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Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 826
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After Mystegot his hand on Edith, the illusion he put on the entire pub suddenly disappeared, revealing that what Peter saw the entire twas purely augmented reality!

“It was so easy!” Mystesaid as he couldn’t help laughing while the remaining people in the pub cheered loudly. “We succeeded!” Everyone shouted excitedly.

“Now, helpget off of this stupid costume!” Mystesaid while laughing loudly. Sguy helped him get out of his fish tank bowl and closed the door to the pub.

After waiting for that stupid fish tank suit to be taken off, the shop closed the door and cut off all eyes from the outside world.

“Alright, Edith! Connect your system to ours!” Mystesaid to the glasses before handing them over to his crew.


Everyone held a beer in their hand and shouted frantically.

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“Although this is a huge win, we still have a lot of things to do. But we shouldn’t stop ourselves from drinking tonight!” Mystesaid while holding his glass up in the air.

“To our former boss who brought us together, Tony Stark!” Mystecheered.

Everyone else cheered, too, as apparently, they shared the ssentiment with Mysterio. They all hated Tony Stark!

“The man is wrapped in real gold and silver, but he couldn’t use it efficiently! The holographic technology that I designed was scrapped away without any real reason! This revolutionary technology with a great application prospect has unlimited potential, but Tony scrapped it away like a piece of garbage!” Mystesaid furiously.

The Holographic Tech that Quentin Beck used right now was developed under Stark Industries’ banner, but Tony scrapped it as soon as he promised the public that he wouldn’t develop more war weapons. Although the Holographic Technology wasn’t necessarily a war weapon, Tony still scrapped it away like strash even though Stark had invested nearly 600 million dollars in it!

“He said that my Holographic Tech is not needed, and I told him repeatedly that my technology could change the world! But he firedat that spot, saying that I have an unstable mental state! But nonetheless, that event gavethe courage to regain everything that belongs to me!” Mystesaid furiously.

“So, let’s give our respect to our sponsor, Tony Stark!” Mysteshouted excitedly.

“Tony!” everyone cheered in the smocking tone.

“Let’s give our appreciation to William too!” Mysteshouted as he pointed his finger at a bald, middle-aged man in the corner. This William guy was the chief of researchers who once worked under Stark Industries, but not under Tony. He worked under Obadiah Stane, and Tony fired him along with the entire crew that worked under Obadiah Stane.

William tried to create Tony’s Iron Man’s armor under Obadiah’s order, but obviously, he failed, and after the fall of Obadiah, Tony fired everyone.

“Your works on weaponry and framework combined with my Holographic Tech have created invincible illusions! This is the real magic that wouldn’t disappear! This is the work of a god!” Quentin shouted excitedly.

“Thank you, brother!” William said with a smile on his face. He had never been appreciated for his work before, as he was constantly being yelled at in Stark Industries. But under Quentin, he was appreciated, like his work really meant something.

“Gutman!” Mysteraised his glass for a toast. “The story you created about Mysterio, the Warrior from another Earth, is truly brilliant!” Mystepraised.

“Victoria! Your talent in creating the Electromagnetic pulse device at each site is magnificent! Without it, Nick Fury wouldn’t believe our word!” Mystecontinues.

“Janice! It was her that discovered the fact that Tony didn’t give Edith to the government or SHIELD. Instead, he gave it to a measly boy!” Mystesaid with a smile on his face.

“It was all you! Everyone here is the one that makes this plan successful! These days, if you can’t fly in the sky and discharge a laser from your hand, no one will listen to you! Now, we will becthe Earth’s greatest hero with Edith on our side!” Mystesaid delusionally.

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“At the end of the day, we will crush Tony Stark and the Iron Man, and we will becthe rulers of the world!” Mystesaid coldly.

Everyone started to chant Mysterio’s nas they shared the sgoal. Clearly, everyone was excited that one of the steps in their plan had cto a realisation. Mystehimself was satisfied by the result. He smirked evilly, imagining that his next plan would also yield a good result.


At the stin Tony’s home. Tony was frowning as he looked at EDITH’s data in Mysterio’s hand. He immediately got notified as soon as Peter transferred EDITH’s permission to Mysterio. Tony could stop this as he could easily revoke all permission to use EDITH altogether, but as a man with a strong desire, he wanted Peter to clean up his own mess.

He didn’t even call Peter to remind him what he had done was wrong as he wanted Peter to figure it out himself. Tony knew that a lack of responsibility and endless self-doubt would be Peter’s biggest obstacle to becoming a leader.

So, Tony chose to ignore this problem for now as he wanted to let Peter learn from his own mistake. It was a path to adulthood, and thus, Peter should cto terms with it himself. Tony already knew what Mystewould do next, and it wouldn’t be pretty. But he didn’t speak up as it would serve Peter no good if he exposed Mysterio’s true nature right now.

Although it might be cruel to Peter, it was a chance for Peter to grow. It was an experience for Peter that Tony wanted him to take. A little sacrifice for a better future.

In the end, if the situation gout out of control, Tony could confidently say that he would resolve it easily.

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