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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 419
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Chapter 77: Always

"She's lying. This is just some power hungry imposter coming to disrupt our pack," Raymond argued,

stepping between me and the rest of the pack.

"I can prove that I am the real Ciana," I said, holding the pack relic up over my head. I stepped around

Raymond so the entire pack could see me.

Everyone gasped when they realized I had the feather. It was more than just a pack relic. This feather

was a symbol of truth and justice. Anyone that spoke a lie while holding the feather would be punished

by the Moon Goddess.

He wouldn't dare attack me while I held the feather. It was a sacred pack relic and not even Raymond

would think about putting it in harm's way.

"Don't listen to this bitch. She's responsible for my son getting viciously attacked, multiple times. She

was probably sent here as a spy for the Dark Prince so he can wipe us all out when it pleases him,"

Raymond argued.

The rest of the pack murmured nervously and a lot of them locked at me with fear in their eyes. I

couldn't believe it! These were people I'd known all my life. Raymond had twisted them so much they

didn't know what was real and what wasn't.

"That is a lie," Warren said, speaking up. One of the guards hit him in the back of the head and he


"Prince Theo and the crown don't destroy packs or spy on them. This man has you all confused,"

Warren stated calmly yet firmly.

It wasn't good enough. I had to use the feather's fabled power to prove that I was who I said I was. The

pack wouldn't believe it otherwise. After seeing what the Moonlit Crystal could do, I didn't doubt the

power of the feather.

"I swear that I am the true and only Ciana Black, daughter of Alpha Soren Black of the Alvar Pack. As

the Moon Goddess is my witness, I speak the truth of who I am. If I lie before this feather, may the

Moon Goddess strike me down," I announced aloud.

The entire crowd went silent. Even Raymond and Hawke held their breath. Nothing happened. No

lightning bolts shot down. from the sky to strike me down. An apparition of the Moon Goddess didn't

appear and condemn me for my lies.

A ripple of relief went through the gathered pack. Then they started murmuring to each other.

I smirked and glanced over at Raymond. With the power of the feather, I'd win back the loyalty of the

pack in no time.

"Beta Raymond, would you like your fake Ciana to swear her identity before the Moon Goddess with

the feather of justice?" I asked, holding the relic out to him.

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Ramond snarled at me and pushed my hand away.

I turned to the fake me and held the feather out.

"How about it, 'Ciana'?" I asked, putting a sarcastic emphasis on her name.

She shook her head and stared nervously at the feather. "Wh- what will happen to me?"

"Don't even think about it!" Raymond snapped. He moved between me and the fake Ciana. "Ciana is

whoever I say she is, and I say it is this girl." He pointed to the fake Ciana.

She cowered a little and shot me a nervous look. Her eyes traveled over to Warren, who was still being

held by Raymond' s guards. She looked really upset that Warren was held captive. She did seem to

have a heart at least, unlike Raymond.

"You think you are smarter and wiser than the Moon Goddess?" I challenged, arching an eyebrow at

him and waving the feather around tauntingly.

More murmurs went through the pack.

"What if Raymond is wrong?"

"I don't want to be punished by the Moon Goddess."

"Beta Raymond! Tell that girl to swear her identity before the Moon Goddess. If she does, then I will

believe she is the real Ciana," a pack member said. He stood up and pointed at fake Ciana.

"That's enough! You dare question my authority and knowledge?" Raymond growled. He leapt off the

dais and advanced on the man in the crowd.

My eyes widened as he tried to get away. With a snap of the fingers, Raymond had his guards hold the

man in a tight grip.

Raymond leaned down to look right into the man's eyes, a snarl fixed on his face. "You call yourself a

loyal pack member, yet you have the audacity to question the identity of the Alpha's daughter!"

The outcrier trembled slightly. He looked at me, his eyes pleading and helpless.

"The feather..."

Before he could get another word out, Raymond grabbed his head and twisted. A sickening crack rang

out and the guards released him. The man fell in a crumple on the ground, dead.

I cringed, taking a half-step back.

Raymond was absolutely crazy. I thought that when the pack learned who I was, they would turn

against him. He had planned everything so perfectly and he would force his control over them with fear.

"Now, Ciana, you do exactly as I say, you got that?" he growled, stalking over to the fake Ciana, a dark

glare on his face.

Fake Ciana cowered and shrank away from him. If I wasn't concerned about her safety, I would have

berated her for representing me so poorly. My father had always taught me not to back down and to

face bullies head on.

If Raymond had looked at me like that, I would have told him exactly what I thought of him!

"No!" Fake Ciana gasped. She pulled away from the guards standing near her and ran to me. "Please,

you have to help me. He's going to kill me."

Raymond turned his eyes on both of us, daggers in his eyes. He would kill both of us if he had to, just

to keep control of the pack. How could he betray my father like that? He'd worked side by side with my

family for years. He'd always put the pack first. What had happened to make him turn into this power

hungry beast?

"I'm so sorry," fake Ciana said, grabbing my hand. "Beta Raymond told me he needed me to help save

his pack. He asked a witch to cast a spell that made me look like you."

"Don't listen to her. She's lying, gone insane by seeing someone that looks just like her," Raymond

argued, throwing a dismissive arm at both of us.

He stood before the gathered pack, maintaining his dominant status. I could see the pack members

were too confused to make up their minds. They still didn't know who to believe, even with the aid of

the feather.

"I didn't want to do any of this but he told me it was the only way. He said you were at the palace and

couldn't help, but the pack needed you now. I really, really thought I was helping the pack," fake Ciana

said, her eyes wide and glassy as she pleaded with me.

"I understand," I said. "You can expose his lies. You're the only one that knows the truth. Take the

feather and tell everyone what he did."

I held the feather out to her. Fake Ciana chewed her lower lip and looked from the feather back to

Raymond. The Beta wrinkled his nose and glared at her.

"If you do anything to raise a hand against me, you'll regret it," he threatened.

"You said you wanted to help the pack. If you take the feather and expose his lies, you'll free them all

from his control," I urged, pushing the feather to her again.

"He'll kill me if I do this," fake Ciana whispered. I could see fear in her eyes.

"That's right, you know your place," Raymond shouted at the back of her head.

Fake Ciana cringed. I wondered how much terror and abuse she'd suffered while trying to do what

Raymond wanted her to do. I couldn't imagine that he was the most agreeable person, even when she

was doing what he said.

"If you really want to help, use the feather," I said again, giving her a warm, friendly smile. "The pack

will protect you once Raymond's lies are revealed. They won't support him anymore."

As much as I hoped my words were true, I couldn't guarantee it. They'd already been reluctant to

believe that I was the real Ciana and so many of them chose to follow Raymond.

I hoped that having Warren there would be enough to sway them.

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If they witnessed the truth being revealed in the presence of one of the princes and did nothing to

oppose Raymond and restore my pack's honor and loyalty to the crown, Warren being the presentative

of the royal court, technically could have them ali hunted down and destroyed.

Not that he would, but they didn't need to know that!

"You'll keep me safe?" she asked again.

I nodded and fake Ciana extended a hand toward the feather.

Slowly, she turned toward the pack and held the feather up. "The truth is..."

"Arhwoo-" Raymond roared and jumped into the air.

He shifted midair, landing heavily on top of fake Ciana and knocking the feather out of her hand.

I dove at the feather, catching it before it hit the ground. Rolling, I jumped back to my feet and turned to

tackle Raymond. I'd protect fake Ciana, as I promised.

Raymond was on top of her. Fake Ciana gave a strangled cry and then lay still. Raymond lifted his

head, glaring bright eyed at me. He had blood staining his mouth.

"NO!" Warren shouted. He snarled and pulled away from the guards, showing his true strength again

as a member of the royal family.

Fake Ciana took in a sharp, labored breath and turned on her side. Whimpering, she crawled toward


I stood there dumbly, just staring at them.

Raymond was still in wolf form. Panting and heaving, his fur bristling like porcupine quills.

Warren dropped to his knees by fake Ciana. Blood spurted from the wound on her neck and she was

pale. Her arms trembled every time she tried to move.

"W-Warren," she gasped out.

"Shh, don't talk," Warren said. "Don't try to move. Save your strength."

My eyes prickled as I watched Warren with her. We both knew that she was going to die. There was no

saving her now.

Warren had only pretended to date her and love her but I knew at this moment, he was being sweet

and gentle genuinely. I expected nothing less of him.

"Warren, I'm so, so sorry," she whispered, her voice gurgling a little as blood frothed in her mouth.

"Shh... You did the right thing," he assured, running his fingers through her hair.

"I-I need you to kn-know... my real n-name is Jasmine. I... I d-do love you and I... would have... g-gone

with you," she gasped out.

"I know," he told her softly.

"W-will you... re-remember me?" she asked, her voice a barely audible whisper.

Warren took her weak, trembling hand in his.


He kissed the back of her hand.

Fake Ciana - Jasmine - mustered a weak smile. Her head fell to the side and the light left her eyes.