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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 269: I Want You
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Chapter 269: I Want You

"Onoda-kun, can you brew tea for me?"

Shizu-senpai asked after a period of silence.

Although I came in with that Vice President, both of us were treated with silence by Shizu-senpai. She's once again on her own, working on stacks of papers concerning the clubs and anything related to the school body.

The Secretary and the Treasurer were out and upon noticing the Vice President, she just lifted her head slightly before passing him a bundle of papers which probably what she wanted him to do.

Upon throwing me a hateful glare, that Inugaki-senpai left the SC Room to work on that leaving us alone in this big room.


I answered and moved to the side where the tea set is stored.

I didn't comment on how she did things today to see how much she progressed from last time. Apart from me and Nami or the others in that club, she's still barely interacting with the members of the Student Council. Scratch that Vice President for now. What I wanted to see is for her to at least interact more with the Treasurer, Watanabe.

However, that seems to be hard to do. She's always with her boyfriend, the Secretary, and they're doing the jobs handed by Shizu-senpai together.

Spending a few minutes to brew the tea, I watched from that side how she still diligently did everything on her own. At times, she would fix her pair of reading glasses that are loosening up with her movements and prolonged bowing of her head to read it on her table.

Last time, I helped her work on that to let her experience how efficient it would be to work with someone else rather than doing everything separately like how she ran the current Student Council. And because of that, it led us to have spare time which I used to hear her honest thoughts without the mask she's putting on for everyone else.

I only took a glimpse at what she's working but through those few I managed to read, she's already preparing for the eventuality of the Cultural Festival, months before the supposed date for it.

When the sound produced by the kettle which indicated the boiling of water rang out, Shizu-senpai glanced to my side for a bit. I don't know how long her eyes stayed because I already turned around to put the tea leaves before pouring a cup for her.

She's already back working on the stacks of paper when I started walking back to her side, gently putting the teacup at her right side.

"Thank you."

Shizu-senpai softly said. She then rested her back on her chair and fixed her sitting posture before lifting the teacup and taking a sip from it.

"You're unusually silent today. Are you not going to pester me about your goal of letting me open up to others?"

The way she opened up the conversation this time, I guess she couldn't stand the silence anymore or this is the progress I'm waiting for.

"I decided to just stay silent and watch you, senpai. I can't always pester you when you're working like this. Besides, I'm trying to see if there's already progress on your end."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I answered. I'm also gearing up to help her again but given that she's sipping her tea, the work is currently paused.

When she heard that, Shizu-senpai released a soft sigh before putting down the teacup.

Slowly, she turned her chair and faced me. Without taking her glasses off, her pair of yellow eyes fixated its gaze on me.

Although she's mostly expressionless, staring at her like this is still enough to make anyone's heart throb. I mean, unlike Nami, this part of hers is one of her charms. I wouldn't get tired looking at her. Of course, her expression where her genuine smile shows was still the best.

"Take a seat, Onoda-kun."

Yesterday, she also sighed upon seeing me and now, it once again appeared. What's on her mind, really? I know I'm still far from conquering her, the way she hugged me from the back the last time I was here was just a sign of how I got close to her. Talking to me was comforting for her as she didn't need to put on her amiable mask and just had to be herself. She hated how I entered multiple relationships but still… the time we shared last time was genuine.

Holding her rough hand and letting her rest her head on my shoulder. If it was before, I would've moved to the next stage in conquering her, regardless of her hate at the state of my relationship with the other girls.

However, just like how I wanted to respect Arisa-senpai's decision, I also wanted to respect Shizu-senpai's.

I nodded and pulled a chair from the long table in front and put it in front of her before sitting face to face with her.

With our eyes now at the same level and in closer proximity, I could see it slightly trembling. Also, her cheeks gradually display a hint of pink.

"What's next?"

Shizu-senpai asked.

Upon hearing that, I couldn't process her meaning instantly. Only after a few seconds in silence with her eyes staring at me and a slight smile appearing on her face, probably due to an idiotic blank expression, did I understood her meaning.

"Last time, you worked with me, senpai. What about working with the other members? Don't hand them a task but call for a meeting where you will hear their thoughts and in turn, you'll also do the same."

"We regularly held meetings though."

Shizu-senpai answered before picking up her teacup again.

"Really? But how did the meetings go?"

"They report to me."


"That's it."

She shrugged her shoulders before sipping more of her tea. After a while, she put it down again.

I'm already facepalming in my mind but for the sake of this lovable girl, I have to slowly let her understand things for it to lead to her eventual change for the real Asakura Shizu to surface.

Although there's nothing wrong with her continuing as the scary Shizu-senpai, I want to see her genuinely smile her heart out. Like I told her last time, even if I ended up not making her mine, seeing her becoming more confident with her real personality was enough. Watching her work alone in here, it looks lonely. I want to see more of her smiles and the blush on her face which made her even more beautiful…

I guess this is just me being selfish. I want to change her even if she doesn't want to. I will apologize to her once we reach our goal.

"Senpai, that's not a meeting. That's just them reporting to you. It feels like you're just their boss and they're your lackeys."

"But as the President of the Student Council, I am their 'boss'."

Well, that's correct. But this girl, I might just be guessing here… Are her responses this time all intentional? I observed her alluring face and noticed the amused expression slowly appear on it.

Perhaps she noticed that I'm trying to see something through her face, Shizu-senpai picked her teacup once again and used that to block her face.

Acting helplessly, I replied to her remark.

"Yes, you are… I can't deny that. I know I'm the one pushing you to open up to them but senpai, is it fun staying alone in this big room?"

"I'm not alone right now and I'm having fun, Onoda-kun."

Even with the teacup covering her lips, just how her cheeks lifted a bit was enough to guess that it was currently curved into a smile.

She's really intentionally answering like that to irk me or to have fun in her own way.

"Alright. Hearing that made me happy. But senpai, what about when it's not the time for my secretary work? Will you continue putting your members at arm's length?"

Wearing a slightly worried expression, I asked her.

Upon seeing that, her smile vanished and the teacup that was already empty clinked as she put it down on the plate.

"Enough, Onoda-kun, I actually understand what you're saying… I will do what you said."

"Thank you, senpai."

I bowed my head to her and smiled.

"Don't thank me. You're the one helping me. Here."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Shizu-senpai waved her hand before stretching it forward, presenting her opened palm to me.

"What is this, senpai?"

"Don't play dumb, blockhead. I'm allowing you to hold my hand."

Of course, I understand what she intended me to do by presenting her hand like this but… Will I just let it end with only this? Treat everything as just a reward.

It's just reinforcing the idea that she will never be mine… It feels like she's rubbing salt on my wound.

"I refuse. I like you, Shizu-senpai and I want you to be mine. This will not change. That's why… I refuse to be rewarded like this. It's just temporary. I'd rather not take it."

I don't know what expression or how I delivered these words but I saw how it somehow shocked her. To get her out of that, I continued.

"Let me help you with your work instead so you can finish earlier once again. Also, I forgot to say but I have somewhere to go to. I will be excusing myself early today."

Upon hearing that, the shocked expression on her face vanished. However, it was replaced with contemplation as she lowered her head. It took her more than a minute, before lifting it again and asking me in a soft voice.

"… Another girl?"


There's no point lying about it and well, my plans mostly involved my girls. She will be able to guess it even if I don't admit to it.

"I see. Alright, let's work on this… so you will not be late to your appointment."

I failed to see her expression fully because she already turned her chair back to the front, picking up on a new page from the stack of papers.

She reached for her pen but even at this distance, I noticed her trembling hands as she slowly gripped onto it.

Shizu-senpai was surely shaken. First from my refusal which she presented herself and after that, my announcing of my intent to leave early.

Me refusing her might've been said on impulse but I don't really regret doing that. However, seeing her trembling like this…

My body moved on itself and before I knew it, my hand was already gripping her right hand, helping to keep it steady

"Calm down, senpai. It's not you to lose your cool like this."

"… Onoda-kun, are you always this cruel? First, you refused and now this."

With her voice a bit broken as she's clearly trying not to choke on her words.

"I know, I've been told that many times over. However, senpai, to help you understand why I refused, I will say it once more. I like you. I don't want little rewards such as holding your hand. I want you."