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Still Loving You Nonetheless

Chapter 1409
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Chapter 1409

Liam stared at his mother and said slowly, "Mom, if you say one more word, I'll take Ivy and fly away immediately."

Madam Sheldon instantly became angry. "Liam, how dare you!"

"I will do it."

Yanne was afraid that he would really leave with Ivy, so she hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Liam, don’t be

angry, we won’t say anything, we won't say a word."

"Why are you quarreling?" Ivy glanced back and forth at the crowd, and finally asked Liam, "why don't you let them

tell me the truth? I said what I wanted to know."

Liam calmed down and said, "V, I'll tell you what you want to know, you don't need to listen to them."

"Okay, then tell me."

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"You come with me, and I will tell you." Liam tried to take her away from Sheldon Mansion.

"Can't you just tell me right here?"

Madam Sheldon forced a smile and said, "Yes, you can say it here. Ivy is my guest, and her meal is still being

cooked in the kitchen."

She managed to get Ivy here this time, but she may not have the chance next time, she could not just let Ivy leave.

Ivy nodded. "Yes, I want to eat here."

Seeing her persistence, Liam had no choice but to nod. "okay, then come with me to the study, and we'll talk


Ivy agreed this time.

The two came to the study room on the second floor together, and Liam said immediately, "V, don't listen to their

nonsense, you don't have any shameful past."

"Liam, you still don't want to tell me, right?" Ivy said angrily, "If you don't want to tell me, I'll ask them myself."

"..." Liam hurriedly pulled her back, stared at her, and said, "V, the most shameless thing you have done is to

secretly leave me and not contact me for many years."

Ivy looked at him and asked suspiciously, "I left secretly and didn't contact you?"

"Yes, you left secretly and went far abroad. You never contacted me. I have missed you all these years, but you

never thought about me. Do you think you are shameless?"

Ivy looked at his sad handsome face and actually believed it.

She walked towards him, squeezed his palm, and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay, I forgave you long ago." Liam clenched her little hand tightly. "As long as you don't ask about your past

and don't blame yourself."

Ivy nodded. "Okay, I won't blame myself."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Outside the door, Madam Sheldon, who was eavesdropping with her ear to the crack of the door, was about to die

of anger.

She did not expect this fool to be coaxed by Liam so easily.

She turned around to look at Yanne and dragged herdownstairs. "Forget it, let's not be tough with Liam first, in case

he really takes this lunatic away."

Yanne nodded sadly, she looked at Madam Sheldon and said," Madam Sheldon, he seems to really like Miss Larson.

If Miss Larson has been in Jehovah City, he will always be with Ivy."

"No, don't worry, I will never let them go on like this." Madam Sheldon knew what she meant and hurriedly

comforted her.

"Madam Sheldon, I hope you can help Liam and me quickly."

"Haven't I been helping you all this time?" Madam Sheldon coaxed patiently, "Don't worry, take your time."

Yanne bit her lip and said, "Madam Sheldon, are we going to just let them be in the study room all alone?"