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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 103
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103. FAKE WIFE CELINE'S POV “Why are you trying to drive my sister away from you?” | asked Sebastian as soon as we reached our room. | kept my eyes on him as he walked to the fridge to get a bottle of cold water and then handed it to me.

“It botherswhen she picks on you like that...” he said and my hand, which was ready to grab the bottle from him, stiffened slightly as it prepared to do so.

| sighed as | sat on the couch, and looked at him.

He stared back atwith a long look that was worth a thousand words, and all of a sudden... a mysterious smile spread across his face.

| averted my gaze away from him to avoid making eye contact, and held the cup in my hand tightly, staring blankly as if | was lost in a deep thought.

The urge to start a business of my own suddenly popped into my mind. What if | invest in my husband's company? Great idea! “Have you found yourself once more lost in your own thoughts?” | was taken aback by Sebastian's voice, and as a result... | co cked my head to look back at him.

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“Would it be possible forto compete with other parties for your company’s business tender if | were to start a company right now?” | asked him, and he gavea puzzled look.

“Are you thinking of doing business?” he asked back, and | nodded.

+25 BONUS “Who doesn’t want to make money...” | stated, shrugging my shoulders as | opened the bottle and took a swig from it.

“Are you quite certain that all you want to do is make money?” Again, with a teasing grin playing on his lips, he questioned. “How much money do you want? With the title of Mrs. Anderson... | don’t think you should be worrying about finances...

| felt somewhat uncomfortable because of the unexpected closeness he showed me, but | managed to hide my unhappiness on my face. “I know my place, Mr. Anderson!” | said, deliberately emphasizing the last two words.

Yes, my title as his wife was fake.

And | don’t have any idea how long my reputation as Mrs. Anderson would last.

As a result... having my own company rather than depending on that of others would be the most reliable option.

“Do you always put so much thought into things?” he questioned, showing a modicum of interest.

He might be thinking that | was almost the sage as his sister, but | had far more life experiences and was matured than she was.

“Don’t you think it’s a good idea to make preparations ahead of time?” ‘I said. “Do you wantto wait until I'm having trouble paying my bills before | start making plans?” Sebastian didn’t appear to be aware of the fact that my smile was obviously false or that it madelook like | was concealing my face in any way.

The next thing | knew... he was pickingup and carryingbridal style. His blue eyes beca little brighter, and the curve on his lips. beceven more charming.

| was taken aback by his gestures, but inadvertently, | wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself and prevent myself from falling He gently placedon the bed, and didn’t pull away as soon as he staredstraight into the eyes.

“W-what are you doing?” | stuttered, my arms still wrapped around his neck, but my eyes were staring at him warily.

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His expression stiffened for a moment. Then he poked my forehead with his index finger, which causedto open my eyes quite wide.” Am | a monster? Why are you givingthat kind of look?” | rolled my eyes and shoved him aside before attempting to envelop my entire body in the blankets.

Sebastian, much to my astonishment, proceeded to lay beside me, put his arm around my waist, and then buried his face into the crevice of my neck.

“You're quite a restless sleeper, do you know that hmm...?” he whispered, his voice was h o ar se. “Struggling and kicking around are relatively minor concerns, but you also occasionally suffer nightmares, and at other times you might even start crying. To tell you the truth, I’ve ne of these. Please t een able to get a good nie to move, okay? Let sleep because EfDens” He stopped ta waist, he gra er that. With his ar asleep.

I didn't m toa Due with m ad, | fixed a per t him.

that | had I was c form apped around my next living ealth, which My struggle with insomnia got much worse after my mother passed away. My mother’s face would constantly be reflected in the water whenever | had a dream about her. It was impossible forto recall the number of times that | had startled awake in the tiny hours of the morning feeling terrified.

However... | was able to get through the past two nights, both at the hospital and here at Anderson Villa, without waking up until the morning. Naturally, Sebastian would haveensconced in his arms each and every t| opened my eyes to a new day.

But... Lhad no idea that | was like that, despite what he had informedwhenever | was in my sleep.

When | stared at him, my hand moved to touch his handsface and | ran my fingers along his exquisite jaw while my thumb lightly brushed his lips.

‘Sebastian...” | murmured into his ear, but it wasn’t loud enough to rouse him awake. “What is it that you want from me? What's your real purpose in marrying me?” What else did | possess except my life that was valuable enough to be put to use at this precise time? +25 BONUS