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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 80
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80. PROBLEM SOLVED SEBASTIAN’s POV To my astonishment... Celine moved closer to Cynthia and checked what she was struggling to answer.

“Which question do you need assistance with?” she asked with al raised brow, and plastered a smile on her face.

Cynthia regarded her with an air of condescension in her eyes. “This! This, and this!” She made a point by poking at the page of her book that was opened. “Can you answer all of them? Wait... Do you even know these problems?” Celine shrugged her shoulders, ignoring Cynthia's mocking. During the tthat she was reading the questions, she maintained her silence, and after the moment she was done... she took out a pen and began scribbling on the book as well as on the piece of paper that Cynthia had given to her.

That's when | realized that it was tto head down the staircase and see what she was up to. | was taken aback to discover that not only did she provide responses to the questions that Cynthia had posed to her, but that she also documented the entire procedure on paper.

“Does this solve your problem?” she asked while Cynthia's eyes darted between the questions and the smart woman.

As she continued to stare at Celine, a look of bewilderment eventually crossed her features. When | caught a glimpse of admiration in my sister's eyes, | couldn't help but crack a grin.

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“What's the matter?” Celine inquired, and they were so focused on each other that they didn’t even notice | was standing behind them.

1/4 +25 BONUS Can | help you understand it by breaking it down into simpler terms?” “No... no! It's okay. You needn't bother...” After putting the book away, Cynthia got to her feet. “I'm starving, let's get something to eat!” As she turned around to go to the dining room, her eyes widened when she saw me. “Seb! You're home!” She caround the couch and hugged me, then kissedon the cheek before pulling away with a pout on her face. “I'm starving...” | “Bro... | thought you were still in the office.” | was greeted by Jake with a pleasant smile.

“I felt bored...” | answered shortly as | shrugged my shoulders and turned around, purposely ignoring Celine who seemed to be waiting forto approach her. | dragged Cynthia withinto the kitchen with my arm wrapped around her shoulder. “Let's see what's the dish for tonight!” “Sure!” Cynthia nodded and smiled broadly as we moved toward the direction of the kitchen. “I'll ask Mr. Lee to cook my favorite dish...

“The table is ready for dinner!” After Mr. Lee made the announcement, we shifted our pace to the right, changing our direction into the dining room.

| also noticed that Jake and Celine got up from where they were sitting and walked over to us, while | pulled a chair forto sit. | frowned when my sister remained standing, waiting for my cousin and Celine to step into the dining room.

The servant quickly poured a cup of tea for me, then stepped back and waited for the others to arrive.

Celine sat opposite from mine, and Jake was about to sit next to her, but Cynthia prevented him from doing so...

pushing my cousin aside and sitting down next to Celine.

2/4 +25 BONUS Jake shook his head and settled himself beside Cynthia, with a pout on his lips.

“Basti my son... you're home!” | winced at mom’s nicknforas she and Brylee entered the dining room, and | greeted them back with a small nod. “Chere, Brylee. You take a seat next to your future husband...” Mom even pulled a chair for Brylee to sit next to me, before she settled herself at the head of the table, since dad said that he would be late in getting hbecause he had a meeting until eight o'clock. in the evening.

The dishes were served almost instantly by the servants. In a short amount of time... there were over ten different dishes served on the table.

“Can you get a bottle of red wine, please?” Mom called for one of the household helpers, but Mr. Lee had already arrived, carrying an expensive bottle of Chateau Lafite 1787.

He popped the bottle open and poured each of us a glass of the beverage. “Cheers!” mom exclaimed with a smile, and everyone raised their glasses and took a sip. Then, everyone began to eat casually.

On the other hand... the young lady whose seat was directly across from mine wasn’t eating but instead staring at the wine glass, from which she took sips intermittently until it was completely depleted. She seemed to be in deep thought, oblivious to the fact that | was watching her every move.

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The servant who was now holding the red wine noticed her glass, so she filled the glass that was already empty with the blood-colored liquid once more.

Brylee’s expression bechostile as she looked at her sister and +25 BONUS frowned as she did so. She inhaled deeply before picking up a dish, carefully placing it on my plate, and then sendinga sweet smile.

“Try this one, Seb...” she said. “This is delicious...” “Thank you...” | smiled back and she nodded, caressing my arm.

before picking up a piece of steak and reaching out to put it on Celine’s plate.

“Have sfood, my dear sister...” She exhibited a caring and kind demeanor toward her sister, exemplifying what it means to be the best sister in the world.

Celine looked up at Brylee, and raised her glass with a smile before taking another sip. After she had finished drinking from her glass, she turned her attention on me, her lips wearing a wicked grin.

And the next thing | felt was a foot touching my leg from under the table.