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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 36
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*Rosalie‘s POV Estrella had made

sure to take care of me, and once I had finished her medical protocols, she

allowed me to return to my room–

but under the condition that I stay in bed for two days and try to take it easy from now on The room the k

ing had put us in was rather lovely, and had a separate living area with a sofa, fireplace, and other fine fu

rnishings. It was basically a small one–

bedroom apartment that fit every need I could possibly have to some extent.

Letting out a sigh, I curled up against the pillows in the bed and felt impossibly alone. I hated how much

my life had changed. Yes, it had its moments where things were wonderful— but I felt so conflicted.

A knock on the bedroom door drew my eyes toward the entrance. “Yes?” “Miss Rosalie, it‘s Mary, your se

rvant. May I enter?” Servant? “Uh, yes, of course.” Slowly, I slid from my position to sit up and propped a

pillow behind my back. I watched the door opened, and a petite blonde–

haired girl with large blue eyes stepped in, carrying a tray with silver–domed dishes.

“I brought you

food, miss,” she said softly, walking toward the bed and placing the tray on a nearby table. “Alpha Ethan i

ndicated that you are under doctor‘s orders to rest, and I have been instructed to fulfill your needs from n

ow until Miss Estrella releases

you from that order.” I was taken aback and shocked. I had been given a servant! “Uhm–

no, I think that will be okay.” I stuttered, feeling completely weirded out by the situation. “I‘m grateful for y

our help, but you don‘t have to do this.” Her blue eyes widened in shock, and she looked up at me. “It‘s a

n honor, miss. Please, you don‘t have to thank me

– it‘s my job to serve those above me.” “Mary, I appreciate you. You don‘t have to fear judgment from

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me when you‘re around me. I‘m just not accustomed to having people serve

me like this.” “Of course, miss. Is there anything else I can get for you?” she replied, giving me a small s

mile. “No, thank you for everything. I am sure it‘s perfect.” As Mary took her leave and headed out, I hear

d a small gasp from the living room. Then footsteps came closer until Ethan‘s face appeared in

the bedroom doorway. I hadn‘t expected to see him any time soon, considering that he had so much goin

g on with his soon–to–be bride. “How are you feeling?” He asked as he took steps closer to me. “I see

that the

girl was able to bring you food.” “Mary,” I stated firmly, watching him. Ethan looked at me for a moment, c

onfused. A smile played across my lips. “Her name is Mary, the maid‘s, that is. She is very nice. Thank yo

u for having her help me. I appreciate it.” He seemed almost stunned at my reply, and simply

nodded his head. “Did you eat?” Ethan was behaving completely out of his character, and had me questi

oning why he suddenly cared. After all, most of our conversations had been him giving his order and me

doing as he had struggled. I wondered if he‘d changed because of the baby,

“I was about to,” I replied. I watched as he lifted the silver lids. My eyes

widened at his action, and at the amount of food that had been provided for me, as well as drinks.

Taple! JU BUU REST He seemed almost stunned at my reply, and simply nodded his head, “Did you eat


Ethan was behaving completely out of his character, and had me questioning why he suddenly cared. Aft

er all, most of

our conversations had been him giving his order and me doing as he had struggled. I wondered if he‘d c

hanged because of the baby. “I was about to,” I replied. I watched as he lifted the

silver lids, My eyes widened at his action, and at the amount of food that had been provided for me, as w

ell as drinks. “I wasn‘t sure what you liked.” “It‘s all

amazing.” My reply was so soft that when I looked up at him, I found that he was staring at me with a glin

t of something in his eyes I wasn‘t sure of. “Fruit would be lovely,” I added. Ethan kept staring for a long

moment, and then suddenly snapped back to the present. He frowned, hesitated for a second and, then

murmured, “Of course. Here….” He lifted the white bowl of fruit, and as he handed it to me, our fingers br

ushed gently together. The feeling of his touch on my skin made me want so much more of him, but I kne

w that it wouldn‘t be possible. I would have his baby, and he would

expect me to leave when I was done. I would have to leave him, and I would have to leave

my child. The thought broke my heart. “Estrella found out how far along you are,” Ethan finally

said, breaking the silence between us as I fed myself a strawberry. “She did?” “Yes. She said you are ab

out two weeks from conception, or something like that.” A chuckle left my lips upon hearing him try to exp

lain it. Oh how I love his voice. “That‘s wonderful,” I said with a smile. “I‘m happy I am able to give you a

child. Someone for you to always love, and to guide in life.”

My words stopped him in his tracks, and instinctively, he reached out

his hand, laying it across my stomach.

“Yes, I will protect the child with my life.” The way he looked at me when he spoke had me feeling as if

it was an unsaid promise he was giving me. That even though I would be gone, he would ensure that my

child was always protected. Even though the sentiment warmed my heart, I wanted more than anything t

hat I could alter my circumstances slightly.

I didn‘t want to go – I wanted to be with him.

“Will… will you come back to visit me again?” I stuttered. “I enjoy having you… having you here with me.”

He looked at me. He arched an eyebrow, as if he couldn‘t imagine his company to be pleasing.

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*Please. I feel safer when you‘re around.” My confession came out of nowhere––

and, subconsciously, I had wanted to say it. But when I actually spoke the words, I realized that it wasn‘t

my place to even think about it. Ethan didn‘t seem to mind, though. His fingers took my chin and turned

my gaze from my hands to his eyes. Slowly, be leaned down and captured my lips with his own.

The kiss wasn‘t rough and erotic as our past ones had been instead, it was soft and gentle. If I could hav

e deepened the kiss, I would have, like a greedy child wanting more of a good thing. I wanted more of hi

m, always but at the end of the day, he wasn‘t mine to have more of. As his lips left my own, I saw a dark

hungry swirl of emotions lingering in the depths of his eyes. “I have to go now.” he said, and as

he moved away, I knew my request had been rejected. Bed Rest I looked down,

trying not to let my tears fall.

How foolish I was! “…But I will be back later…” he continued.

I looked up at him in disbelief. What had I just heard?


“Behave, and rest… It‘s all about the baby now. We must do what‘s right for him.” I nodded my head

with a smile and tears in my eyes as I watched him rise to his feet and slowly make his way out of the roo

about the baby now.‘

I knew it was about the baby and making sure that Ethan‘s heir came

into this world healthy and safe, but at the same time… I wanted him to care for me as well. To care about

I only held my position in his

life for as long as I was useful to him. Those revelations were the ones that kept me up

late at night, shedding tears for a man I would

never be able to have the wayIwanted, for a life I could never have. “Why me?” I whispered as I wiped aw

my cheeks. I knew why, but at the same time, I prayed it wasn‘t true. I prayed that one day, I would

wake up, and Ethan would tell me he cared

about me. That I was everything he wanted, and more than just his breeder. But those were the hopes of