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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily)

Chapter 1540 Belief
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Hannah glanced at Lilly with confusion as she asked, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" Lilly shook her head.

Hannah became annoyed. "That kid didn't even say thank you after | saved him. Instead, he just ran off like some jackrabbit! I'll catch him next time and ask him what he was thinking." Lilly laughed. "Hannah, maybe he was just shy." Hannah was exasperated. "It's not like he's a bride meeting her in-laws. What's there to be shy about?" Lilly pulled her along to chase after Cameron. She truly was concerned about his condition.

"We have to keep looking for him." When Cameron arrived at the lobby of his apartment building, he was in excruciating pain.

He managed to get home. Alas, he could hear his parents squabbling way before he could open the door. If his ears weren't failing him, his mother was currently screaming about getting a divorce.

Why did | think it would be anything different than the usual song and dance? He silently changed his shoes and went to his room.

His mother glanced at him, puzzled. "What happened to you?" Cameron didn't say a word as he closed the door to his room.

His mother's temper immediately flared up again as she hissed, "See! You're the man of the house! Cameron's father didn't back down, "Where were you when he was being bullied? If it weren't for the video that went viral online, would you, as his mother, have noticed anything different?" They blamed each other as they tossed accusation after accusation regarding their neglect when it came to their child's education and welfare.

Nonetheless, they didn't notice that Cameron had come home looking disheveled with bruises on his face and hands.

Cameron's stomachache worsened as he listened to the racket outside his room.

The pain was so intense that he couldn't help but groan, struggling to get off the bed and crawl to open the door.

His parents were still arguing. Judging from the volume, they had moved away from the kitchen to the living room. It also sounded like his mother had started throwing things.

The words Cameron was about to shout were swallowed back down as he turned around and crawled around to find his phone.

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When he returned, his phone screen was broken, and the battery was dead. So, he left it on the table to charge.

Usually, the table was easily within his reach. Now, it seemed like an insurmountable obstacle.

He was shivering due to the pain, unable to get up. It didn't matter how hard he tried, as he just couldn't get his phone.

Before long, he fell heavily to the floor.

His parents were still immersed in their argument and didn't hear the noise.

Cameron sighed and gave up.

Well, why was he afraid of death? Could death hurt him more than life already had? Besides, it was just some pain. It wasn't as if he would die of some measly pain. Otherwise, he would have been dead years ago.

It wasn't a big deal. He would endure this a little longer, and it'd be fine soon. Plus, it wouldn't hurt when he fell asleep.

Cameron slowly closed his eyes as the sounds around him began to fade.

In his daze, he heard someone banging on the door. It was quickly followed by the sound of his room door being pushed open.

It was swiftly accompanied by his mother's scream as the arguing couple started panicking before rushing to carry Cameron.

Before he was taken away by the ambulance, the last thing Cameron saw was two girls standing at the back of the crowd.

One felt warm. Even though they had only met twice, she felt like a sister he never had.

The other... Well, she practically dazzled him just by standing there.

Cameron even wondered if he was hallucinating because she looked just like an angel.

He thought he had curled his lips into a weak smile to reassure her. Alas, he was so weakened that he merely twitched the corners of his mouth.

After the crowd dispersed, Hannah sighed and remarked, "I didn't expect him to be in such an awful state. Is he seriously injured?" She couldn't help but worry. If she had known, she would have taken him to the hospital right then and there.

The color on Lilly's face was unusually pale. She was utterly silent. It was as if she had something on her mind.

"What's wrong?" Hannah hugged her shoulders before she tried to soothe her worries, saying affectionately, "He's been taken to the hospital, right? He should be fine." Lilly nodded. "Yes." His life was not over. So, he wouldn't die.

Thankfully, Cameron's ending would be different from Michael's.

Lilly thought of the warm Cameron and suddenly missed him.

Meanwhile, the weakling spirit, who was in the underworld, sneezed. "Achoo!" Pablo looked up at him as he quirked his brow. "What's wrong? Do ghosts sneeze, too?" The weakling spirit smiled as he commented, "They shouldn't. So, Lilly's probably thinking about me." Pablo felt the corner of his lips twitch at that remark.

The few punks that Hannah beat up couldn't get out of bed for a month.

Their legs were broken after the fight. As Hannah had also smashed their faces against the wall several times, it wouldn't be an understatement to say that their faces were currently only something a mother could love.

Their parents were furious as they posted videos demanding justice from the Crawford family! Hannah said guiltily, "Uncle, | think I've caused you some trouble.” Anthony's face turned cold. He glanced at her and asked, "How many did you beat up?" Hannah hung her head and held up four fingers.

Just as Anthony was about to scold her, Hannah quickly pulled Lilly over. "I was with Lilly!" Lilly looked up in surprise. How interesting! Her sister was actually using her as a shield! She nodded solemnly. "Yes! We taught a few bullies a lesson.” After that, she deftly pulled Hannah's phone out from her pocket and said, "Here's the video." Anthony was left thinking, If Lilly is involved, then there's nothing to worry about.

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Sure, Hannah deserved to be reprimanded for acting recklessly and causing trouble due to her impulsiveness. He was only doing what an adult should do by curbing her bad habits and molding her into a functioning citizen of society. Still, if Lilly was involved, it meant that the other party was definitely at fault.

His belief in Lilly never wavered, and it wasn't about to let him down now.

Anthony understood the situation after watching the video.

Thus, he didn't see the need to beat around the bush as he called the parents over to Crawford Holding.

The expressions of the parents when they arrived at Crawford Holding was one of astonishment.

I-It's really the Crawford Holding. The other party is truly the Crawford family, the top family in Coldston...

For a moment, they all started to feel guilty. After all, they knew what their children were like.

Some thought it was good for their children to be domineering. They firmly believed that it was better to bully others than to be bullied.

Some people would assume that children fighting and playing around wasn't a big deal. As long as their own child was safe and sound, they would consider bullying as a form of roughhousing. However, their stances would change the instant they were the party involved.

A moment later, Anthony looked at the parents with a cold expression on his face and asked, "You've seen the video. Do you have any comments?" Of course, Anthony didn't show them the full version of the video.

He only showed them the part where their children were bullying Cameron and how Hannah intervened and sent them flying.

The part where Hannah hit people was naturally omitted.

Although it was wrong for Hannah to resort to violence, what was he, the president of Crawford Holding, working so hard for if not to protect his family and future generations? Of course, he wouldn't condone her actions if she broke the law. Regardless, he would definitely support her if she stood up against injustice! The parents looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Anthony said calmly, "You want compensation, right? Let's go through the legal process. We'll pay whatever is necessary.

Perhaps you're not aware of the situation. So, allow me to enlighten you. The boy your children beat up yesterday, Cameron Owen, is in the hospital with serious injuries. He's suffering from internal bleeding and is currently in critical condition.” Anthony looked up and continued, "School punishments don't seem to be sufficient in restraining your children. As a member of the Crawford family, | wouldn't hesitate to involve the police.” When the parents heard those words, they jumped in fright and quickly waved their hands, saying, "Mr. Crawford, what are you talking about? We didn't bring this to your attention for compensation.” "Ah, it's just kids fighting and playing around. You know how kids are, right? They don't realize their own strength sometimes. So, I'm sure none of them meant any harm." "Y-Yes, Miss Crawford had to have felt the same way. I'm sure she didn't mean it. Why don't we just sweep this under the rug?"