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Substitute Bride's Husband Is An Invisible Rich Man

Chapter 242
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From the moment Mo Yan became a supervisor, she realized that there was so much a supervisor had to do.

As the middle management in the company, the supervisor not only had to report to the higher-ups, but also had to

convey the sales tasks and strategies to the subordinates.

Sometimes, Mo Yan would wonder how Chen Ya had the time to pay close attention to her every day when she had

been a supervisor, causing trouble for her?

In the afternoon, Mo Yan finished the work on hand and started the fieldwork. Even though she became a

supervisor, she could not sit in the office all day.

Market development and payment supervision were all tasks that she had to do.

However, she did not expect to see Luo Tao as soon as she went downstairs. Mo Yan was a little surprised and ran

quickly to Luo Tao’s side.

“Why are you here?” Mo Yan looked up at Luo Tao in astonishment.

Luo Tao gently rubbed Mo Yan’s bun. “You said yesterday that you needed to do fieldwork this afternoon, so I came

to wait for you.”

“Huh? I’m at work! It’s not good to meet during working hours!”

Although she was very happy to see Luo Tao, she had to draw clear boundaries between work and personal

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matters. Mo Yan felt that it was not good no matter how she looked at it.

Luo Tao’s smile became even more gentle. “Your boss allowed it.”

“Huh?” Mo Yan replied in a daze.

“I sent a translation to your director on the way today. Your director said that you can have someone accompany

you when you do your fieldwork with an injured arm this afternoon.”

Because he knew Mo Yan’s personality, Luo Tao’s expression was very serious when he spoke, as if to prove that he

was not lying.

Mo Yan giggled and grabbed Luo Tao’s arm.

Previously, the director had asked her for Luo Tao’s phone number. She didn’t expect Luo Tao to complete the

translation so quickly.

“Why are you so serious! It’s fieldwork! There will always be times when you slack off.” Mo Yan mischievously stuck

her tongue out at Luo Tao.

Today, Mo Yan was going to the site of the project that the Mo family had discussed with them a few days ago. The

distance wasn’t too far; by bus, it was six stops away. She had chosen a time when there were fewer people, so

there would be no traffic jams.

After spending a lot of time with Mo Yan, Luo Tao had slowly gotten used to taking the bus. For this reason, the two

of them had specially gone to get bus passes.

Like the previous time, if the two of them had time at night, they could take the bus home slowly. Enjoying the night

scenery of the city along the way was a kind of enjoyment.

Without Mo Lian stopping them, Mo Yan’s work progressed very quickly. It was not that the project had fallen into

Mo Yan’s hands, but they had held meetings over a few days and so had to see it for themselves and get some

results. In the future, if she encountered a similar project, she would be able to come up with a plan as quickly as


If they had rejected it, then the few mornings spent would have been wasted.

After work at night, the two of them weren’t in a hurry to go home. They were ready to take a walk and take a taxi

once they felt tired.

Mo Yan held onto Luo Tao’s arm and strolled under the brightly lit high-rise buildings.

“Mo Cheng called me this afternoon.”

Just as Mo Yan was talking about her childhood with Mo Cheng, Luo Tao suddenly spoke up.

“Is anything the matter?” Mo Yan looked at Luo Tao.

“He said that the results are out regarding his school’s punishment for the students who had fought.”

Mo Yan had almost forgotten about this matter. The day after the fight, she went to work and met Mo Lian. She was

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promoted to supervisor and took over the supervisor’s job. She was busy as a top all day long.

She didn’t have the time to bother about this issue. Luo Tao was the one who dealt with the follow-up matters.

Besides, apart from her injury, Luo Tao and Mo Cheng were both fine, so she didn’t really care about it.

“What do you mean?” Mo Yan asked.

“I heard from Mo Cheng that after the school teacher confirmed from the students that those people were the ones

who started the fight, they gave them demerits.”

“What about their injuries? How much did you pay back then?”

Mo Yan remembered that Luo Tao had beaten up those gangster students quite badly back then.

“I didn’t pay. They were the ones who started the fight. We considered it as self-defense. Moreover, you were

injured. They were the ones who paid for your medical expenses.”

Mo Yan looked at Luo Tao in surprise. Was this considered self-defense? How did Luo Tao beat up those people in

order to make such a judgment?

Seeing Mo Yan’s strange expression, Luo Tao didn’t explain much, he continued to laugh, “I heard from Mo Cheng

that he gave the teacher evidence of these people bullying the other students. Other than the demerits, they are

also facing the risk of being expelled.”

Mo Yan’s jaw dropped. Her family’s Cheng was not bad! Things were done well. With the experience of these

people, there should be fewer bullying incidences in the school.