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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20

Andrew’s response was exactly what Larissa had expected, so she did not waste her energy getting


“We have cooperated and fulfilled each and every one of your requests,” she said. ” Now that we’ve

proven that the necklace wasn’t stolen by our cleaning staff, your accusations naturally fall into the

category of defamation. As your actions have compromised the reputation of our hotel and its workers,

causing negative implications to all parties involved, we will sue you for defamation.”

Kara and Andrew’s faces fell instantly.

Larissa watched their horror and smiled gently. She even comforted them, “Of course your offense is

not severe enough to warrant imprisonment. At most, you’ll be asked to pay a certain sum as


Andrew was so angry that his face turned red. He gritted his teeth noisily. Suddenly, he grabbed the

crystal ashtray on the coffee table and hurled it in Larissa’s direction.

Larissa was completely caught off guard. The ashtray hit her shoulder directly. She sucked in a breath

and hissed in pain.

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“Ms. Seymour!” Her assistant and the two cleaning staff rushed over in concern. “Are you injured? Is it

serious? Do you need to go to the hospital?”

The ashtray was very heavy, and Larissa’s shoulder was very bony. There was hardly any room for

cushioning. Her bones had borne the full force of the ashtray’s impact. She did not know how extensive

her injuries were. All she knew was she could no longer move her right arm at all.

Her assistant decided immediately. “Let’s go to the hospital.”

They had no time to hold Andrew accountable for his actions. The group helped Larissa downstairs as

quickly as possible.

Larissa’s assistant drove her to the hospital. There, the doctor handed her a list of tests to be


It was a Saturday evening, but the hospital was still very crowded, so even taking an X-ray image

required her to wait in line for over half an hour. After completing all of the tests and having returned to

the emergency room, Larissa was already exhausted to her bones.

The doctor examined her imaging results and pointed at a certain spot on her right shoulder. “You have

a small fracture here. We’ll need to do a simple fix.”

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He added a splint to her shoulder and reminded her again, “Try not to use this arm. before the bone is

fully healed. Be extra careful when you’re sleeping. Try not to put too much pressure on your right



Larissa endured the piercing pain on her shoulder and thought to herself, “I don’t think I’ll be getting

any sleep tonight.”

At home, Larissa called her general manager and requested a leave of absence.

She simply stated that she had a fractured bone on her shoulder from being hit by a guest with an

ashtray, omitting the other details.

The general manager inquired about the details of her injury and generously granted her a week off to

recuperate at home.

“I will take care of the rest and let you know,” he told her.

However, the next day, Larissa received the news about Andrew and Kara’s early checkout from the


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“The two of them went down to the front desk to check out shortly after we left the day before,” her

assistant informed her.

Their actions were so swift that the front desk was unaware of what else to do other than process their

checkout and let them leave. No one had thought about making them stay.

“What now?” her assistant asked.

Larissa sighed. “What else can we do? Just leave it at that!”

Apart from Andrew being Travis’ brother and the fact that he’d attended university in Bartham, Larissa

knew practically nothing about him. Even if she had wanted him to take responsibility for his actions,

she hardly knew where to start looking for him. As for his family-she would rather die than contact

them. Moreover, even if she did, they would never disclose anything to her.

Thus, she could only accept her misfortune.

With one arm immobilized, Larissa found everything inconvenient.

In the few days she had spent trapped in her own home, she’d been purely relying on takeout for all of

her meals.

At night, she went downstairs to take out the trash and ran into Kevan and Dylan, who were just

returning from somewhere else.

Seeing the plastic bags in her hand, all of them bearing the logos of various restaurants, Kevan’s brows

knitted instinctively.