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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22

Larissa went to the hospital for a follow-up examination. When she exited the hospital, she stood by the

road, waiting for her ride.

The street in front of the hospital was always congested, and most drivers disliked coming to the area.

After struggling to find a ride through her e-hailing app, she was just about to open the passenger door

when a figure rushed out suddenly from the corner and jumped into the back seat before she could get


“Come here! Hurry! Get in here!” the figure shouted to someone else at the back.

Larissa thought his voice was oddly familiar. Taking two steps back, she looked into the back seat.

It turned out to be her ex-father-in-law, Travis’ dad!

If he was still in Covenford, did that mean her ex-mother-in-law-

Sure enough, not that far away, Janine Hardy was carrying several bags in one hand and holding

Amber’s hand in the other. The pair were scrambling in their direction. hurriedly.

Amber’s face was displeased as she complained impatiently, “Slow down! I haven’t completely

recovered yet. Don’t you know how much it hurts to run?”

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Janine slowed down immediately and apologized to her profusely. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry, dear! Just

look at your father-in-law, urging us to hurry and everything. I hadn’t realized I was running because I’d

been so anxious. If it hurts, we can walk slowly. The car’s just there anyway. It’s not going to run away.”

Watching the scene unfold in front of her, Larissa’s heart was filled with

indescribable unpleasantness.

She had never seen Janine speak in such a low and submissive tone. In front of her, the entire Hardy

family acted as if they were superior to herself.

She’d always known that Janine and Dick Hardy had never liked her.

They complained that her family carried no reputable background and that she served no purpose to

Travis’ prospects.

Larissa remembered the first time she had returned home with Travis. She’d specifically purchased a

bunch of expensive supplements as a gift, but his parents. hadn’t even given them a second glance

before instructing Travis to place them.

Chapter 22

directly in the storeroom.

Whenever they conversed, both of them gave her lots of attitude and spoke in sarcastic and ambiguous

manners. Whichever way she looked at it, they’d never thought she would be able to accomplish

anything by herself.

Yet, despite thinking that, it still didn’t stop them from treating her like a maid.

Even if she was in their house as a guest, she was asked to sweep and mop the floors, prepare their

meals, cook, and wash the dishes. Even the fruits they had after dinner were cut by her.

At that time, Travis would still feel bad for her and volunteer to help her out, only to be pulled away

resolutely by his mother.

“You’re a grown man, you shouldn’t be doing house chores! Those are all women’s work! Go away! Go

sit there and wait!”

Eventually, Larissa was left to work alone, exhaustion filling her as the three of them sat on the couch

leisurely, watching TV and eating snacks.

Larissa had tried to suppress the rage she felt for Travis’ sake.

That night, she’d bought a train ticket in preparation to leave. She’d only agreed to stay after Travis

held her for a long time and coaxed her into staying.

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In order to prevent further conflict between her and his parents, he’d especially booked a room for her

at a hotel nearby. Janine had initially planned for her to sleep on the couch that night.

The next day, Travis invited her over for lunch. Just as she stepped into the door, Janine brought out a

bucket of dirty clothes for her to wash.

Placed on the very top of the pile was a man’s underwear, yellowed and torn from years of use.

Larissa could no longer take it. She turned and left.

Travis was just about to run after her when his mother called him back.

He sent her a text. “I’m so sorry, Lari. I’ll make it up to you when we return to Covenford.”

Larissa replied, “We should break up.”

That was the first time she was adamant about breaking up with him.

Marriage wasn’t just a matter that concerned the two of them. She couldn’t stand living with a family

like this where she had to constantly swallow her pride.

Travis kept on calling her. He was always at her house and at the hotel where she worked. He cried,

apologized, and even knelt before her once. All he begged for was for her to return to him.

He promised determinedly. “After we get married, we won’t live with my parents. I swear, they will not

affect our lives at all.”