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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17 Rivebale Hotel

As a professional salesperson, Rafe immediately introduced the place, “This is the most expensive

house in Pollerton. It’s called the Prime Property of Pollerton and is worth thirteen hundred million. There

is a recreational room, a billiard room, a swimming pool, and a sunroom inside the house. I heard that its

ownership is about to be transferred soon.

Narrowing his eyes, Oliver stared at the building. His eyes glinted as he pondered to himself.

Meanwhile, Irene and Rebecca were glancing at the building in envy.

“Thirteen hundred million? Who would be able to buy it? The buyer is probably a financial magnate,

right?” Irene wondered aloud.

“No ordinary person can fork out thirteen hundred million to buy a house,” Rafe replied. He appeared to

be a little pathetic as he smiled suppliantly at the lady and bowed to her gently.

Oliver’s gaze swept past Rafe in disdain. “Whoever it is, that’s none of your business. Your monthly

salary is just three thousand and six hundred.”

Hearing this, Rafe flinched. Though his smile froze on his face, he did not dare to counter back.

Just then, Irene and Rebecca giggled in unison. “Yes, Rafe. You shouldn’t worry about this. Instead, think

about how you can sell the house to earn more commission.”

“Commission? Hmph, it’s more like you’re receiving alms.” Irene snorted.

Thereafter, Donald replied, “Rafe is a salesperson. How could you deem the results of his hard work as


Hearing this, Irene glared contemptuously at Donald.

His outfit is worth less than two hundred, and he still has the audacity to stand up for someone in front of


Then, she retorted, “That’s none of your business as well. In my opinion, it’s your luck that Mr. Langford

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was willing to give you a commission. Since he can easily pay one hundred million for a house, he could

directly discuss the offer with the owner of the estate himself. Hence, you’re not really helpful to him.”

Irene had mistakenly assumed that Donald was a property agent as well. Hence, she treated him with


“There’s no such thing as equality in this world. Oliver is way better than you,” Rebecca piped up coldly.

She desperately tried to win Oliver’s favor by praising the latter and belittling Rafe and Donald.

In response, Oliver just waved his hand dismissively. “All right, that’s enough. Let’s talk about business-

related matters now.”

Though he spoke in an indifferent tone, his face betrayed the arrogant attitude he had toward everyone


Seeing that Donald was preparing to retaliate again, Rafe meekly tugged at his sleeve to stop him,

signaling him not to engage in a useless verbal dispute.

Then, Donald fell silent.

With Rafe leading the way, they arrived at the ninth apartment of the twenty-seventh story in no time.

A middle-aged man opened the door for them. His face looked wan and sallow. The interior of the

apartment was lavish. It occupied three hundred square meters and had its own balcony.

“If not for a problem in the capital chain, I wouldn’t have sold this apartment. The total price for this is

ninety-seven million. We can sign the contract immediately,” the middle-aged man voiced out, his gaze

directed at Oliver.

After working in the business industry for so many years, he had already been able to accurately figure

out who had the most power among the group of people in front of him.

Walking around the entire apartment, Oliver nodded and shook his head intermittently. Finally, he said,

“I’m quite satisfied with your house. Nonetheless, I’ll have to consider it for a while. I’ll give you a reply by

tomorrow. Is that fine for you?”

Then, the middle-aged man agreed, “Sure.”

Oliver asked, “Could you give me your contact number?”

Rafe stood up swiftly. He remarked to the middle-aged man, “You can just contact me. Why don’t I help

you to coordinate the deal?”

If the two directly liaised with one another, it would be highly disadvantageous to Rafe, as he might not

be able to receive his commission then.

Hastily, the middle-aged man’s head bobbed up and down in compliance. He commented, “All right,

that’s the rules of the industry. I understand that.”

Upon witnessing this, Oliver’s face darkened. He remarked, “Rafe, did I allow you to speak? What’re you

afraid of? Are you afraid that I won’t give you your fees?”

Instantly, Rafe panicked. He stuttered, “No, you’re mistaken. I-I…”

“What?” Oliver questioned unhappily.

“It’s the rules of the industry,” Donald spoke up. “Even the owner knows the regulations. Why don’t you

understand it? Rafe searched for the property and contacted the sellers by himself. He had a hard time

doing so. Are you going to disregard his contribution like this?”

“Hey! Who are you to tell Mr. Langford off?” Irene inquired snarkily.

Donald’s gaze turned cold. Frostily, he looked at Irene. Seeing this, the woman uncontrollably shivered.

As the owner of the house was unable to fully comprehend the situation at hand, he subsequently tried to

smooth things over. “All right, I’ll contact Rafe instead.”

Gratefully, Rafe thanked the middle-aged man, “Thank you, Mr. Yellere. We won’t disturb you then.”

After walking out of the neighborhood, Rafe peeked at Oliver and said, “Mr. Langford, what do you think

about the house?”

Without looking back at Rafe, Oliver uttered, “Let’s meet up at noon. We can chat over lunch.”

Troubled, Rafe glanced at Donald to notice that the latter had a mocking expression on his face. “We

should go,” he said.

Rafe nodded and inquired, “All right. Where shall we go for lunch?”

“Rivebale Hotel,” Oliver declared. Thereafter, he boarded his car.

Irene and Rebecca did not even bother to bid Donald and Rafe goodbye. Rolling their eyes, they

followed Oliver.

Glancing at the BMW that was speeding away, Rafe voiced out, “Oliver seems so arrogant. I wonder

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what our lunch will be like later.”

Donald replied, “We should go and have lunch with him. Who knows? Maybe we’ll gain something


“It appears that Oliver’s really rich, as he arranged for lunch at Rivebale Hotel,” Rafe commented in

admiration. He added, “The hotel was founded by the successful businesswoman, Lana.”

Is that so?

Donald was stunned for a moment before he immediately regained his senses. Smiling wryly, he hoped

he would not run into Lana there.

A few minutes later, Donald and Rafe arrived at Rivebale Hotel. They caught sight of twenty people

standing in the lobby, one of which was Oliver. He was arguing with the receptionist.

“I’m very sorry, sir. We are at full capacity today. You didn’t reserve a table…” the receptionist apologized

profusely to Oliver.

Then, Oliver snorted in disbelief. “Is this how you manage your hotel? I’ve heard that there is a private

room on the ninth floor that is empty. Why can’t we use it?”

The receptionist widened her eyes. “Sir, that room is not available to customers. Ms. Collins receives her

guests there. I’m just doing my job. Please don’t make things difficult for me.”

There were only two private rooms on the ninth floor. Apart from that, there was a bowling room, a gym,

a meeting room, a karaoke room, and a movie theater on that floor.

Thus, one could say that the ninth floor was only for Pollerton’s esteemed guests. This included the likes

of the richest man in Pollerton, Charles, the diva Wynter, and those tycoons who ranked first in the city.

“I’m an executive of Johnny’s Antiques!” Oliver threatened in a low voice.

Johnny’s Antiques…

The receptionist instantaneously sucked in a deep breath. Respectfully, she said, “Do wait for a while. I’ll

call someone to ask for instructions.”

Oliver finally nodded contentedly and scanned the surroundings.

Everyone around looked at him with their faces full of respect and admiration.

Oliver was satisfied to receive everyone’s respect.