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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137 Annette POV: | couldn’t sleep at all the night before my mind raced with the idea of being reunited with Seraphine. Of having the no comfort of her being back, by my side our hands conjoined forever again.

We had waited until the full moon when our connection would be at its peak. My memories flooded in from the last t| was in the moon pool. | had laid in it before my wedding, and my husband ever impatient had watchedthe whole night staring athungry.

This t| wouldn't be alone everyone would be watching they would wait with bated breath forto return to normal. What would happen if | did not like other wolves, my blood was pure alpha blood. Things have been put in place to protect those around me.

| didn’t want Christian to watch this if this was successful, it would be a pretty sight. | turned over at my husband's restful face. What would he think when he sawlike that? Grayson was only one generation of pure alpha blood. He was strong that much was true, but there was a hunger, a drive insideand my siblings. There was a third beast that we all caged up, that we kept hidden beneath the floorboards of our minds.

It had been the easiest for me, but now | had to cface-to-face and hope I cout on top. For my sake, | had to. He had already been withoutlong enough.

| watched Grayson breathe in and out softly for hours. Then his eyes flitted open as the sunset, turned to look at me, not a word spoken between us. I'm sure Enzo prowled inside of him. | felt so horrible for him to be without his mate for so long to not know what had happened to her.

We got dressed in silence. Once again | only wore a small, thin, nightgown. Charlotte cin to watch our son as he slept. He was blind to the turmoil outside of his world of dreams. | wanted it that way to let him sleep hopefully when he woke up all would be right in the world.

1/5 .077% 11:10 Chapter 137 “It's time,” Grayson told me, softly, pullingaway from my son’s crib side.

We went downstairs my family waiting watchinglike like an animal in a cage. They were aware of the battle | faced.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| walked through the forest the dirt leaves, and pine needles crunching under my feet. The cold air swirled aroundas we moved closer.

Amaria stood in front of the pool, her eyes dark with certainty. She believed this would work. She knew it in her bones and for sreason that madethink it might too.

| gave one last look to my husband as | stepped into the cold water it nipped and bit at my skin but | submerged myself all the same. | thought of my wolf of the pain she must be enduring. | pictured her blonde fur and golden eyes.

1 Amaria started ssort of chant and | closed my eyes tightly. | pictured my wolf | focused on her. | honed in on what small bits | had of her. | lay there trying to reach for her cold and shaking, eyes all over me.

Just When | started to doubt, the forest entered my mind. The one | had wandered all those months every t| had been drugged. The gray mist was much less thick and the trees poked out into the frame.

“Seraphine!” | shouted. “Seraphine!” | used all the volmy voice could muster. Calling out into the great void for her to hear, for her to find me.

| looked all aroundtrees looming over waiting to graband keephere forever. My heart started racing that feeling I'd had returned tenfold. That haziness my mind swirl instead of focused.

“No, don’t do that. Don't let it win.

| fought it for a moment falling to the ground. The fogginess encirclingand pinningdown. | pushed back against it picturing her and trying to stand.

2/5 Emergency calls only M Chapter 137 077% 11:10 My son's little fingers entered my mind, and | started walking through the swampy ground, and I called for her again and again.

No matter where | went, | couldn’t see her. | reached for her through the mist. Trying to sense her to connect to her again. | felt her, but there was still all this bramble in the way. Tangled vines and toppled trees kept us apart.

“Seraphine,” | called again screeching through the endless wood for her to hear.

| kept walking, not stopping my legs from wandering. | closed my eyes remembering the way she felt my voice, my constant companion.

“Seraphine,” | whispered.

A howl pierced the air.

I spun in its direction and ran for her. It was a weak and whiny howl. One of pain and fear, she was still hurt. | would find her and get her better.

| stumbled through the trees as | lunged forward, searching for her.

“Seraphine!” | screamed again, desperation permeating my voice.

Again a howl cpointingin the right direction. | ran faster, my hands now scraping direction. | ran faster, my hands now scraping past the bark and pushingcloser to her. Another howl calledto her guidingon.

Eventually, | heard her whimpers and subtle sighs. | stopped in my tracks and intently listened, following the quiet sounds.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

There she lay under a fallen tree. Her fur was matted, her paws bloody, branches stuck to her.

my poor girl,” | crouched down to see her.” I'm here now. I'm so sorry | lost you,” As | went to reach for her, my docile companion lunged at| felt her jaws around my throat.

3/5 Emergency calls only MO Chapter 137 077% 11:10 | shot up in the moon pool my eyes focused on the threat aroundmy claws extended into the rock. Hands tried to pushdown and keepstill.

Voices called to us, trying to calm us down.

*What did they know? *Who were they to call us? Specks of meat, in a world of flesh and blood. They didn’t know what we could do, they had no idea what we could accomplish and we'd never be caged again.

= You don’t deserve to stand in my presence,” We growled.

We yanked our arm free and grabbed the small one tearing him off his feet and throwing him into the others.

We jumped onto our feet and clawed at the woman who tried to wrap her arms around us begging us to still.

*why should we He entered our graze and tackled us, we were about to sink our claws into his belly when his eyes met ours black like the sky on a new moon.

She gaveback the reins and retreated her body going down four sizes and returning to normal. | felt my claws retreat and my gaze turned back to normal.

“What did | do?” | looked over at my brother James unconscious and bleeding on the ground Charlie and Theo holding themselves in different places. My mother, her arms drenched in blood as my father carried her away.

“It's alright,” Grayson gently pushed my face to look at him. “She’s back, that’s all that matters, ”.