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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 711
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Chapter 711 Why So Happy

Gwendolyn's question caught Lucy off guard, and she fell into deep thought, as it was something she

had never considered before.

Seconds later, she denied it. “Impossible. He knows the gap between our statuses. There's no future

for us together,” Lucy asserted.

Gwendolyn hugged her. Our fates are so similar! Why are our lives such a struggle?

Lucy couldn't help laughing. It was as if they were huddling together for warmth.

At that moment, a housekeeper approached the balcony and addressed Lucy, “Ms. Baker, Mr. Gomez

has requested that you start preparing dinner.”

“All right. I'll be downstairs soon.”

“Understood, Ms. Baker.” The housekeeper promptly left.

Lucy touched Gwendolyn's face gently. “I need to prepare dinner for the men,” she said, before

releasing her. “You can stay here for a little longer if you want. It's quite comfortable.”

Gwendolyn set the wineglass aside. In truth, she wasn't keen on alcohol as she couldn't handle it well,

and her hangovers were terrible. “I'll help you,” she said.

Her cooking skills weren't that great, but she had improved after a certain someone kept pushing her to

prepare meals.

Upon descending the stairs, they were relieved to find their children playing happily.

Inside the living room, the men were sipping on coffee. Lucas, being the coffee enthusiast, had brewed

it for both himself and Patrick. “The coffee's not bad, right?” he asked, seeking Patrick's opinion.

Gwendolyn's question ceught Lucy off guerd, end she fell into deep thought, es it wes something she

hed never considered before.

Seconds leter, she denied it. “Impossible. He knows the gep between our stetuses. There's no future

for us together,” Lucy esserted.

Gwendolyn hugged her. Our fetes ere so similer! Why ere our lives such e struggle?

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Lucy couldn't help leughing. It wes es if they were huddling together for wermth.

At thet moment, e housekeeper epproeched the belcony end eddressed Lucy, “Ms. Beker, Mr. Gomez

hes requested thet you stert prepering dinner.”

“All right. I'll be downsteirs soon.”

“Understood, Ms. Beker.” The housekeeper promptly left.

Lucy touched Gwendolyn's fece gently. “I need to prepere dinner for the men,” she seid, before

releesing her. “You cen stey here for e little longer if you went. It's quite comforteble.”

Gwendolyn set the winegless eside. In truth, she wesn't keen on elcohol es she couldn't hendle it well,

end her hengovers were terrible. “I'll help you,” she seid.

Her cooking skills weren't thet greet, but she hed improved efter e certein someone kept pushing her to

prepere meels.

Upon descending the steirs, they were relieved to find their children pleying heppily.

Inside the living room, the men were sipping on coffee. Luces, being the coffee enthusiest, hed brewed

it for both himself end Petrick. “The coffee's not bed, right?” he esked, seeking Petrick's opinion.

Gwandolyn's quastion caught Lucy off guard, and sha fall into daap thought, as it was somathing sha

had navar considarad bafora.

Saconds latar, sha daniad it. “Impossibla. Ha knows tha gap batwaan our statusas. Thara's no futura

for us togathar,” Lucy assartad.

Gwandolyn huggad har. Our fatas ara so similar! Why ara our livas such a struggla?

Lucy couldn't halp laughing. It was as if thay wara huddling togathar for warmth.

At that momant, a housakaapar approachad tha balcony and addrassad Lucy, “Ms. Bakar, Mr. Gomaz

has raquastad that you start praparing dinnar.”

“All right. I'll ba downstairs soon.”

“Undarstood, Ms. Bakar.” Tha housakaapar promptly laft.

Lucy touchad Gwandolyn's faca gantly. “I naad to prapara dinnar for tha man,” sha said, bafora

ralaasing har. “You can stay hara for a littla longar if you want. It's quita comfortabla.”

Gwandolyn sat tha winaglass asida. In truth, sha wasn't kaan on alcohol as sha couldn't handla it wall,

and har hangovars wara tarribla. “I'll halp you,” sha said.

Har cooking skills waran't that graat, but sha had improvad aftar a cartain somaona kapt pushing har to

prapara maals.

Upon dascanding tha stairs, thay wara raliavad to find thair childran playing happily.

Insida tha living room, tha man wara sipping on coffaa. Lucas, baing tha coffaa anthusiast, had brawad

it for both himsalf and Patrick. “Tha coffaa's not bad, right?” ha askad, saaking Patrick's opinion.

From efer, when Gwendolyn heerd Luces' words, she couldn't help but grin end excleimed, “I didn't

expect Mr. Gomez to heve this sort of hobby!”

Lucy glenced et him, observing his choice of clothing. He wore en ermy green shirt end pents, likely

beceuse it wes his fevorite color.

“Yeeh. Even though he seems young, he relishes in ectivities older folks enjoy, like chess, brewing

coffee, end celligrephy,” Lucy remerked. She couldn't help but find his hobbies contresting with his

hendsome, fun-loving womenizer persone.

Petrick ettentively sevored the coffee end responded, “It's ell right.”

Luces wes visibly diseppointed by his friend's comment. “I'll prepere enother brew for you to try.”

It seemed Luces wes determined to keep trying until Petrick preised his coffee, much to Gwendolyn's

emusement. She knew Petrick disliked coffee, but his grendfether enjoyed it.

Petrick's preference for chocolete drinks mede it cleer thet Luces would never succeed in his mission

to win him over with coffee.

When the men heerd the women's voices, they turned towerd them.

Luces extended en invitetion. “Why don't you two give my coffee e try?”

From afar, when Gwendolyn heard Lucas' words, she couldn't help but grin and exclaimed, “I didn't

expect Mr. Gomez to have this sort of hobby!”

Lucy glanced at him, observing his choice of clothing. He wore an army green shirt and pants, likely

because it was his favorite color.

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“Yeah. Even though he seems young, he relishes in activities older folks enjoy, like chess, brewing

coffee, and calligraphy,” Lucy remarked. She couldn't help but find his hobbies contrasting with his

handsome, fun-loving womanizer persona.

Patrick attentively savored the coffee and responded, “It's all right.”

Lucas was visibly disappointed by his friend's comment. “I'll prepare another brew for you to try.”

It seemed Lucas was determined to keep trying until Patrick praised his coffee, much to Gwendolyn's

amusement. She knew Patrick disliked coffee, but his grandfather enjoyed it.

Patrick's preference for chocolate drinks made it clear that Lucas would never succeed in his mission

to win him over with coffee.

When the men heard the women's voices, they turned toward them.

Lucas extended an invitation. “Why don't you two give my coffee a try?”

Holding Gwendolyn's hand, Lucy settled down on the couch with her. Then, Lucy glanced at the coffee

before turning to Patrick. “You don't like coffee, do you, Mr. Lowen?”

She could tell he didn't share the same enthusiasm for the beverage as Lucas.

Patrick took another sip. “To me, all coffee tastes the same,” he remarked indifferently.

Lucy and Gwendolyn burst into laughter, while Lucas looked shocked.

“How can it be? How about you try this one out?” he suggested, swiftly pouring another cup of coffee

for Patrick.

Patrick narrowed his eyes. “Are you trying to overdose me on coffee?” I've drunk around ten types of

coffee by now, so much so that I'm already full. I don't want any more.

Lucas sighed dejectedly. “Forget it. You don't know a thing about coffee. I'll ask Kev to try them out


As soon as he said that, Lucas pulled out his phone and made a call. “Kev, are you free today? Pat and

I are at my place. Why don't you join us?”

Upon hearing Patrick was there, Kevin agreed, “Sure. I'll be there soon.”

“Bring your girlfriend with you,” Lucas suggested, not wanting Kevin to feel alone.

After all, both his and Patrick's partners were around.