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Supremacy Games

Chapter 1448: Plotting Against Miss Sanae! I
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1448 Plotting Against Miss Sanae! I

A promise was a promise.

Felix had gotten too many benefits and assistance from almost all of his tenants and he tried his very best to pay them back one way or another.

In the case of Thor and Jörmungandr, he managed to slay Manannanggal and even terrorize the other darkins.

He helped Lady Sphinx obtain as many monoliths as possible and she was missing only a few more.

Now, it was time for Carbuncle to get his own assistance.

"Thank you, little one." Carbuncle smiled in appreciation and then warned him. "Don't get hasty though, just focus on yourself at the moment and when the time comes, you will know when to make your move."

"I understand."

"Good." Carbuncle stood up and gave him another hug. Then, he guided him to the door and said, "I won't hold up any more of your time. Best of luck out there and remember, I am always watching."

Felix nodded back and then took off, returning to the hotel.

On his way there, his mind was swimming with many thoughts related to this mission.

'The first thing I need to do is become a golden spirit so I can be on talking terms with Elder Kraken again. I can't do this without his assistance.'

Elder Kraken was the only one capable of helping Carbuncle's wife restore her past memories and if they wanted this mission to work, that was a must.

After all, how could they convince her to become a partner with Carbuncle and give up on her life without letting her know first what she was missing?

Plus, with a completely different personality, she wouldn't be Carbuncle's wife but merely someone who was sharing the same appearance as her.

'I do wonder though why hasn't Elder Kraken contacted Carbuncle to help him out.' Felix pondered.

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Both of them should have been here for a very long time and with their memories intact, they should have contacted each other at least once.

But he had met both of them and neither had mentioned the other.

Felix dropped the matter for now, wanting to ask Elder Kraken about it when he met him.

For now, he returned to the hotel and departed with his party back to the capital on top of the double-headed crimson lion.

As for his grandfather and family members? Felix decided to ask Carbuncle about their situation later on when he returned his wife.

But in reality? Felix was just scared that he wouldn't feel a single thing when he saw them again due to his emotionless status...

That would hurt him more than anything.


Two weeks later...

"Ladies and gentlemen, here we are at the climax of the Heavenly Plane's Tournament! The anticipation is palpable as the two titans of this competition, Ravager, and Evergreen, face off in the grand arena! The crowd is absolutely electric!"

Mr. Monnar's thrilled voice resounded in Miss Sanae's living room. Felix, Sekiro, and Karra were all sitting on the couch, spectating this fine battle.

The Colosseum had been rebuilt from scratch and received many new modifications, making it surpass its previous version.

Felix had tuned in to this battle simply because he had nothing to do at the moment. He was working on a case with his master and she had gotten out to gather some information from her people.

"Who do you think will win?" Sekiro asked.

"Ravager." Felix replied calmly.

Felix was certain because Evergreen was a plant/water/

poison elementalist, which was heavily countered by Ravager's elements.

Just like Ravager was trying to prove his point, the entire momentum of the battle shifted in his favor right from the start, fighting with great zeal and madness.

His aggressiveness matched with his powerful fire abilities made it extremely difficult for Evergreen to resist him for long.

The applauding viewers' voices got lower and lower the more they watched the fight go on, realizing that today would be the end of their city's reign on the heavenly plane's tournament.

Their realization came sooner than they anticipated as Ravager went all out with his duel-flaming swords and managed to slice through Evergreen telekinesis barrier and torso, ending the battle in the most spectacular way.


The instant Evergreen's body dropped to the ground, Ravager screamed at the top of his lungs with bloodshot eyes, seemingly wanting to get rid of the stress of saving his sister at last.

Clap Clap!...

"Congratulations, brother Articus! You have done the entire city proud with this achievement!" Lady Iris applauded with a delightful expression as she sat next to Mr. Aticus and other peers.

"Haha! I always held my beliefs in Ravager." Boss Gideon laughed, "I have recouped almost all of my losses from my previous bet."

"While the tournament had many ups and downs, it's good that the trophy has finally come back home." Madam Arabella smiled while clapping elegantly.

"He did what he was paid to do." Mr. Aticus stated, a faint content smile was etched on his ice-cold face at last.

When he noticed that Ravager was staring at him with inflamed eyes, he couldn't help but snicker in his mind. 'I doubt he will want his sister back after he sees her.'

While Mr. Aticus would rather not hand out his sister to keep his control on Ravager, their contract had to be respected. Otherwise, he would end up in court before he knew it.

"Alvey, what's on your mind? You should be celebrating the loudest as we know how much pride you hold in the capital." Lady Iris suddenly asked after seeing Boss Alves deep in his thoughts.

"It's nothing, I am just overwhelmed. Ravager really did us proud." Boss Alves deflected with a fake cheerful smile.

In reality, his mind was concentrated on Miss Sanae's situation as he had just received news that his subordinates had finally managed to convince one of her people to sell her out.

'The cost isn't cheap at last, but at this point, it has to be done.' Boss Alves thought with a serious expression. 'That bastard will most likely become a golden spirit soon and join the government at the first opportunity with his kind of ambition. It will be too late then for me to do anything to them.'

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Even though he had an Eathreal Elder backing him up, Duke Humphery would never make a move personally as it was too much of an eye drawer.

'If he becomes a governmental official, only Sharky and other officials under the duke will be able to take care of him. I can't go out like this without showing any results. He won't be content in the slightest by my performance.'

Boss Alves wouldn't have minded if those officials took this hot potato from his hands, but knowing Duke Humphery's real identity, he was certain that it wouldn't end well for him.

'It's time to bring that witch down and kick those bastards to the streets, whatever happens then won't be my problem.' Boss Alves excused himself from the group, ignoring their invitation to the celebration party.

As he was heading back to the capital, he ordered his subordinate to bring the snitch to his underground office.


Sometime later in a dimly lit office with basic furniture, Boss Alves was seen sitting from across nervously perched man on a plush leather chair. His eyes were darting around and seemed like he didn't want to be here.

Sensing his emotional instability, Boss Alves jumped right through it, not wanting to give him a chance to change his mind.

"Give me everything you know and the twenty thousand Lumus will be yours." Boss Alves said.

The moment the snitch heard the cost again, his nervousness seemed to have disappeared.

"I have a strict contract with her, so I can't say much, but I have 'found' this recording device on the ground once and it has some damning statements." The snitch said as he slid a small recording black device on the table.

'Found, huh?' Boss Alves sneered in his mind, knowing that the snitch must have recorded her when she wasn't paying attention, and kept it on him to use leverage against her in the future.

While he didn't approve of such action, he didn't say anything out loud, not wanting to frighten the snitch.

"Let's hear it out."

As Boss Alves pushes the play button, the tension in the room palpably thickens...For the next few minutes, Boss Alves' changed to satisfaction with its content. However, after it was done, he became displeased again.

"That's it?"


'Tsk, this is barely good enough to throw her in jail for a couple of years. No way the court will kick her out of the heavenly plane unless she hired the worst lawyer in the realm.' Boss Alves was quite disappointed by its content as he knew it wouldn't be enough to cause the kind of damage he desired.

If Miss Sanae was put in jail, Felix would still be regarded her servant unless he decided to cut off the contract on his own.

'This is better than nothing.' Boss Alves smiled coldly, 'I can use it to blackmail her into kicking her servant off and my job will be regarded as done.'