seraphina in the crowd, then said calmly. It’s quite a coincidence that someone

from the Reynolds family has caught your fancy

Hearing this, Nathan’s expression changed slightly as he looked towards Leandro.

Melisa, however, hadn’t caught on yet. She continued asking, “Isn’t Seraphina the adopted daughter of

the Wilson family? What does she have to do with the Reynolds family?

“Melisa!” Nathan interrupted her, “Go chat with the ladies. Don’t interrupt my conversation with Mr.

Reynolds ”

Reluctantly, Melisa walked off. Then, Nathan turned to Leandro, “I apologize for my wife’s ignorance I

hope you weren’t offended.”

Leandro just gave a slight smile, “It’s alright”

After finishing his conversation with Leandro, Nathan had many other guests to entertain. Despite

being swamped, he still took the time to explain to Melisa what Leandro had meant

Melisa was shocked and quite angry “How could he regard Seraphina as the part of his family directly?

Look at how well Seraphina and Cooper are getting along! What right. does he have to interfere?”

“Regardless, you should talk to Cooper about this Nathan advised, “Don’t keep him in the dark.”

Realizing the necessity of this, Melisa nodded and walked over to Cooper

Seraphina had just gone to the restroom. Melisa pulled Cooper aside and briefly explained the situation

Unexpectedly, there was no surprise on Cooper’s face

In the elevator, the conversation between Seraphina and Leandro had already been a bit flirty. In the

venue, he also noticed Leandro glancing at Seraphina multiple times.

“But you don’t have to worry too much Melisa sard They aren’t married, nor are they in an official

relationship Who is he to claim Seraphina as his own? If you really like her, we might even stand a

chance against the Reynolds family”

Cooper slowly responded, “Mom, don’t worry I know what to do

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When Seraphina returned to the venue, she saw Cooper sitting quietly in a corner by himself

“What’s up?” Seraphina asked as she walked over “Tired?”

“Not really” Cooper replied.

Seraphina glanced at Leandro, who was conversing with someone in the distance, then turned back

and suggested, “Shall we go outside for some fresh air?”

Cooper thought for a moment and said, “Sure”

They waded through the crowd to reach the terrace. It was the height of summer, and everyone else

was indoors, enjoying the air conditioning, leaving the terrace peaceful

and quiet

Seraphina brought some fruit and red wine. She made a toast with Cooper while gazing at the city’s

night view

After a moment of silence, Cooper finally spoke up, Sera, as a friend, would you be willing to talk to me

about that guy?”

Seraphina was just about to eat some berries. At his words, she looked back inside and saw Leandro’s

silhouette. He was only seen in profile, but he still very visible

She swallowed the grape and laughed, “I don’t really want to talk about the past”

Cooper just nodded. “Okay”

Seraphina glanced at him. “Why are you like this? If you asked a bit more, I might have told you.”

“You’ll say it if you want to,” Cooper replied

Seraphina sat on the terrace sofa, looking up at the sky, “It’s not exactly a secret. There’s no harm in

telling you To put it simply, I loved him when I was young and foolish

Cooper’s face looked nervous involuntarily, “And now?”

“You’re jumping too fast on the timeline, but I’ll still answer” Seraphina looked at him, her eyes clear

and straightforward, “Now, I hate him.”

Cooper was taken aback by such a strai)

ward response. He took a m

This a very chicle story An innocent girl deceived by a bad boy happe girthood years, such a cringe fest