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Tangled By Fate

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Dastan said, "See what he did to you? You weren't like this before. He changed you, didn't he?"

Veronica shot a glare at him. She said, "First of all, you don't know a thing about me! Second, people change after having new experiences. There are times when people have to make decisions to survive in the harsh world. That's when they change. They decide to change.

"I wanted to change. I'm not that naïve girl you knew I was. I've seen things I never imagined seeing. I've learned things I never knew of. Above all, I don't regret my choice. I'm glad I did it."

Dastan couldn't describe the emotions he was having. The more she retaliated, the more restless he had become.

"You are saying this now because you don't understand, Veronica. I know you don't like me because I tried to force you to bring me here. But what I am going to tell you, you must listen."

Veronica crossed her arms.

"Why should I?" she demanded. "Just because I will listen to what you have to say doesn't mean I will obey it."

"With that guy you married, you are destined to suffer."

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"This again! I told you I don't want to hear anything about it!"

Veronica snapped at him. She had never felt this kind of anger before.

The malice he created with his words was already making her uneasy and that feeling was creeping to her bones. His grave expression only created a grim atmosphere. It made her want to believe whatever he was saying.

However, Dastan kept going on, "You will continue to suffer until the day you die. You will die quickly and in the most painful way you can possibly imagine. And the one who will be blamed for it is him…"

"Enough!" Veronica shouted. "Get out of my house immediately. I have tolerated you long enough. I don't want to see your face ever again."

Dastan watched her getting aggressive every time he mentioned something negative about Arthur. He couldn't stand the agitated feeling in his heart.

He stomped forward and grabbed her arms. Before Veronica could retaliate, he pulled her closer and covered her lips.


The unexpectedly sudden attack froze Veronica on the spot. She couldn't understand what was happening.

She found herself in his arms all at once and then his face came so close. She couldn't move her head or her mouth. Her eyes flew open when her lips were roughly nibbled.

She couldn't hear the rest of the words because she passed out.

The darkness consumed her. Thɪs chapter is updated by novelenglish.net . (ꜰ)ire.ɴet

Dastan saw her losing consciousness. Regret crept into his heart. He wanted to hold her but he heard noises coming from outside.

He quickly looked outside the window. He saw Urulas coming toward the house.

Urulas' house was closer to this guest house. He was having his dinner when heard some noises from Veronica's house which he found rather peculiar. The only person she knew well was Ovior, currently residing in his house. She had no reason to talk loudly to bother her neighbors… unless someone was bothering her late at night.

Just when Urulas thought about it, his brother's face came to his mind.

'I hope he isn't doing anything out of the ordinary,' he prayed.

He dropped his food and dashed out of his house. As he headed toward Veronica's house, he saw a dark shadow jumping out of her window.

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With his sharp eyes, there was no way he wouldn't recognize his brother. He quickly headed toward the house.

The front door was open. He entered the house and looked around.

The house seemed awfully quiet. Urulas felt his heart shudder in fear.

'Aeolus, you fool! What have you done?!' he wondered.

"Veronica, are you here…"

His voice hitched when he saw Veronica lying on the ground, completely unconscious.


He carried her to the bed and checked up on her. Her breathing was shallow and her pulse was weak.

Since he didn't know what made her like this, he called the guards and the doctor.

Soon, the guards surrounded her house and the physician came. The physician checked up on her and his face darkened.

"What happened to her?" Urulas asked.