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Stop It She's Remarrying by Stellar Strands

Chapter 65
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Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 65

When Esme saw Fia staying silent for a long time, she couldn’t help but ask, “How about it? Have you

reached a decision?”

Fia raised her head and looked at Esme, still saying nothing.

Esme continued. “You didn’t even dare to tell Conrad about your pregnancy. It’s proof that you know

that he doesn’t love you and he would never allow you to have that baby! Rather than him finding out

about this and forcing you to abort it, why not use it to make a trade with me?”

Fia smiled and said, “You’re right. But I want the project first.”

“I never thought that you’re someone so materialistic,” Esme said with sarcasm. “I thought you Conrad


“No matter how deep my love is, it won’t sustain me.”


“True.” Esme sighed. “We’ve been destined to be different since we’re little. I have had my father’s love

since I was little, and you didn’t. Now, I’ll have Conrad’s love and you won’t.”

“Fia, I pity you, really. Unfortunately, we’re enemies. I’ll pity you, but I won’t show you any mercy.”

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Fia bit her lips and said, “Enough! Have Conrad give me the project by tomorrow.”

“Fine. Wait for my news!” Esme was confident that she could convince Conrad.

In the afternoon, Conrad had just walked out of the company lobby.

Esme stood up with the help of her driver. “Conrad!”

Conrad glanced at her foot which was heavily bandaged and quickly took her hand from the driver.

She then laid in his arms and put her arms around his neck.

“Your leg is still not okay. Why did you come here?”

“I want to talk to you about the project.”

Conrad’s expression froze for a second. “Don’t worry about the project. I’ll give you an explanation after

everything’s over.”

“I don’t want it anymore,” Esme said in a childlike tone as she held his neck tightly.

Conrad quietly looked at her and asked, “Someone threatened you?”

Esme shook her head. “Pick me up and get me into the car. Can you take me to a restaurant? We’ll talk

as we eat. I’m starving right now.”

Fia’s pitiful face appeared in Conrad’s mind. He then pushed her to the driver.

“Get her into the car.”

“Conrad?” Esme couldn’t believe that he would reject her like that.

“I need something from the back of my car. You should get into the car first,” Conrad said.

Esme instantly calmed down. It’s not that he was unwilling to hold her, but it was because he had

something else to do.

In the restaurant, Esme was sitting like a princess. Conrad would order for her and even poured the


for her. He took care of her impeccably.

When the steak was served, Esme picked up her fork and knife and wanted to cut the steak. She then

glanced at Conrad.

“Conrad, my hands don’t have enough strength.”

Conrad looked at her delicate hands and said, “I’ll ask the waiter to cut it for you.”


Esme was shocked again.

Conrad gave his forehead a massage and asked the waiter to come over. He then explained to Esme

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saying, “I’m a bit tired today.”

Esme smiled gently. She knew that he didn’t refuse her because of nothing.

She poured another glass for him and then said gently, “Don’t become a workaholic. You have to rest


Conrad took a sip and said, “What’s with the project? Why did you suddenly decide to drop it?”

Esme then said in a guilty tone, “Fia looks very tired lately. We still have to maintain our relationship

with the Lawsons, which means that we would have to speak to her eventually. I don’t want this to

affect our relationship that badly.”

“And you want to give up on the project because of this?” Conrad looked at Esme suspiciously. In his

mind, she was not someone that easily convinced.

Esme gritted her teeth quietly. Despite her unwillingness, she still showed him a face of generosity.

“Treat it as compensation for the divorce.”

Conrad drank the glass of wine and licked his lips.

“I already told the legal department to get prepared to go to court with Thea.”

“What?” Esme was stunned.

“It’s not for you. I simply believe that my grandfather deserved to have a piece of it too,” Conrad
