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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 55
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55. VENGEANCE CELINE’s POV “Really...?"” As Mrs. Anderson turned to look at her son, who was sitting in his seat laughing and beaming with pride, her smile becwider.

“That was never a mistake, her first tever...” Sebastian.

deliberately said those words slowly, as if he were tasting each syllable on the tip of his tongue.

| ducked my head down and bit the inside of my bottom lip, feeling the tips of my ears burning.

“It's okay, sweetheart...” Mrs. Anderson smiled. “We're all adults here. There's no need to be shy...” “Let’s go upstairs so you can take a rest...” Sebastian stood up from his seat and extended his hand forto take, and because his mo was watching us... | couldn't do anything but to smile and place m hand in his.

We went up the stairs together while holding hands, and entered his room. However, the moment he shut the door, | immediately shook his hand away from mine.

“Why do you insist on acting as though | am Brylee?” | asked him while putting my arms across my chest and giving him a hostile look.

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“Remember, Celine... you're the first one who started pretending that you're my fiancée...” he shrugged his shoulders and my eyes expanded in response when he started taking off his shirt. “If it is what you want... we can easily make it happen. My offer is still on the table, Celine. Be my wife...” +25 BONUS My heart hardly beat as | turned my back on him when he started to take off his pants. “I... I'm sorry, but there is no way in hell that I could ever fall for you...” “You sure about that, huh?” | could hear him scoff, his footsteps approaching closer to me.

“Put your clothes on!” | exclaimed, closing my eyes. However, | becaware of him standing in front of me, his hands were now on my shoulders. “W-what are you doing?” “What do you think | am doing?” he asked, and | opened my eyes only to meet his darkened ones.

His right hand started to move from my shoulder, down to my stomach. | hitched my breath when he started to draw circles on it with his digits.

My skin began to crawl with goosebumps, and he smiled. “I love the way your body responds to me, Celine...” he breathed into my ear. was aware of what was about to happen next, and | really wanted him to stop, but | don’t understand why | was unable to do so.

My heart rate quickened as Sebastian's fingers moved further up my dress and began running along my bare thigh. This caused my breathing to becmore rapid. As he becaware of how my body responded to him, a smile gradually appeared on his lips.

“One touch, Celine... And you're already panting...” his voice was husky as he whispered. He leaned over, and | squeezed my eyes shut, tilting. my head to give him access.

His tongue made a flat stripe down on my neck and | quivered. My fingers tangled in his hair and | tugged as he nibbled at my flesh. One of his hands slid down between my legs and | opened my eyes but | grabbed his wrist to stop him when | saw a shadow move just outside of the door.

#25 BONUS “What's wrong?” He breathed.

“I think... someone's eavesdropping, | uttered in a low voice while pointing at the base of the door.

To my surprise, he smirked and whispered back at me. “It seems that mom doesn’t believe in our relationship...” What? “Let's make her believe that we are, hmmm...?” he whispered, but | shook my head and turned around, but he grabbed my wrist, preventingfrom moving away from him.

“Sebastian, please...” | protested but he brought his mouth to my ear the exact moment that his fingers found my breasts.

The pressure he applied with his thumb to the sensitive spot caused it to becmore resistant to his touch. | was rendered still, yet my heart was beating extremely fast as he took a sharp breath in.” Sebastian...” | moaned when he breathed softly into my ear, his fingers swirled around my sensitive buds, before he pinched them lightly between his thumbs and forefingers.

As his fingers continued their gentle assault, my head fell to his chest, and | was unable to control the moans that cout of my mouth.

“Do you like it...?” he asked and applied more pressure. | had no idea | could feel this good.

| nodded and he chuckled, his mouth pressed against my ear.

“Good...” | could feel him smile against my ear. “Now, let's move to bed—" he said, but a call from his phone interrupted us. “Sh it!” He slowly laydown on the bed before he reached for his phone, which was sitting on the nightstand next to us. His other hand pulled 55) +25 BONUS closer to him and huggedwhile he took the call.

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“Hello?” he answered while simultaneously pecking my forehead. He turned the speaker on and set the phone back down on the table before he continued kissingagain.

“Seb...” Brylee’'s shaky voice suddenly interrupted our intimate moment, and | pressed my palms against Sebastian's chest, attempting to push him away, but he wouldn't let me. “Why did you do that to me?” Sebastian sighed when he heard Brylee cry over the phone.

“Why did you treatlike that?” she sniffed. “Don’t you loveanymore? Do you want to be with her and not with me? I'm your fiancee Seb, not my sister!” He got up from hovering on top ofand reached for his phone. Brylee, please...” he groaned.

“Please what?” she asked, sobbing. “I want to hear your explanaSeb. Why do | feel like you have feelings for Celine?” He heaved a deep sigh and looked atin the eyes. “I... | just did that for mom. Since she mistook Celine for you, | had no choice but to go along with it...” “Really?” she responded, her tone of voice becoming more composed now. “Where's my sister at this time? Is she... staying the night in your room?” “No...” he answered shortly, his eyes piercing throughand | couldn’t help but bit my lip in anxiousness.

“She’s in the guest room...” | heard Brylee sigh in relief.

“If you wouldn't mind, | want to take a rest now, Brylee...” Sebastian said, and didn’t wait for my sister to respond as he hung up the phone.

+25 BONUS He tossed his phone back to the table and pulledagainst him, kissing the top of my head. “One day, you will fall for me, Celine...” he whispered. “I promise you that...” | was speechless as | buried my face in his chest. | don’t know what to tell him. My feelings towards him were still a bit hazy at this point. But at that moment, the only thing that was on my mind was vengeance-for my father... for my sister... for their family.

| sighed when | felt Sebastian's steady breathing. | don’t know why | felt a sense of comfort and security while | hugged him back. | was eventually able to close my eyes and fall asleep while being held by him in his arms.