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Snatched A Billionaire To Be My Husband by Shabi's pen

Chapter 1019
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Chapter 1019

Chapter 1019 Lawlessness!

Not long after the ball started, there was a small wave of commotion.

The black knight led Snow White in.

The black knight was dressed in a suit, tall and straight, like an unstoppable mountain.

And the Snow White in his arms had fair skin, delicate and gorgeous.

The handsome man and beautiful woman caused quite a stir and attracted Hayden's attention at once.

"Mr. and Mrs. Serrano are here."

He quickly took Maura to greet them.

Efren chatted with Hayden perfunctorily but glanced at the woman beside Hayden with meaningful


Hayden hurriedly introduced, "Mr. Serrano, this is my fiancée Maura Chambers."

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Georgia was quite happy at first.

But upon hearing Hayden's introduction, her smile faded a bit.

"Honey, let's go somewhere else," Georgia said and dragged Efren away immediately.

Efren indulged her and left suddenly without saying goodbye to Hayden and greeting Maura.

Maura's hand that was stretched out to greet Efren froze in mid-air.

Hayden comforted Maura, "Mrs. Serrano is young and wilful, and Mr. Serrano spoils her. Don't take it


Maura said she was fine, but she was annoyed to the core inwardly.

She thought, "Georgia?

Does she think she can be lawless, counting on being Efren's wife?

We'll see!

I'll come for you after I deal with Freya.'

Efren was dragged by Georgia to the lake outside the dance hall.

"What's the matter?" Efren asked.

He pulled Georgia back into his arms, removed her mask, and pointed at the tip of her nose.

"Hayden is terrible! He and Freya are a couple, but he actually has a fiancée!"

Georgia frowned. She hated womanizers the most.

When Byron had a scandal, Georgia already wanted to help Cora kill him before it was confirmed.

Hayden was really with two men at the same time. Of course, she hated him.

"That's his business. Why are you angry?" Efren pinched Georgia's cheek.

Georgia's skin was always tender and fair.

So every time Efren approached her, he couldn't help but want to leave marks on her body.

"I think he will lead you astray!" Georgia's words made Efren's hand holding her cheek freeze.

He suddenly thought about Hayden trying to push Freya to him. He felt Georgia's hunch was scary

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Efren didn't want Georgia to be anxious about this kind of matter. So he quickly comforted, "If I were so

easily led astray, I wouldn't have been with you."

He even pressed his forehead against Georgia's, full of intimacy.

Georgia said, "But I'm still worried. It's easy to learn bad things and hard to learn good things.

"I heard that a man who has learned bad things will fool around as long as he is alive. Even if he has a

wife and children, he will do the same. He will only stop when he dies."

Efren was amused.

Without further ado, Georgia pinched his waist hard. "I'm talking some sense into you, but you are

laughing? Have the right attitude!"

But Efren was strong. Georgia's pinching couldn't harm him at all.

However, he raised his hands quickly to make Georgia happy, "It hurt. Okay, I'll correct my attitude. Just

tell me what you want me to do."

"I don't want you to cooperate with Hayden..."