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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 686
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Chapter 686 She Is Asking For It

Upon hearing those words, Patrick was certain that Felicia had done something to the dish. She must

have prepared that for me, hoping to make me sleep with her after she climbed into my bed.

If he had consumed it, he might have fallen victim to whatever scheme she had planned. How dare she

pull such a trick on me!

In an icy tone, he commanded, “Ask Felicia to come and see me.”

The housekeeper responded, “Yes, Mr. Lowen.”

Meanwhile, the doctors arrived and immediately started examining and administering emergency

treatment to Hector.

Sitting beside Alice, Patrick reached out and embraced her. “Grandma, everything will be all right. The

doctors are here, and Kev will arrive soon too. Don't worry.”

Alice, who had been in a daze, suddenly looked up. “Pat, do you think your grandfather took some sort

of aphrodisiac? He's old, and it's been a long time since we... I'm shocked by his almost crazed actions


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She could not help but let out a sigh. “He must have been worried about the future of the Lowens,

especially considering you are the only son in the family. Not to mention how you remained

unconscious for nearly three months. He must have felt the pressure to have another heir. But at this

age, I can't bear him any more children!”

Alice still did not understand why Hector behaved that way. As a daughter-in-law of the Lowen family,

she was also just as anxious about the family's future.

She could not wait for Patrick to get married and have children to continue the family line.

Patrick nodded in response. “I know what you mean, Grandma. It's my fault.”

Now, he seemed to understand why his grandparents were so eager to push him to go on blind dates

and meet women. They just wanted me to get married as soon as possible and have children.

He even started suspecting that Hector orchestrated the incident six years ago, but many doubts

remained unanswered in his mind.

To make matters worse, Hector had lost his memories of that incident. Even if Patrick were to ask him

directly, Hector would no longer be able to answer.

One of the doctors hurriedly approached. “Old Mr. Lowen was under the influence of an aphrodisiac,

Mr. Lowen. Don't worry, we can handle it, but...”

“But what?” Patrick asked, thinking something might be wrong with Hector's health.

The doctor continued, “Next time, please advise Old Mr. Lowen not to take such substances. His

current physical condition cannot handle the excessive excitement of physical intimacy.”

Embarrassment flushed Alice's face.

All the housekeepers and doctors must have thought they were still engaging in intimate activities when

in reality, they had not been intimate for a long time, given Hector's health issues and their lack of


Patrick responded in an aloof manner, “It was all an accident. It won't happen again. Make sure to treat

him promptly.”

Just then, Felicia entered the room, quickly approaching Hector's bed. “Old Mr. Lowen, what


The butler said to her, “Ms. Ashton, Mr. Lowen is looking for you.”

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Felicia approached Patrick with worry written all over her face. “Patrick, did Old Mr. Lowen fall ill again?

Is he all right?”

Patrick's face darkened, and he cast a grim gaze at Felicia, who appeared strangely composed despite

the situation.

As someone accustomed to being shameless, Felicia continued to act nonchalant, even after what

happened earlier in Patrick's room.

“Look what you've done. What have you added to the beef stroganoff?” Patrick asked.

Felicia widened her eyes as she did not expect him to ask that. Didn't I tell the butler to get rid of that

dish? Who betrayed me?

She was confounded as she knew she had been extremely cautious while preparing that dish, and

there were no housekeepers around her at that time.

If Patrick had consumed the dish, she would have had the chance to spend the night with him. Even if

he got angry in the morning, it would have been too late to undo what had already transpired, and he

could not blame her for it. But he didn't eat it at all!

Not only did she fail to gain anything from her plan, but she also ended up being exposed.

The butler could no longer hold back. “Ms. Ashton, tell us the truth! Old Mr. Lowen ate the beef

stroganoff. Are you going to take responsibility if anything untoward happens to him?”