Attractive Billioaire 181 Chapter 181 Dad, Mom, What Are You Doing
Even if he didn't love Caroline... even if he didn't love her, she couldn't love anyone else! Caroline closed her
eyes for a moment. "I said it."
Samantha's greatest skill was mixing truth with lies-blending them so seamlessly that it was impossible to pick
out the flaws.
At that time, Samantha had indeed asked her. But Carobne had no idea they were planning to sell her innocence,
so she had answered casually.
She never expected that her own words would be twisted into Samantha's weapon today.
The arm around her waist suddenly tightened, as if it was about to snap her in half.
"Caroline, David gritted his teeth. "Now that you know the father is Nash, you don't want to get rid of it even
more, do you?"
She met his furious gaze. "I already told you-I don't care who he is. | only know that | am this child's mother."
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtCaroline was determined to protect the twins in her womb at all costs. As long as they lived, so would she David
knew her limits.
She had once tried to take her own life-right in front of him-by crashing into a rock garden.
"Fine, fine. David's face darkened like the ruler of the underworld. "Caroline, you've really got guts!" Caroline let
out a bitter laugh. "From the beginning, | was nothing but an object to be sold and traded. | never had a choice.
Even if, for the sake of argument, everything the Brooks family said was true... David, tell me, what exactly is my
Not to mention, there was no way everything the Brooks family said was true.
David stared at her, veins bulging at his temples, his arms tensed, muscles coiled beneath his skin. Seeing this,
Samantha discreetly nudged Matthew before yanking on his sleeve. With a loud sound, they both fell to their
knees in front of David, begging for mercy.
Tears streamed down Samantha's face as she sobbed. "Mr. Ellison, Caroline did nothing wrong-it wasand my
husband. She didn't know anything fro
start to finish. | didn't dare tell her the truth-1 kept it from her all this time. But in the end, I still couldn't hide it.
Caroline is innocent. | was the one who failed to protect her. | raised her for twenty years-she's been like my own
daughter. Watching her suffer like this my heart is filled with guilt."
Matthew quickly followed. "That's right, Mr. Ellison. If you want to blsomeone, blme. As her father, |
failed to protect her, | had no choice but to sell her to Mr. Nash and didn't even dare to speak up about it... Sigh!"
"No, dear, it's my fault, Samantha clung to Matthew's arm. "When Caroline was in college, | should have warned
her not to get involved with those rich young men. | was an unfit mother."
wed, H
Chapter 181 Dad, Mom, What Are You Doing
what are you doing? How could this be your fault? You id your best."
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
The three of them-cach one an actor, each one fully committed to their roles.
Caroline could only scoff coldly, over and over again.
David watched the scene unfold with an indifferent gaze, devoid of emotion.
Samantha trembled as she got to her feet. She glanced Caroline before suddenly walking straight toward her.
Caroline's guard went up immediately. "What do you want?"
A venomous woman is the most dangerous of all-
She knew exactly what kind of person Samantha was.
Matthew had always been busy-running the company attending social events. He never paid much attention to
She had spent her entire life living under Samantha's shadow.
Selling her innocence? That was definitely Samantha's idea.
And today's spectacle, every word out of Samantha's mouth was a calculated move to twist the truth.