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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 313
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Chapter 93 : The Beta of Poldesse


The gardens at the castle were very much changed with the season. Winter had yellowed and dried the

leaves to a chilled crisp, and the garden was littered with foliage debris. It was cold, but not like the bitter,

dry cold of Winter Forest. Here, the air still seemed thick with moisture, and the gray sky seemed more

apt to rain than snow.

I wondered about the boys as I followed Troy, Keaton, and my dad into the sanctuary of the lower

garden. The nanny Geor gia and Talon had hired to help care for Ernest when he was young had come

out of retirement to help with the three new in fants at the castle. She was a seasoned professional, and

Mom had chosen to stay behind to help, but I was still weary, especially since whatever conversation

was about to take place would likely take a while.

Troy stepped into the gazebo, motioning for Keaton to sit down. Keaton was eyeing Dad suspiciously, but

sat down nonetheless, crossing his arms over his chest as he settled back against a wrought iron chair.

Dad was well aware of our time spent in Dianny. Mom had been briefed as well, but I doubted either of

them fully understood the shock Keaton, Troy, and I felt at the news that Tasia may have destroyed the

ancient pack.

“Robbie’s alive,” Keaton said with soberness in his voice. “So is his mate, Alison. They made it out before

shit really hit the fan.”

“What exactly happened?” Troy took a seat across from Keaton, but Dad had chosen to stand, leaning

against one of the

stone columns that supported the roof of the gazebo. I leaned as well, enjoying a moment of physical

activity after spending most of the last week in bed, covered in babies.

“Tasia she… well, I guess I should start by saying Una is dead, as is her husband, and most if not all of

Tasia’s siblings.”

“What?” | could barely believe it. Tasia was the eldest of her siblings, and she couldn’t have been much

older than myself.

Keaton nodded, his eyes wide as he stared down at his shoes. He shivered, then shook his head,

looking into Troy’s eyes. “It was mayhem from what Robbie said. Tasia declared herself Al pha, but the

pack revolted against her. That’s when Robbie and Alison left with those who didn’t want to fight, or

couldn’t. Mostly families. We brought them all to the isles… so many children. Or phans, now. Tasia

brought the whole damn valley in on itself. There’s nothing left but stone.”

“She… what? What do you mean she brought down the val ley?” | asked, trying to make sense of what

he was saying.

“Robbie said they had just arrived at the shore when what felt like an earthquake rocked the jungle. They

camped on the shore for a week before we arrived and rescued them. I sent… I sent a few scouts back

to Dianny. There’s nothing left. It’s buried under hundreds of feet of stone. The village. The lake. It’s


“Oh, my Goddess,” | whispered, wrapping my arms around the column for support. I looked up at Dad,

who was listening to Keaton with a blank expression.

“And Robbie is here, in Mirage?” Troy asked. Keaton nodded, then shrugged.

“Aye, he is. The women wanted to gather some supplies be fore we left the port again-clothes and toys

for the children back

on Suntra. That’s where they’re all staying now, you see, at our old compound. They’re all that’s left of

The Daughters of Artemis now.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I’d like to talk to him, get his word about the disaster,” Dad stepped forward, tucking his hands in his

pockets. “What’s his full name? I assume everyone is staying at the inn in Old Town?”

“Robert Arlo,” Troy answered, nodding his head in agree ment. “We do need to speak to him, Keat. We

need to know what we’re dealing with here.”

Keaton crossed his ankles, leaning back in his chair. “We’re dealing with a power-hungry mad woman.

What more is there to say?”

To my surprise, it was Dad who replied, telling Keaton in de tail what had happened in Winter Forest.

Keaton listened in shock, especially when Dad began to explain how we combined the moonstones.

“Well, we’re all going to die,” Keaton deadpanned.

Dad stared at him, his brow arched. But Troy chuckled, cross ing his leg over his knee as he leaned back

in his own chair.

“And it sounds like Maeve almost died already, anyway,” Keaton added.

“Oh, I did die,” I said lightly. Troy stopped chuckling, his face falling in sudden remembrance. “Too soon?”

“Leave the poor man alone, Maeve,” Dad said sternly, step ping forward into the center of the circle. “You

go by Captain Keaton formally, correct?”

Keaton straightened up a little bit, glancing at Troy with a

smug touching his lips. “Aye, I do.”

“Well, Captain. You need to stay in Mirage for another two days, until the conference on Friday.”

“What conference?” I asked, thoroughly in the dark. I thought we were leaving for Winter Forest on

Friday and wasn’t aware that our plans had changed.

“The conference of our allies, to announce-” Dad said, but Troy jumped to his feet, interrupting.

“I need to talk to Keaton for a moment, alone,” he said quick ly, nodding shortly at Dad.

Dad glanced at Keaton, then nodded, turning to me with his arm outstretched to lead me back into the




I walked with Keaton out of the gardens, moving in silence as we reached the edge of the castle grounds

and what was left of Old Town. In the nine months since Damian had invaded, much had been done to

repair and rebuild the damage to the old village, but there was still a long way to go. The main street

where the market used to be was nearly empty, not a single canvas – Cov

ered stall to be seen.

“Are we going to the inn to get Robbie?” Keaton asked, kick ing at a stick on the ground.

I nodded, chewing on the inside of my lower lip as I tried to muster the courage to say what I needed to


“Look, Keat. I’m going to be… to be Alpha of Poldesse. That’s partly what this conference is about. The

Alpha’s of the East and

West are coming together to discuss what’s to be done about Ta sia, and Ethan will be announcing my

title. I wanted you to hear it from me first.”

“I feel like we already had this conversation,” Keaton grum bled.

“Kind of, I guess. It was more about Ethan possibly killing me the second I stepped foot in Winter Forest,

which you were obvi ously wrong about.”

“You’re really accepting the title?” he asked dubiously.

“Yeah, I am. Maeve was meant to be a Luna. She was born for it.”

“And what happens when her mother dies, and she has to be the White Queen? You split up?”

“No… I doubt we’ll have to worry about that for a long time. The boys will be grown by the time we need

to even think about it, I hope.”

“And what of the boys? I still can’t believe you had three.”

“Me neither, honestly. Every day is a blur.” I couldn’t help but laugh. I wanted to go back to the castle as

soon as I fetched Rob bie, Myla, and Cleo. I wanted nothing more than to witness Maeve’s reunion with

them, and to see them gush over our sons.

“But now you have three sons to fight over the title of Alpha of Poldesse, Troy. Is that what you really

want for them?”

“Of course not,” | tucked my chilled fingers in my pockets, looking straight ahead as we began to near the

inn near the train station. “But what choice do I have? This is my birthright, and I believe Ethan is correct

in the Isles needing an Alpha. It’s been

over two decades since the people of the Isles have had a real pack to be a part of. Damian’s rule was…

not what it should have been.”

“And what of those who don’t agree?” Keaton rounded on me, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I won’t force anyone to pledge their loyalty. I won’t be collect ing tribute. I’ll just be there; that’s what’s

important. And Keaton, look, I need you there too.”


| drew in my breath, unsure if I wanted to hear his answer. “I want you to live in Avondale, with us. As my


“No,” Keaton replied without hesitation as he began walking again.

I exhaled, rolling my eyes as I caught up to him. “Why the hell


“Because I’ve never had a master, and I don’t plan on chang ing that.”

“Master? What the hell are you talking about?”

Keaton rounded on me once more, his eyes narrowed as he leaned forward. “You’d be my boss, Troy. I

think the hell not!”

“Oh, come on, Keaton! You know it’s not like that.”

“And what will the other Alphas think about having a known pirate and smuggler as the Beta of

Poldesse? hmm? And your fa ther-in-law? That man wanted nothing more than to rip me to shreds in the

foyer of that castle you’re all living in-”

s “Be my Beta!”

over two decades since the people of the Isles have had a real pack to be a part of. Damian’s rule was…

not what it should have been.”

“And what of those who don’t agree?” Keaton rounded on me, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I won’t force anyone to pledge their loyalty. I won’t be collect ing tribute. I’ll just be there; that’s what’s

important. And Keaton, look, I need you there too.”


I drew in my breath, unsure if I wanted to hear his answer. “I want you to live in Avondale, with us. As my


“No,” Keaton replied without hesitation as he began walking again.

exhaled, rolling my eyes as I caught up to him. “Why the hell


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Because I‘ve never had a master, and I don’t plan on chang ing that.”

“Master? What the hell are you talking about?”

Keaton rounded on me once more, his eyes narrowed as he leaned forward. “You’d be my boss, Troy. I

think the hell not!”

“Oh, come on, Keaton! You know it’s not like that,”

“And what will the other Alphas think about having a known pirate and smuggler as the Beta of

Poldesse? Hmm? And your fa ther-in-law? That man wanted nothing more than to rip me to shreds in the

foyer of that castle you’re all living in-”

“Be my Beta!”

“NO!” Keaton walked away, his shoulders tight and arms at his side.

“Keaton, for Goddess’s sake, listen to me-” | grunted with ef fort as I caught up to him, grabbing him by

the shoulder and forc ing him to face me. “Look at me, Look-”

“I told you before we parted ways that this is against every thing we promised each other when we were

young. I won’t. I refuse.” Keaton shrugged off my hand.

“What will you do, then? Live on the Persephone for the rest of your life? And what of Myla? Is that what

she wants as well, or would she prefer a home on land for your future family? Keaton, l’ m not asking you

to go around the Isles upending people’s lives. That’s not my plan. I just want some peace for Maeve and

me. I have the opportunity to build something for my children, okay? || want you to have the same.”

“Don’t speak for Myla. She has already promised to go wher ever I go.”

“Yeah, so did Maeve. And she always will. So will Myla. But it’ s our responsibility as their mates to take

care of them, Keaton. Provide for them.”

“I don’t need your money-”

“I know. That’s not what I’m saying.”

“No, Troy. I won’t. Don’t ask me again.” Keaton was dead se rious, and I felt my heart crack as I saw the

hurt behind his eyes. This was a betrayal to him.

“I’m not Damian. Or Romero-”

“But you’re an Alpha. I’m a pirate, Troy. This isn’t going to

work.” Keaton turned away and walked briskly to the inn, throwing up the door and letting it slam shut

before I could reach it.

“Bastard,” I mumbled under my breath, stepping inside the run-down lobby and watching as Keaton

hopped up the stairs two steps at a time. “I’ll just wait here, I guess-”

I was alone in the lobby for barely a minute before Myla’s voice rang out through the hallway above my

head. She nearly fell down the entire staircase as she bounded down the stairs, throw ing her arms

around me and squeezing me tightly. Cleo was close behind, and so was Robbie, who had a huge grin

on his face as he clapped me on the shoulder in hello.

“How is Maeve? Where is she? Has she had the twins yet? They should be due any day!” Cleo was

gripping my jacket, con cern lining her face.

“She’s great. They’re great. All three are boys,” | answered, smiling as she looked up at me in shock.

“Triplets?” Myla gasped.

“The Alpha King is expecting us at the castle, Robbie. Let’s go,” Keaton said shortly, pushing past us as

he headed out the door.

We watched him walk away, not bothering to try to keep up with him.

“What’d you do to him, Troy?” Robbie asked as we reached the street.

I shook my head, watching the sunset through the trees.