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Son-in-law From Rags to Riches

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 Your Fall Only Takes a Few Minutes
After Joshua finished that sentence...
Ralph and Gideon exchanged eyes and burst out laughing. Ralph asked, “Did you hear what he said? He wants to destroy the
Morton family!”
Gideon laughed hard and said, “I have never met such a man. I know young people nowadays are bold, but I’ve never seen
someone so foolish! He’s funny!”
Gideon shook his head and said to Joshua, “Kid! I don’t care which house’s matrilocal son-in-law of you are, but I advise you not
to be arrogant!”
Joshua ignored his words and said, “Old timer, stop lecturing!”
Gideon was stunned. He then said with anger, “I would like to see how you plan to destroy the Morton family.”
After saying that, Gideon turned his eyes to Rex and said, “Rex, your rise in New York surprises us. If you continue the former
path, in less than five years, you might be able to beat me.
“To be honest, I appreciate your courage and ability, but I have to say, although I don’t know how Joshua fooled you, you have
made a wrong decision tonight.
“After tonight, everything will be different. Everything you have worked hard to get will be mine!”
Rex only smiled, ignoring Gideon’s words.
Reuben, who was hung on the wall, said with a sobbing tone, “Dad! Gideon! Stop talking with them. Save me! I can’t hold it
“Son, I’ll save you immediately!”
Ralph nodded.
Just as Ralph was about to order his men to save Reuben...

A sexy woman wearing a pair of glasses rushed into the private room. She looked anxious and shouted when she saw Ralph,
“Mr. Morton! It’s urgent! Something terrible has happened!”
This woman was Ralph’s secretary.
She was at the same time Ralph’s mistress!
Ralph was surprised to see her here..
Ralph frowned. “Calm down! What happened?”
The sexy secretary said with a sad face, “Mr. Morton, the president of New York Bank just called, saying the 30 million dollars

commercial loan we just got has been frozen!”
Ralph was stunned, his face full of horror!
Although the Morton Group was a big company with a market value of more than 200 million, it required regular commercial
loans to ensure enough liquidity.
To get the 30 million loan, Ralph had pulled many connections and spent a lot of time and energy.
With the money, the Morton Group would develop much faster and Ralph was confident that he could get more share of the
building materials market.
At that time, the Morton Group would greatly expand its business!
Yet the money was frozen all of a sudden!
The sexy secretary continued, “Moreover, the bank president also said that there was a large number of counterfeits found in our
previous commercial loans. Now he is ready to sue us!”
Ralph’s forehead was covered with sweat. He said in disbelief, “How ... how is this possible? What happened to the loans? No, I
have to call the bank!”
However, just as he took out his phone, he received a phone call.

. It was from Harrison Carroll, the CEO of Prosper Group.
Ralph hurriedly answered the call and said respectfully, “Mr. Carroll, it’s so late. What can I do for you? Please do not hesitate to
Harrison let out a cold snort and said, “Td like nothing to do with you!”
Ralph subconsciously trembled after hearing that. He had a bad premonition and asked, “Mr. Carroll, what ... what do you
Harrison said indifferently, “It means nothing. I just want to inform you that from today onwards, Prosper Group will cut all
business dealings with the Morton Group. Moreover, I have already informed the other steel companies in New York State, and
they won’t cooperate with you, either!”
After that, Harrison hung up the phone, giving Ralph no chance to ask more questions.
Ralph felt his head spin!
Ralph almost fell to the ground.
The Morton Group’s main business was building materials, and steel was the most important raw material.
But the call meant that the Morton Group couldn’t get any steel from now on.
They could no longer produce building materials.
Gideon was also confused. He frowned and asked, “Ralph, what happened? Didn’t New York Bank and Prosper Group always

work well with you?”
Ralph’s face was pale, and his lips trembled as he answered Gideon’s question, “.... I don’t know either. This is fucking
For decades, Ralph had worked hard and finally created the success of the Morton Group. yet it was
destroyed in less than two minutes.
It was unbelievable! Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Joshua added fuel to the fire. “Hey! Don’t say that. It’s not over yet!”
Ralph’s eyes were somewhat dull. He asked, “What do you mean?” ,
Just as Ralph finished speaking...
Ralph’s phone rang again!
It was from the vice president of Maple Properties, Alexia Lindsey!
Ralph was nervous!
He swallowed his saliva.
Somehow, he had a bad feeling.
But he braced himself to answer the call.
Before he could flatter her, Alexia spoke, “I’m calling to inform you of two things!
“First, the Morton Group will be disqualified from the bidding!”
“Second, some of the building materials that the Morton Group provided last year have quality issues. We will resort to the law to
demand compensation!”
Ralph’s heart sank. He hurriedly explained, “Ms. Lindsey! Please listen to me. I’m sure there’s a misunderstanding. I...”
Alexia didn’t expect Ralph’s response!
She hung up the phone.
Ralph sank to the ground.
He muttered, “It’s over! It’s all over! What the hell is going on? Who can tell me what happened?”
Gideon also dropped his arrogance and became nervous.
He was not a fool. He had been living in New York for years.

In just a few minutes, Ralph, the owner of the Morton Group, lost everything he was proud of.
This was not a coincidence!
Gideon looked at Joshua.
When Gideon saw the innocent smile on Joshua’s face, Gideon was frightened!
Gideon realized he misjudged Joshua!
While Gideon was figuring out a way to make Joshua stop seeing him as a target, Joshua said to Ralph, “Mr. Morton, how do
you like my show? Are you surprised?”
Ralph trembled, unable to utter a complete sentence.
Joshua smiled gently. “This is just the beginning. The best is yet to come. Hope you like my surprise!” .