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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 99
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99. BLEEDING SEBASTIAN’s POV The conversation with my parents lasted for more than an hour, and by the end of it... | was really pis sed off, especially with my mother.

heaved a sigh of exasperation as | irritably ran my fingers through my hair and turned the kn ob on the door leading to my room. It’s already one in the morning, according to the ton my phone, which I just checked.

| noticed the bath towel that was still untouched and spread out in its original position on the carpet as soon as the door was opened. The room was illuminated by the bedside lamp that was on the nightstand.

My mind immediately went back to the previous scene that flashed clearly in my mind.

Her cr eamy white flawless skin... her slender legs... her curves... those pink... ahh! | took a few deep breaths as the rising heat in my body causedto gulp many times. | gave a little shake of the head and then dashed into the bathroom to get a cold shower.

As soon as | had finished drying my hair and put on comfortable clothes to sleep... | pulled the covers overand laid down next to Celine. However... | could detect a barely perceptible tremor in the spot just next to me.

“Celine... what's wrong?” | asked as | slightly shook her left shoulder.

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She was curled up on one side and her forehead was wet from sweating heavily. Her lips were pale from her biting, and her body was 425 BONUS shaking.

“Celine!” | sat up straight away and placed her head on my lap.” What's happening?” “It hurts...” She uttered the words in a trembling voice. “I'm hurt...” “Where?” | asked in panic. “Where exactly does it hurt?” “My stomach...” she groaned, clutching her stomach tightly. “It... it hurts so much...” | hastily threw the covers off of her body, and | was astounded to see blood on the bed. Additionally, her white nightdress had red stains smeared all over it.

Is she having her period? Celine opened her eyes, and they were bloodshot red as tears pooled in them. Her trembling hand grabbed mine. “Please... can you bringspainkillers?” At this very moment, the color of her face was beginning to fade, and her entire body was fiercely trembling.

“Ill take you to the hospital!” | responded, and was going to take her up when she preventedfrom doing so.

“I just need spainkillers...” she remarked, gradually lowering the volof her voice. Her hand was clenched tightly around mine, and the perspiration that had accumulated on her forehead continued to trickle down her face. “Helpget spainkillers. This period pain, is an old illness... please, | need painkillers...” When | looked down at the b loody sea beneath her, | shook my head and couldn’t help but think that this wasn’t just a regular period.

| bent down and grabbed the towel from where it had been lying on the ground. | then wrapped it around her and quickly picked her up.

+25 BONUS and rushed to the front door.

“S-sebastian...” she mumbled, her voice was getting weaker. “W-what are you doing?” She drew a long breath in, and | could feel the weakness spreading across her body.

“This doesn’t look normal...” | said as | hurriedly unlocked and then kicked open the door, and then made my way down the stairs.

“This is my body, and I'm the one who knows it better than anyone else...” she stated, gritting her teeth. This is nothing more than a period...” | fixed my gaze intently on her features while clenching my hands in frustration at this stubborn woman. This isn’t a normal period! You're f ucking bleeding!” | could feel that even the towel on my arms was already wet. Celine closed her eyes and buried her face in my chest.

“S sir... what's going on?” A maid who had undoubtedly heard me. yelling, woke up, and dashed out of her room while rubbing her eyes.

“Get the driver to prepare the car! Hurry up!” | yelled, and she sped off to the quarters reserved for the chauffer.

AUTHOR'S POV Because the noise level was so high, Brylee, who had not yet been lulled to sleep, decide pen the door. Their rooms were only separated by Cyalum.

She strolle a glim her nightgown and look dan tearing down the down, only to catch rs with Celine in hi nd tried to look atw +25 BONUS her eyes kept darting back to the ground, where she noticed blood on the surface.

Even though they only appeared to be droplets... it was very strange for her to see blood coming from a woman who she thought was pregnant.

It was at this very tthat she appeared to have had an epiphany, as seen by the grin on her face as she made her way back to her room.

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sok SEBASTIAN’s POV varms a I held Celine in the driver sped to reach the hospital very quickly. | had already given Jason the instructions to speak with the -physician and go to Anderson hospital to meetthere.

As soon as | stepped out of the car, medical staff raced over and began dragging a stretcher in my direction.

Soon enough... Celine, who had lost consciousness, was pushed into the operating room, and | was left outside, pacing back and forth in the waiting area. A few traces of wrinkles on my face could surely be seen, along with my tensely-knit eyebrows as | thought of Celine’s condition.

“Mr. Anderson!” Jason hastened his way over and handeda box. ” Why don’t you change your clothes first...” When | looked down at my white shirt, | noticed that it had a blood stain on it. | gave the operating room a quick glance and then scowled; the concern | had for Celine was growing more intense with every additional second that she remained inside the operating room.

After taking the coat out of the box and putting it on me, | sat down in the waiting area and hoped and prayed that my wife would be okay.

| remained there for a while, until the door to the operating room +25 BONUS eventually opened, and a nurse ran out in a panic before returning with bags of blood in her hands.

After a few minutes had passed, a different nurse had cout of the room, and | couldn't help myself any longer, so | grabbed her hand and prevented her from moving any further.

“How is my wife doing?” | inquired, and as a result of my anxiety, my voice was slightly trembling.

“Mr. Anderson... your wife is in the midst of an ectopic pregnancy, and she is experiencing a significant loss of blood. She is in critical condition right now...” she paused. “She has not regained consciousness yet, and an emergency blood transfusion is required right away!” | slowly took my hand off of her as | stood there dumbfounded, the feeling of weakness creeping up to my knees as my eyes wandered around in confusion.

Ectopic pregnancy? Was Celine really pregnant with my baby?