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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 126
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Chapter 126 Annette POV: | was sure at spoint Max would turn us over to Deacon, | jumped anyt| heard sudden noises or a door open. He toldhe sent a message to Grayson but kept it vague so if it was intercepted it wouldn't giveaway. He letread it so | could be sure there was nothing hidden in it givingaway.

| almost shook over his shoulder when Grayson responded after a minute or two. | thought of him of our son in his arms. | warned myself this could all still go very wrong, Deacon could figure out where | was and still cafter me. He had angered his son probably the only person in the world capable of killing him and bringing him off his throne. He wanted the upper hand, | had taken that from him and my life was on thin ice.

His sister was very kind and always seemed to be by me, when | first arrived she ledto a bathroom with her mother by her side. “I have sclothes you can borrow,” She wasn’t much older than fifteen, but she looked like her brother's brown hair and eyes tan and freckled, her mother a Greek wolf smiled atand guidedto a steaming tub.

“No one will betray your trust in my house,” She stated, holding her hand. | took off the black dress from the hotel still on my it was much easier to get rid of than my nightgown. | handed it over to the young girl and looked at it the fury in my eyes.

“Burn that,” Her mother ordered as if reading my mind. She helpedinto the tub | knew I looked skinny but | hadn’t seen my reflection in weeks, my skin clung to my bones, and my cheeks were gone. The effects of the silver acetate were potent stripping all my strength and my lifeblood from me.

| got in the water and i thought I'd die right there baths hadn't always felt this good had they? Had they always felt like standing in the sun on a warm day? | sat down and the older woman and her daughter set to brushing out my hair, it wasn’t matted, but it wasn’t good | could see sof it falling out as they brushed.

They gavea bowl of soup for dinner that night with warm bread and | ate it heartily and savagely, not becoming of a luna. | went to sleep begrudgingly watching the door to my room and looking back at the windows until the sun cout and my eyes betrayedgluing themselves shut and | slept.

| eventually woke up and when I did | sprung out of the bed and opened the doors making sure that no one had been called that | was still safe, and that I could call for my husband. True to their words they called him and Grayson seeing through the lines cright away.

| had paced around their house gripping my hands together half in prayer, half in anticipation. | walked outside of their keep and started looking at the sky.

“They won't be here for hours Annette Simon toldbut Ashley elbowed him in the ribs.

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“They'll be here soon let's wait on the steps,” the small girl cup and sat beside me. | sat there fighting the urge to run my mind warring against itself, so happy, so afraid.

“It could be deacon he could still have tricked you, Grayson is at hwith our son safe that should be enough for us.

| sat there forcing myself to believe that my husband was truly on his way and that they hadn't betrayed me, after ages 1/4 my heart thumping in my chest my palms sweating | heard the blades of a helicopter. | jumped onto my feet my heart pounding | ran over to where the helicopter pad was.

*Grayson “Grayson Please tellhe brought him, please tellthis is it, if this is it everything else will be fine, the hardest part was being separated if we're together nothing bad can happen ever again, please just open the doors, please land and open the doors and have my husband cand holdlethold my son, my baby, my baby boy please.

| didn’t notice that Max and his family had joined us | didn’t see my parents beside him all | saw was my baby, my son, in my husband's arms. His was so much bigger than when | last saw him he had his father features black hair on his head thick, his eyes pray.

| let out a gut-wrenching sob and 1 lunged forward grabbing him from his father and holding him to my chest he didn’t even cry. | collapsed to the ground sobbing. He was so big, how had he grown so much in the last few months? | had missed everything i sobbed holding him, my child.

Grayson knelt holding us. “It’s alright darling, shhhh” He held my his ice, his pine encaculatingagain.

“Anna” My mother sniffled and pulledfrom my husband holdingin her arms | pushed off of her and smiled as be held my face | still had Christian in my arms. | looked down at him and stared up atas if in awe.

shuffled back to my husband’s arms my mother smiling attears streaming down her face but her joy faltered as | found sanctuary with my mate. | looked up at him. “I want to be alone.” | told him.

“Olzy,” He helpedstand up and Max mentioned for us to follow him back to their house. | kept under Graysons arm and held my son smelling the top of his head and looking away from anyone else.

We were ushered into the room | was staying in. | set Christian down on the bed and Grayson set the bag down beside him our boy. | turned to him and just like | needed like | wanted him to my husband kisseddeeply, softly but with all the desire six months apart brings.

“Do not ever leave my side again,” he whispered to me.

“Never.” | whispered back.

“I love you” “I love you.” We said it at the stthe way couples who had been together for years did. As if no thad been spent apart.

We laid down on the bed Christian/between us as | traced his face with my fingers his cheeks so soft his smile so joyful. I told him what had happened, he toldwhat | had missed. | apologized for my mother, he toldthere was no reason to. | told him how Deacon was in charge now, he toldhow he had almost killed Marcus.

While watched our son Grayson watched me.

“Did be.” Grayson couldn’t bring himself to ask the question but | knew what he meant.

2/4 Chapter 126 “No,” | shook my head and looked him in the eyes so he knew | was telling the truth.

| explained Marcus's total psychosis and how he truly believed | would fall for him over time. Grayson clenched his hands the way he always did when he got angered.

“Only someone that crazy would involve my father,” Grayson sighed the weight of all these monsters so heavily on his shoulders. | ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him and he reached across putting a hand on my back derpening our kiss.

We pulled apart and | continued my observation of my baby.

*if this is a dream | hope | never wake up Sadly we left our cocoon and exited the room Christian fell asleep and Grayson helpedput him on my chest.

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We left and Mother again rushed to embrace me.

“Don’t wake him, mama,” | warned her.

“Are you alright, you're so skinny, did they not even feed you, where did they keep you, how did you escape, do you want sfood,” She spluttered her many questions more tears in her eyes..

“I'm alright it's a-" “A side effect of the silver acetate | concocted to keep Annette subdued so she couldn’t reach her wolf, or Grayson,” Simon stood back and prewinced.

| didn’t even realize James was there before he cout of thin air and sucker-punched Simon. “That's enough,” Grayson ordered, and to my shock, James listened. Grayson had definitely seen James move, he knew that Simon had helpedescape, | turned over my shoulder at my husband who watched Simon like a hawk.

Christian woke up and started crying due to all the commotion and | glared at my brother.

“I do deserve that though,” Simon had a bloody mouth and a tooth lying on the ground. He stood up and brushed himself off. “I helped Anna escape but | let my hubris and thirst for knowledge cloud my morality and it cat a great cost to you all and if you'll letI'll spend the rest of my life making up for it,” | tried not to laugh as the extremely awkward, stiff, and uncomfortable Simon knelt in front of my husband.

“Alpha,” Grayson left him there for a moment stewing in his anxiety | looked over at him pursed my lips and hit him in the chest. “You'll start by figuring out a way to restore my wife's health,” Simon stood and | turned to my husband. “He has a young sister Marcus would have killed her if hadn't giventhe acetate she’s with us, they'll need a house,” “At the edge of the lands,” My father growled | sighed at their stubbornness.

“More than | deserve,” Simon bowed his head and left to pack up his things. | hugged my father and my brother, I'm sure | looked awful and it probably hurt them to seelike this. | felt so guilty putting them all through this.

We said our goodbye and Grayson thanked Max, we promised if he ever needed it we would return the favor. We got into the helicopter and | grabbed my husband's hand as we took off. We were going home. | looked down at my son in 3/4 Chapter 126.

my arms.

it’s over.....almost reunited at last, thank you all for reading have a great day! Chapter Comments LIKE POST COMMENT NOW