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Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 865 - 865 The War Arrived On His Doorstep
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865 The War Arrived On His Doorstep

Amid the traumatic incident the previous day, Marcel woke up feeling happy. He had gotten news last night that Eric was going to agree to the deal and that was enough reason to celebrate. He didn’t have to worry about both families going to war, Eric was giving in to his request. With him as a member of the Commission, the other families would support him in this war.

But then everything was not good news because he received a report this early morning that the lawyer handling their resources was found dead. The news left a sour taste on Marcel’s tongue knowing that Richardo was responsible for it – the lawyer was killed in a horrid manner with his eyes plucked out.

It was obvious that Richardo held grudges against him for killing Macy and there was no negotiation in this war. Apart from Consiglieres, lawyers were known as mediators and when killed by a rival family, it meant there was no dialogue, no bargaining. It was an all-out war, cold, violent, and death.

Hence the first thing that came to Marcel’s mind was calling Arianna and making sure that she was okay. Sure, she was safe under Draven’s family care, but this was a sensitive time and it pays to be careful.

When Arianna told him she was going for a run, he didn’t know how to feel about it. He wanted her inside the house where nothing could happen to her. There could always be a mole in the defense – just like what happened to him. Moreover, she was pregnant, was she in a position to go running? Wouldn’t it affect the baby?

But then, Marcel didn’t bring any of it knowing Arianna was stubborn and would always do whatever she wanted. Moreover, she needed the space with everything happening so far. So he decided to trust her judgment instead and prayed God protected them – Arianna and his baby. Marcel was not a big believer, but in desperate times, he wouldn’t mind believing in a God.

He was still on the call when Samuel came in and he signaled him not to say a word knowing Arianna was quick on picking up on conversations. He didn’t want her to begin to worry over him, this was his responsibility to take care of, not hers. And he would emerge successfully, that was a promise.

“I love you, Arianna Valeria,” He said, her response bringing a smile to his face. God help him, he was going to marry this woman once this was over

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It wasn’t until he dropped the phone on his desk that Samuel was able to speak, “I have sent the warnings out, everyone is on alert and the family is requesting a meeting.”


“Fuck their meeting,” Marcel spat, “This is not the time to gather around. They might as well give Richardo a chance to wipe all of us off and it wouldn’t surprise me if he goes the extra mile of dropping a bomb. The bastard has lost his mind and doesn’t care about the consequences or the exposure it would cause not only us but the other crime families. ”

Marcel sighed, standing with his hands on his hips. He said to Samuel, “Tell my uncles and relatives. While the current situation calls for alarm, this is no time to panic but to brave through this fight. They either trust me enough to take care of this and take the precautionary measures to save their lives or forget about it. At the same time, if they’re so desperate to have a gathering, we can set up a zoom meeting without needing to meet. If they can’t go through that as well, they can fuck off. I have enough on a plate already and I refuse to dance to the tune of their dramas. ”

“Sure, I’ll send the message right back to them.” Samuel agreed.

“And what about Victor? If Richardo can’t get to me or Arianna, my cousin would be his next target. Everyone in the underworld knows that he’s my right-hand man and we are closer than brothers.”

“You’re right when you said he’s well protected under the Draven’s watch. However, I met up with Draven’s people yesterday and ordered him to be moved to a discreet room. We can never be too careful. Richardo’s people might be able to slip under their defenses. Although I kept him informed of our current situation and he wishes to come home. ”

“No,” Marcel refused, “He’s in no state to protect himself, not to talk of to fight. Victor has protected me long enough, it’s time I returned the favor.” He concluded.

“Thought as much, I gave him the same answer and though he doesn’t listen, I had the Draven men keep an eye on him.”

“Another thing,” Marcel told him, “keep an eye on Mimi and her family. If Richardo is not able to find Victor in the hospital, he would try to draw him out by using her and we both know what he would do in that situation,”

His cousin would willingly sacrifice himself. Even without being part of the Mafia, what man wouldn’t try to save his loved ones? Not to talk of the woman he loves. This was why love was dangerous for people like him. They would plunge headfirst into danger before thinking about the consequences.

Marcel went on to say, “Make use of my resources and my men at disposal, extend the protection to her family members as well. Unlike Arianna, Mimi’s parents are normal people with no form of defense. They are easy picks for Richardo. Fortunately, Marcel was not going to let that happen.

“Alright, boss,” Samuel bowed and took his leave.

With his departure, Marcel called up the others, alongside Winters and they began to work on strategies they could use to counter Richardo. At the moment, Marcel was ignorant of Richardo’s ability except for the fact that he was raising an army of mercenaries with the money he stole from the Basil family. Add that to his controlling the Bratva, that was too much power in his hands.

Sadly, Richardo knew everything about him, unlike him – he was fighting through the dark. So he played the defense and until the other families render help, then they could go on the offense.

They were still in the middle of a conversation when his phone rang. At first, he would have ignored it since he was in the middle of an important meeting. Not to mention that his lines have been ringing nonstop since late last night. Most of the calls were from his relatives who wanted to know what was going on. They assumed that he had caused trouble again, one that would come to haunt them. So he ignored them all.

However, when the phone rang a second time, he decided to give it a chance and stood to pick up his phone from the desk where he dropped it. However, his eyes grew to the size of saucers when he saw the name flashing across the screen.

It was Eric.

It was fucking Eric!

Was he calling to discuss the deal?

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Marcel was so overjoyed that he answered at once, “Hello Eric,”

“Your family is disgusting.”

“Huh?” The smile died off Marcel’s lips and he had to pull the phone from his ears and stare at the screen to make sure that he was speaking to the right person. Of course, it was Eric, and could not have mistaken his voice, right?

“Hello?” Marcel said, confused.

“I should have never thought of giving you a chance. Your family is too much trouble.”

“Wait a minute….” His brows were furrowed and he was unable to comprehend what was going on.

However, Eric said to him, “You’re on your own, Marcel. That’s my decision.”

And with that being said, he hung up on him while Marcel stood stuck to the ground. What was happening? He suddenly had a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something must have happened, Eric was not a man to go back on his words.

“What’s wrong?” Winters asked, sensing the change in his demeanor.

Almost on cue, Luca who had been on an errand returned with a solemn expression. He headed straight to Marcel and said, “You have to see this.” He showed Marcel the gory contents on his phone

Marcel’s features hardened when he saw the dead bodies with the written note. [ Three down, two to go] It was a reference to that incident where Elijah caused the death of the members of his organization. The reason he almost had a war with the Draven family in the first place. But then, the war already arrived on his doorstep.

“Who’s responsible for this?” Marcel asked even though he had an idea already. He just didn’t want to admit it or needed to be sure.

Luca sighed, lifting his gaze, and their eyes connected. “It’s your father, with the help of Gabriel.”

There was a tick in Marcel’s jaw and his eyes darkened, “Where is Daniel?”