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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 75
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getting their hands dirty unless it was an absolute necessity. And | would never have guessed that such a powerful old man could be so generous.

“Can | be of any assistance?” | inquired while simultaneously rolling. the sleeves of my sweater up. “What exactly are you trying to do here? I'll make it...” “You know how to cook?” | smiled at his question. “Did you want to make bread?” “Yes...” he answered. “Do you know how to make them?” | smiled, walking over to the bowl in front of them. Sebastian stepped aside and gave way to me, and | immediately began to work.

I quickly made a ball of dough with the original messy mixture, then began taking out ingredients from the fridge, such as meat and vegetables. | mixed them together in the blender and ground them. And then stuffed the ingredients inside the dough.

“Celine, you're pretty talented when it comes to working with your hands...” the old man’s expression conveyed astonishment as he exclaimed, “You're even better than our cook!” | couldn't help but cr ack a grin as | replied, “Now, that’s an exaggeration, Mr. Anderson... Making bread is not nearly as difficult as you might think...” “Is Brylee also skilled in the art of baking bread?” | was in the middle. of putting the tray in the oven when he suddenly asked, and my hands froze up.

As | turned to face him, a smile spread across my face. “Well... | suppose you'll have to inquire with my sister about that. Only she can. provide the response to your question...” He laughed and said, “Oh, I'll remember that... Just so you know, I've +25 BONUS heard that you've been seeing Jake...” Before turning to face him, | washed my hands and made sure the door to the oven was securely shut.

| couldn't help but steal a glance at Sebastian, who was standing there impassively listening and watching us.

“Are you worried that Jake might be negatively influenced byin the future?” “No, no, no... that’s not what | meant.” He laughed. “I was just thinking... that man has a good eye for women...” Sebastian coughed awkwardly and then turned around, moving in the direction of the restroom that was located close to the kitchen.

717 +25 BONUS IMPRESSED CELINE'S POV “Mr. Anderson... | believe you to be the first person who has ever thought that...” | said as | began to clean up the mess that had been left on the table.

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“Celine... may | ask you why you said that?” The old man inquired while giggling at himself. “You're a nice woman. If only Sebastian wasn’t going to marry your sister...” | looked up at him, confused. What does he mean by that? “It’s possible that you've picked up on the rumors that are going around abouton various social media...” | stated.

“You said it yourself, dear... They are nothing more than rumors. Nobody is able to differentiate between a truth and a lie. What I've seen with my own eyes is not a rumor...” he said.

And | must admit, his response did catchoff guard a little bit. Evidently, this wealthy man standing in front ofhad a mind that was astute and prudent, and he was very skilled at dealing with other people. | wasn’t surprised to learn that he was a very successful businessman, due to the manner in which he conducted his business.

“Since its inception... the Anderson family business has steadily expanded over the course of its history. We all failed to provide Cynthia with appropriate discipline. We marked her with a black card, but we overlooked the opportunity to educate her...” It was clear from the tone of Mr. Anderson’s voice that he was filled with remorse, and | could feel the depth of his love for his daughter. It was at that moment that | almost wanted to regret the physical harm | had caused Cynthia.

1/5 +25 BONUS “Her brother coddled her, and as a result... she grew up to be the spoiled brat that she is now...” he continued, letting out a long sigh before pausing for a few seconds. “I heard everything that you said at the party last night, and you were the first person who could make my daughter incapable of making any further comments. You should know that her mouth is like an armalite; she just can’t control what comes out of it...” It madelaugh. But as | looked at him while | was washing my hands, a serious expression crept over my face.

“So... you wantto teach her and tthat fiery temper of hers? Change that bad attitude that she’s been showing over the years...?” “Yeah...” he nodded.

| gave him a quizzical look. “Aren't you afraid that | will lead her astray? That she will end up on the wrong road rather than the right, road that you want her to take. Why don’t you just get a trained expert to take care of the problem for you?” Mr. Anderson flashed a grin before shaking his head. “Celine... as you well know, life is the sas doing business. Gambling is the only way for us to determine the outcome. How much more awful can she make herself? How far is she capable of going?” he asked.

And the sthing occurred toafter | heard him say it.

“You're the first person I've met who doesn’t fear her, and the fact that you don’t fear her alone makes you so much more powerful than any famous professional in the world. You're also the one who first succeeded in keeping all of that rage under control for her... You really impressed me, Celine...” he said, and | smiled. “I should let my girl learn that she can’t do whatever she wants with money...” No... | was more impressed by this powerful man. The way he thought about educating and teaching his daughter... And he truly was +25 BONUS a genius when it cto running a business. Indeed, he is correct. You ought to engage in gambling. At the very least, | have a fifty- percent chance of winning.

Every action | took at this point wasgetting ready for JuLauren’s fall from grace. Because of this extremely intelligent individual, | picked up snew information.

The alarm on the oven went off, lettingknow that the bread had finished baking at that point. | put on a potholder and removed the tray from inside the oven.

“Celine, my dear... you're quite a talented cook! This bread is very delicious!” Exclaiming his contentment with the bread he was currently consuming, Mr. Anderson remarked on it. “Jake would be the luckiest person in the world if you were going to marry him...” | couldn’t help but blush at his statement. After giving the clock on the wall a quick glance, | noticed that it was already fifteen minutes before seven o’clock. | need to get back to Cynthia's room before it gets too late.

“I should go, Mr. Anderson...” While he was still in the middle of devouring the bread that | had made, | bowed down to him. “I'll rouse Cynthia so she can get ready for school...” “Are you not planning to eat anything?” “Cynthia and | will eat together later. Thank you...” | said, leaving the kitchen in a hurry.

But as | was walking down the hallway, someone intentionally bumped intoand pinnedagainst the wall, then pressed his hard body against mine.

“S-sebastian...?” | whispered as | looked up at him.

| stifled a gasp when he leaned closer to me, fanning my ear with his 3/5 warm breath, and then whispered something into my ear. “Do you want to marry Jake?” +25 BONUS After that, he took a step back, and those blue orbs of his locked onto mine with a strong possessiveness.

Because | found it uncomfortable to be looked at by him, | pushed him away with all the strength | could muster.

Nevertheless, this stunningly handsman had a sharp mind. He took hold of my hand and pressed it against his chest, directly on top of his heart.

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His eyes becpiercingly bright all of a sudden, and with a chilly smile on his face, he said in a low baritone...

“You're serious about wanting to marry him, aren't you...?” | wanted to retrieve my hand but the man grabbed it so tightly that! couldn't move at all. | stared up into his eyes with a miserable expression.

“Mr. Sebastian Anderson... why do you care who | want to marry? What does it have to do with you?” He appeared to be smiling but his eyes were narrowed as he looked closely at me. He then took a deep breath while inhaling the scent of my hair and asked, “It has nothing to do with me? Maybe you need my help to jog your memory a little bit?” The ambiguous words were pounding in my eardrums. | looked at him. in shock. | knew what he was trying to say. He's acting as if he ownedbecause of what happened to us.

“Oh, man... calm down, it's not that big of a deal...” | scoffed at him.

As he continued to stare atintently, the room fell into a deathly. stillness that enveloped him. | did not experience any fear at all, nor did | have any difficulty. When I looked into his dark eyes, my eyebrows arched upward in concentration.

#5 +25 BONUS “These kinds of things are so out of style now. Don’t be concerned; | won't force you to shoulder any responsibility...” As a wise man said... the times we're in are changing. Of course, | was aware of that... However, | couldn't help but wonder whether this man is still bound by the primitive values he was raised with.

In addition to that, | couldn't help but think back to what Jake had toldbefore. Sebastian's very first experience was with me...

That remark put a smile on my face...

And to my astonishment, Seb froze up... but he quickly bent down and kissedon the lips. | was taken aback, and my pupils drew together as | allowed him to kiss me. And by the t| cto my senses, he had already let go of me.