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Stop It She's Remarrying by Stellar Strands

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36

Conrad held Fia’s arm tightly and dragged her to ward number 5.

Because of his large strides, she could only keep up with him with a small jog.

Jason looked at all of this and couldn’t help but tighten his fists.

This was the first time the nurse was seeing the usually gentle Jason look so angry. She timidly asked

him, “Doctor, do you know that madam over there?”

Jason gave the nurse an icy glance and ignored her as he hurried toward the ward.

“Mom! You can’t just leave like this!” Beth’s cries could be heard outside of the ward..

Thea’s three sons walked out of the ward with gloomy expressions on their faces before looking at Beth

with hostility.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“The medical staff said that you were yelling and screaming inside just now.”

“That’s not me! Echo and Fia were the ones who started it!”

When Beth turned around and saw Conrad walking over with Fia, she quickly yelled, “You’re here just

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in time, Conrad! Quick, tell your uncles–in–law what happened!”

Conrad looked his three uncles–in–law in the eyes and said, “Uncles, if there’s someone that needs to

be blamed for this, I’ll take the blame.”

“Step aside!” The eldest of the three brothers, Wallace, said to him and then looked at Fia. “Fia, mother

told us to take good care of our sister and you.”

“How is Grandma doing? Fia asked, despite her fear.

“We’ve brought a specialist over. Her condition is currently stable,” Wallace said with a grimace. “Fla…

You’re a wonderful child. So please say nothing that might aggravate her inside.”

Fia lowered her head, feeling regretful about what had happened.

“I’m sorry, Uncle Wallace. I’ll keep that in mind from now on.”

The second of the brothers, Douglas, gave Wallace a kick.

“You’re scaring her.”

“That’s right!” Hector, the youngest of the three, also gave Wallace a kick.

As the eldest, Wallace instantly felt that he was being isolated.

“Mom isn’t dead?!” Beth shouted. “Didn’t they say she won’t make it?!”

All three of them glared at her in unison.

Wallace sneered. “You really wanted her dead, didn’t you?”

“That’s not what I mean, Wallace. What I’m trying to say is that your doctor is amazing. The doctors

here can’t do anything, but when your specialist went in, her condition stabilized so quickly,” Beth said

as she looked away. “I was just wondering if Mom was faking it all along.”

“What the hell?!” The three of them cursed at the same time.

“I was just worried about her…. she mumbled.

The three of them ignored Beth and turned their attention to Fia, only to see Fia looking at them with

hope. Wallace quickly said, “Don’t worry. We got an oncologist over.”

“Thank you, Uncle.”

“Visit your grandma.”

Fia frowned. “Maybe I should visit her later once her condition’s much more stabilized.”

“Just go in there. Alone,” Wallace glanced at Conrad’s hand that was still holding her arm. “As for

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you…. Stay here!”

Conrad let go of Fia’s arm awkwardly, only to have Beth grab his arm instead.

“Conrad, Esme isn’t feeling well, so I’ve let her go home first. Come home with me and I’ll cook for you.

I remember that both you and Esme like the pork chop in barbecue sauce I make.”

With a frown, Conrad pulled his arm away from Beth.

As he looked at Fia, who was entering the ward, he became curious. He remembered that she also

liked the dish.

Mrs. Taylor knew about it too and frequently prepared the dish for them.

“Conrad? Please don’t tell me you’ve stopped caring about Esme?” When Beth realized Conrad was

staring at Fia, her heart skipped a beat out of anxiety.

Conrad was becoming very perplexed. Despite both her mother and sister being in danger, she was not

worried at all. Instead, everything she said was centered on him.

He was just about to say something when someone roared…


It was Douglas, Fia’s second eldest uncle.

He couldn’t stay silent as his eyes glared at the two of them with fury.

“Are you mad, Beth? His wife is Fia, not your daughter!”