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Taking Alpha's Twins Away After Divorce by AlisTae

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24 Natalia's POV After arriving at the hotel, I was unable to get any sleep throughout. the night.

I couldn't help but think about those dirty touches from those men whenever I closed my eyes. I tried my best to go to sleep. On the other hand, my thoughts immediately went to the moment when Adrian cHe really helpedtoday. Because of him, my thoughts were all over the place.

The next day, Eric toldto accompany him to a meeting. I refused because I said I had nothing to do with the pack business. So Eric had to go to the meeting alone.

Meanwhile, I was sitting on my bed, thinking about calling my children.

It was a maid who received the call when it connected.

"Why did you receive the call? Where are they?" I asked the maid. because Noah and Aria were the ones who always had the phone.

The maid was silent. I frowned at the maid.

"Why are you silent? Where are they?" But what the maid replied clutched her heart.

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"They haven't cback since the morning. T-They are missing." I got to my feet in shock. "What exactly are you saying? Where are they?" "I-I don't know, Miss. At this moment, everyone is looking for them.

I was so frightened of losing my children that my knees began to tremble.

"It can't be happening." I lost my temper as I pulled my hair in anger.

I decided to leave for my pack right now.

But something stopped me. I was worried that Lynda had done it again.

In a fit of wrath, I reached for my phone and began writing in order to quickly upload a post.

People should know who that woman was. How could she just do whatever she wanted? After I had finished reading the post, I uploaded it. I believed that Lynda would contact her to delete the post. That time, I would tell her to give my children back.

People began reading and sharing my post, which caused it to go viral.

I glanced at my post.

"Don't judge the book by its cover. Lynda Jensen is a noble lady who is going to be the Crystal Blood Pack's Luna soon. But who was she before dating Alpha Adrian? How did they meet? What is the backstory She is nothing but a homewrecker. I was Adrian Miller's wife, and she was just another woman in our lives. She seduced my husband back in the day. She used to cto our house and try to spend twith Adria married. She never stopped seducing him until he divorced me. She is not a dignified lady who has self-respect; she is just a shameless woman. Now you all can decide what type of woman she is." Public opinion began to reverse. The pack members recognizedand remembered that Alpha Adrian was married. But he never made public appearances with his wife, so they didn't know that I was his wife They realized that Lynda becAdrian's girlfriend not long after I left the pack.

They began to comment on my post.

"Lynda is such an evil woman!" "Lynda tried to seduce our Alpha when he was already married to someone else!" "How can we accept such a lady as our future Luna?" "She's a homewrecker, everyone! We should pray that Alpha will get rid of her." "Natalia is a really strong woman. She didn't blAlpha and left silently, but this woman was poking her." "I hope to see Beta Eric with Natalia since he is her fiance." I was watching the comments. There were so many that I could not even read them all.

But I was pleased to see the result. That woman deserved it. I didn't. say a single wrong sentence. I just exposed her truth.

I was waiting for her to call me, but instead of Lynda, my father. called me.

"Dad? Do you know where Noah and Aria are?" As soon as my father contacted me, I started asking him questions.

"Calm down, Natalia.

"How can I calm down, Dad? My kids are missing. I think someone kidnapped them. It must be Lyn-" "Listen to me. I heard from the maid that you had called. Aria was crying to go to you. And you know how stubborn Noah is. They wanted to meet you. So I sent them to you. "You what?" "Yes, they are coming to you.

They are scheduled to land in two hours. It was their intention to take you by surprise, which is why I did not inform you. You shouldn't be concerned about it because William is with them." I sighed in relief. I let out a sigh of relief. I was relaxed knowing that my children were safe.

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"Dad, we are all returning to the Blue Blood Pack today." "But they are just going there."

"I don't want them to meet him. He is here, dad. It would be better if left would be t this place as soon as possible." "As you wish, my child."

I hung up the call and started to pack my things. We were fortunate enough to be on the final day of the event. I wanted to return today after Eric's meeting, despite the fact that everyone would be leaving tomorrow.

When the meeting was over, Eric made his way to my room.

I told him everything.

He agreed to leave today. He packed his luggage and booked our tickets online.

After having lunch, we headed to the airport directly.

Eric assuredthat I should not be concerned because we were going to be leaving today. I knew he was right. But I did not want to take any chances.

What would happen if Adrian found out about my children? What would I do at that time? Looking outside the window, I thought, "The last thing I want is for them to meet Adrian." BIG BALE 500 bonus free lou you X