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Son-in-law From Rags to Riches

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79 Marsh’s Methods!
Pamela’s expression changed as she asked, ‘How is this possible? Mr. Elinor and the other companies of construction materials
agreed with the renewal of the contracts last month. Why did they suddenly go back on their words?’
Regina sighed and said, I am also puzzled about this matter. We have never had any problems in terms of the contract and
payment process. The strange thing is that they suddenly broke the contract at the same time! There is no room for negotiation.
They are too dishonest!’
“What did you say? They broke the contract at the same time?” Pamela frowned and asked.
“That’s right. What’s wrong?
Pamela frowned. “It seems that this is what they have discussed. They are deliberately targeting us!”
Regina was puzzled. Our cooperation with Mr. Elinor and the others has always been smooth. What good will it do if they
suddenly go back on their words?’
“I’m not too sure either. No matter what, I have to make a phone call to ask!”
Pamela took out her phone and dialed a number.
“Hello, the number you have dialed is in the middle of a call...”
She called a few more times in a row, but it was the same result!
Pamela’s face sank slightly. “They blocked me! What the hell is going on?”
Joshua, sitting on the sofa, said, “I don’t think it’s because the raw materials suppliers are targeting you, but it’s someone else!”
‘Why do you say that?’
Joshua was about to answer.
Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the door. “What difficulties did our general manager Pamela encounter?”

Marsh was leaning against the office door, holding a cigarette in his mouth.
Giselle, who was standing next to him with heavy makeup, was holding a Gucci handbag that she had just bought, looking like
she was gloating.
Seeing this, Pamela frowned, “What are the two of you doing here?”
Marsh walked into the office with his hands behind his back. He looked around and replied, “Of course, came here in advance to
have a look. I plan to transform this office into a utility room in three days. It should be very good!”.

“What do you mean?
Marsh smiled contemptuously, “Don’t pretend to be calm in front of me at this time. Do you still remember what you promised
Grandma before? As long as your bidding fails, you and Pamela will work for the Windsor family for free in the future.
“When the time comes, I will be the successor to the Windsor family’s business. I will be the one to decide everything in the
company. I say I’ll transform this room into a utility room. Is there a problem?
Looking at Marsh’s clearly provocative look, Pamela coldly snorted in response. ‘Who told you that we will definitely fail the
Marsh and Giselle exchanged glances.
Then, Giselle laughed. “Pamela! Don’t tell me that you really think you can win the bid? Funny! There are only two days left
before the deadline for the gambling agreement. Your small company with a loser can do it? Dream on!”
Pamela was so angry that she bit her lips but did not know how to refute.
After all, even she herself could not see any hope of completing the bet agreement!
Joshua responded easily. “Before the last second, everything is still unknown. If we really complete the gambling agreement,
what will you look like?”
When he heard Joshua speak, Marsh’s chest surged with uncontrollable anger!
Damn it!

If he could, he would have beaten Joshua up a hundred times!
“I know you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve, Joshua! That’s why I came here today to prevent all accidents from happening. I
would not let anything out of expectation happen!”
Joshua looked forward to it. “Then I want to be all ears. Mr. Windsor, how are you going to prevent them?”
Marsh raised his head slightly and cleared his throat. ‘Didn’t you just receive a notice of the default of upstream building
materials suppliers? Let me tell you. I did that!
As long as I cut off the source of your upstream goods, even if you win the lottery, you won’t be able to make so many
construction materials in three days!
Pamela’s face turned pale. “So it was you who did this!”
“It’s me. How about it? If you are angry, come over and bite me!” Marsh replied mischievously.

Pamela was so angry that she gritted her teeth.
She had originally thought that Marsh coming over last night to forcefully ask for 1 million dollars in advance was already very
shameless, but she never thought that he would even use such a method.
She would be forced to a dead end!
Marsh spread out his hands. ‘This is business. There is nothing shameless about it! In fact, what I do is very simple. As long as I
tell the real situation of you to those upstream suppliers, they will weigh the pros and cons. At this critical moment, they will
naturally choose to give up on cooperating with you and support me instead! Two birds with one stone! Understand?”
Pamela sat on the chair, her eyes lifeless.
Marsh cut off the lifeline of her branch company!
Now there was no hope at all! Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Marsh and Giselle saw the despair on Pamela’s face and their hearts were filled with ecstasy!
They had been humiliated a lot recently.
Now it was finally Pamela’s turn to receive retribution!
They felt great!
Regina stood in the middle, looking depressed.
She had deep feelings for the company, and whenever the company encountered any difficulties, she would always stand up to
help without hesitation.
However, the current situation was not something a small role like she could help.
She just did not understand why Pamela had to suffer so many grievances and suppression in the Windsor family!
The management above didn’t see how great Pamela was.
She really felt bad for Pamela!
Joshua stood up. “You two! Since you came over to show off everything you can, can you go out now? After all, my wife’s
company is not over yet. Don’t delay everyone’s work!”
The corners of Marsh’s mouth curled up into a sneer. “Joshua! Who told you that we are done? This is just the beginning! Do you
still want to continue the business? Only someone can work for you!”
‘What do you mean?” Joshua narrowed his eyes.
“You don’t know yet. Just as I came here today, I sent an email 10 all your employees. The content of the email is very simple. It
is to tell them all about your company’s current situation.
“Moreover, I also posted a recruitment advertisement for myself. As long as they leave your company today, I’ll be responsible
for the employees of the branch company, and the salary will be raised by 50%. As for those who insist on staying, after I take
over the branch company two days later, they will be fired! Are you surprised?
Marsh licked his lips.

His smile was crafty! .