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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 129
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Chapter 129 Annette POV: After a few days | started to relax and feel more myself. Simon explained that the silver would be almost all the way out of my system in about a week. | still couldn't talk to Grayson in my head without extreffort and it exhaustedevery t| tried.

I hadn't left the house yet the idea of going out into the crowd, all of those eyes onstaring atthe pity, the contempt, the judgement I felt much more at ease where no one could see me.

| got up in the morning and fed Christian. Grayson toldhow hard it was to get him to take a bottle and as much as | hated it, there was no other option by now. | sat with him on my knees staring at each other making faces to make him laugh and brushing my fingers over his eyes when he got tired. | had learned him so quickly my hands knowing how to hold him, how to calm him. | wore him on my chest as | made breakfast for Grayson. | relished cooking again remembering favorite recipes and foods | had craved in my absence.

While my husband went off to lead our people | kept myself inside, | knew | only had so much more grace before | had to take my place beside him helping see to all the things my duty demanded.

My siblings always seemed to calong through out the day | knew they probably were taking turns watchingand making sure | was okay. | wasn’t going to fracture under the weight of being hif | didn’t shatter after being torn from my newborn child.

“You should eat,” Cea pushed a bowl of fruit closer toas I laid on my stomach dangling a toy over my sons head.

“I eat when I'm hungry,” | told her not looking up. | wasn’t going to get better instantly and if | overate that would only hurtmore.

“Alright,” she sighed and cto sit beside me. “Is it going being back with Grayson?” Her words were grasping for sform of conversation.

| felt guilty | know they wanted things to go back to normal, wanted to joke with me, wantedto have full cheeks, wantedto have my spirit and confidence. | just had to take my time.

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“Of course it is,” | told her, smiling up at her as if everything was as it had always been.

“It's good luck that Max was as kind as he is,” she tickled Christians stomach.

“The Luna knows who to trust,” Elizebeth cover and sat on the other side of me.

| still had a guard on duty as always, either Matt, Elizebeth, Ella or James. Though | saw less of my little brother as he now had permanent position at my husbands side the two of them conversing on how best to protectand the pack.

Elizebeth was the one most commonly byand | was surprised at how much the stone cold woman had missedand cout of her shell. | wondered how much her husband had whispered in her ear throughout their marriage.

“He’s much like his father,” Elizebeth gave a soft smile to my son. “But his smile is yours,” she looked over at me.

123 Chapter 129 | reached out and held her hand, thankful for her being there for my family. Cra smiled er at me.. peace in my turmoil.

Theo cby always around lunch and usually Charlie cin shortly after but Charlie stayed longer and | had o sneaking suspicion it was due to Ella always swinging by to pick up dinner.

“They're cotally crazy about each other he just won't make a move.” Theo rolled his eyes as he helpedmake som salad for dinner.

“He’s always had an overbearing sense of duty you know that Theo,” | reminded my brother in a nagging tone.

“Yeah but does he honestly think we'll all be angry with him for not marrying an alpha blooded woman,” my brother held his hands up as said the word knowing that all the hy around my rarity was only as special as people made it out to be.

Theo never liked how covered was, he always thought it'd lead to trouble, turns out he was right. | think he probably didn’t like how much it put onand on Charlie.

“I mean you're married, you're settled and done with and popping out kids golden bloodline lives on woopdy doo,” he shook his head and he cut scucumbers. “But no even Charlie gets his ass hounded about marry what the only other female alpha in the country what if she doesn’t want to be with him,” | looked over at my brother with my eyebrows raised. We knew it was unlikely that they wouldn't be forced to meet and that our parents wouldn't say something after all. When they retired or died we took over and their whole lives were about the pack and a female alpha made for a strong pack.

We had an effect on those around us, not just our offspring. The pack was only as strong as its alpha and when we fought our strength bectheirs. Our power radiated to our wolves and when you had a family like mine on a battlefield the tide of war quickly changed in our direction.

“You should talk to him,” Theo looked over at me.

“I don’t think he'll listen to what | have to say,” | shook my head | knew he wouldn't the second | started in about following his heart he'd remindthat | met my soulmate and that | had no reason to talk about being blessed by the goddess. No one could refute my marriage, although that didn’t stop crazy bastards from tr Ella cin early that day and looked around for a moment | smirked to myself before looking her in the eyes.

“Charlie isn’t here,” | told her.

“Oh I-wasn’t. 1,” she sucked in a breath and blushed furiously.

“Helpwith dinner co and put the rub on those ribs,” | nodded over to the slabs of meat in front of us.

She nodded profusely her face still scarlet | felt bad for teasing her but the quite girl was did Charlie walk through the door/ asy. Not a second alter His eyes lit up when he saw her “Do you need help Anna?” He askedbut his eyes stayed on her.

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“Can you help Ella season the ribs,” I shook my head at how ridiculous they were.

213 Chapter 129 She looked incredulously over her shoulder but | started back challenging her to say something she silently put the bowl between them.

Aside from my older brothers obvious feelings for my friend, not much had changed. It gavescomfort know...g that they all were still here while I'd been away.

“We finished early today,” my husband walked through the door, his eyes falling on Ella and Charlie silently blushing next to each other.

| saw the gears turning in his head. “Grayson helpchop slettuce,” | ordered him and he smiled atkeeping his mouth shut.

My little brother on the other hand. “Just kiss and get it over with already,” “James!” Chalrie growled at him his ears tomato red and he through sof the rub at James.

“Ha!” Theo covered his mouth and walked to the corner of the kitchen snickering to himself.

This this what | missed | felt tears welling up in my eyes as | looked at the picture beforeJames shaking the seasoning out of his hair over the sink as Charlie and Ella glared at him. | had missed them all so much | missed them still standing here in their presence.

“It's alright,” his arms caround me. “We aren't going anywhere.

| looked out over my siblings and my friends happy that they all had survived my absence. | melted into my husbands arms. It was going to be okay and | had to let go of my fears or I'd never get better and be terrified for the rest of my life missing out on dozens of moments just like this.

The next day | left the house...

there was strouble uploading on tuesday so you guys get two chapters today and from now on all standing uploads will be to this book.