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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 123
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And with that, she drewback into her embrace.

“And I'll help you with mom...” she spoke in a whisper. “I promise you that...” “No!” | yelled out in shock. “I don’t want to... Please don’t mess around It's impossible forto picture myself being kindly and sweet towards Olivia Anderson. | have no problem with the fact that she despises me, since | am aware that no matter what | do, Brylee will always be the apple of her eyes.

As soon as the driver arrived at the school’s main gate, | gave hir instructions to take Cynthia back to the villa.

“Aren’t you going hwith me, my sister-in-law?” she smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes flickering atand | couldn't help but smile back. I didn’t know if she was just playing around or this was actually her sweet side.

“| said, stop callingthat...” | playfully poked her forehead with my index and she pouted as she leaned on her seat, while | was standing outside of the car, staring at her.

“Where are you going?” she asked once more, and | didn’t know what alibi | should give her in response to her question.

| was actually planning to attend Jenny's birthday party, and | don’t think it’s necessary for her to know. We weren't even close to being there yet.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Can we go htogether...? My brother is on a business trip right now and won’t be returning until tomorrow.

Who's going to pick you up?” Right! Sebastian left for a business trip in Europe, which means that | am free to go wherever | want, because if he was here, | was certain +25 BONUS that he would go withto the party.

“I still have simportant things to do...” | said, tearing my gaze away from her. “Please send Cynthia back home, and drive safely...” | told the driver and he bowed his head in response.

“Wait!” The squeak that Cynthia made caused the driver to stop short before shifting the gear from neutral into drive. “Are you going out on a date tonight?” “Of course not!” | grimaced and sent a malicious glance in her direction.

“If that’s the case... then where are you going?” I rolled my eyes at for what must have been the hundredth tshe asked that quest “Can you... bringalong with you?” And because | was aware that she wouldn't give up searching for the solution until she didn’t find it, | made the decision to tell her the truth. “Fine! I'm going to my friend's birthday celebration. You should know that it’s not convenient to bring you along...” | could bring her even if she’s not invited, but Cynthia's family is wealthy, and she was not accustomed to attending a simple party like the way that we, ordinary people, used to celebrate it.

“All right... are you able to get back to the house relatively early tonight?” “Yeah, sure...” | responded as | took a step back and waved my hand in her direction while she was rolling up the window of the car, waving back atwith a beautiful smile on her face.

425 BONUS THE PARTY CELINE’s POV The party to celebrate Jenny’s birthday was held in the city where it took place at the residence of her boyfriend, Blade. She letknow that she had invited sof our friends and classmates from Staten Island.

As | approached the house... | noticed that the garden was crowded with guests, but | didn’t recognize any of the people that were there. It's possible that Jenny knew them from her current school where she was enrolled.

| proceeded further into the house, and when | spotted Jenny talking to Blade, | rushed over towards them and gave her a hug from behind.

“Happy birthday, Jenny...” | leaned up close to her ear and murmured something, and she shrieked with delight as she turned around to giveanother hug.

As soon as | pulled away, she exclaimed in an exasperated tone,” You're late!” “I'm sorry, got stuck in traffic...” “Now that you're here, let's get this celebration started!” She then made the announcement as she took my hand and ledinto the garden.

We got closer to the gathering, and realized that sof the people there were from Staten Island and swere Jenny and I's classmates. We acknowledged one another with a “hi and hello,” and | was relieved that they didn’t inquire about the scandalous act that | had done in this town. They were just chatting and joking like they used to, back in the good old days.

+25 BONUS Everyone resumed eating, and after what seemed like an eternity, Jenny muttered something that caused the creases between my brows to deepen.

“Let’s go to the bar after dinner!” she announced. “We haven't gathered together for a long time, so we must have to go wild tonight!” Naturally, nobody objected, and | didn’t even have the courage to do so myself. It was Jenny's birthday celebration, and | didn’t want to ruin it for her.

| was able to catch a glimpse of Sean as he entered the room through the periphery of my vision. He looked very dashing in his black skinny jeans, a white button-down shirt, and a black and gray double- breasted vest. He wore a sleek black tie that was tied around his neck, and a silver chain watch dangled from the pocket of the suit he was wearing.

| went straight to the kitchen in order to get away from him, and | grabbed a drink from the counter where they had lined up all of the beers. There are a lot of drinks here, so why would Jenny still want to go to a bar? | took a sip of the beer, and | was surprised that | took almost half of it when I put it down... but before | could finish it, someone draggedoutside. | tried to figure out who it was, but | was already being pushed inside the car that would take us to the bar.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| have a sneaking suspicion that Sean paid for the private room that Jenny rented for us so that we could celebrate her birthday in private. | am aware that Jenny does not have the financial resources. necessary to pay for such a luxurious room.

“Come, pick a song from the list...” Jenny said to the raven-haired girl, and | recalled that she was one of the students in my class who had a 2/5 +25 BONUS particularly lovely and sweet voice. She stepped up to the microphone and started singing.

After taking a seat at the far corner of the room, one of my fellow students, whose n| cannot recall, handeda bottle of beer. ” Celine, | don’t understand why you're sitting there by yourself...” And before | had a chance to respond to him, | becaware of someone sitting next to me. Sean...

The man who offereda beer was grinning widely as if he was teasingwith Sean, then quickly scampered away to join the others in singing.

| held the bottle of beer in my hand, and didn’t know where to look. My heart was beating faster as | waited for Sean to start a conversation.

“I'll be heading back to France in a few days...” Sean began, and his tone was soft and tinged with a touch of melancholy.

| turned to look at him, and we locked gazes. My heart sank straight into my stomach.

“You're leaving again?” He nodded. “There's an emergency in the office, and | have to get back there as soon as possible to deal with (Too “Oh, okay...” | flashed him with a brief smile before diverting my attention elsewhere and taking another sip of my beer. Because | wasn't sure what | was going to say, drinking my beer gaveth feeling that | was being excused from having to react or talk to him “But you have to know that the reason | chere is to bring you withto France...” he remarked, in a tone of helplessness, and | nearly choked to death on the beer was sipping. “Hey, are you okay?” Almost immediately, Sean extended his hand toand began lightly pattingon the back.
