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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 913
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Chapter 913 Request Of Teagan

Upon hearing Donald reply in the affirmative, Teagan quickly added, “Mr. Campbell, apart from investing in Dynasty

Studios, I also have a few KTVs and bars on Aurelian Street in Pollerton. You're aware of how exorbitant the land

prices can get on Aurelian Street. Furthermore, I strictly engage in legitimate businesses, so despite the long

duration of operations, my earnings have been rather modest, just enough to keep the business afloat. My initial

strategy was to gradually build a loyal customer base, hoping that with enough regulars and familiar faces, the

business would become more manageable. Little did I anticipate that my modest venture would catch the attention

of Ashton Brunner.”

Teagan sat on the couch, continuously venting his frustrations to Donald. Donald was surprised to find out that after

years of not seeing Ashton, the latter had actually become the third-in-command of Razor Gang in Pollerton.

What was even more outrageous was the fact that Ashton had the audacity to blatantly disregard the rules

previously set by Donald and sell a drug called “Moneydust”.

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Teagan was indeed a businessman who loved money, but he also had his principles and boundaries.

He would never have the courage to touch something like Moneydust.

Hence, during this period, the KTVs and bars under Teagan's name were constantly harassed by those from Razor

Gang, resulting in a significant loss of customers.

If the situation persisted without a solution, Teagan would have no choice but to close down his businesses sooner

than later.

“So, what exactly do you want me to help you with?”

Donald took a sip of coffee, his gaze somewhat chilly.

The minute Donald heard about Ashton selling Moneydust, the latter was already dead to Donald.

“Mr. Campbell, I dare not make any other requests. All I ask is for you to speak on my behalf, to see if they could let

me off the hook. I can make a monthly payment to them, but I truly don't have the guts to get involved with

something like Moneydust.”

“Give me Ashton's address,” Donald said calmly. “After today, his existence in Pollerton will be eliminated.”

Teagan couldn't help shuddering in fear upon hearing Donald's chilly words.

Despite knowing Donald was not targeting him, he was still rattled by the murderous intent in his tone.

After obtaining the address, Donald turned and left the office, immediately hailing a taxi to head toward the location

of Ashton.

According to Teagan, Ashton never had a fixed place of residence.

During the day, Ashton would go around with his men, intimidating shop owners. When night fell, he would head to

the establishments he had taken over to drink, flirt with girls, and sleep.

Recently, his favorite place to visit was Soundwave Bar.

The taxi came to a halt in front of Soundwave Bar. Donald stepped out of the car and headed inside after

confirming the address.

Two of Ashton's underlings who were standing guard at the door immediately blocked Donald's way.

“What are you doing trying to barge in? Don't you know the rules?”

One of the subordinates patted the sign next to him. Only then did Donald notice that the entrance fee was three

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hundred per person.

Donald pulled out three hundred in cash and handed it to the subordinate, asking, “Is Ashton inside?”

The subordinate who was counting money instantly grew wary.

“Who are you? Why are you looking for Ashton?”

“I have a big business deal that I need to discuss with Ashton. Could you please refer me to him?”

Sneering, the subordinate said disdainfully, “You've had too much to drink, haven't you? What kind of big deal could

you possibly have to discuss with Ashton? I advise you not to cause trouble, or I'll beat you into a pulp and get you

hospitalized in a matter of minutes. Do you hear me?”

Initially, the subordinate, Perry Crawford, thought that Donald was looking to join their gang.

After all, Ashton had made quite a name for himself in Pollerton over the years, not to mention his knack for

making money. Hence, every one of his followers enjoyed a life of luxury.

Donald didn't mind it when the two subordinates refused to take him to Ashton.

After receiving the admission tickets from the two, he stepped into Sound Wave Bar, his footsteps steady and
