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Snatched A Billionaire To Be My Husband by Shabi's pen

Chapter 1013
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Chapter 1013

Chapter 1013 She Went Away!

Freya was also angry, so she said, "Okay, I'll get out. I'll get out of here far away."

Freya left the study, picked up the suitcase, and walked out quickly.

Hayden was preoccupied with distributing property. He only thought about his future all the time.

But where was Freya's future?

Freya felt she had been sick of these days of despair and helplessness.

She left without hesitation, like every time after she broke up with Hayden.

Hayden watched Freya leave angrily as usual.

At this time, Hayden's secretary saw Freya leaving with her luggage, hurried back to the study, and

asked, "Mr. Gollust, Miss Mcbride left. Do you want me to bring her back?"

"No need." Hayden remained sullen.

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His secretary asked anxiously, "But if I don't bring her back, isn't your cold shower last night for


Hayden didn't return last night. He had been in a cold bath for a long time, hoping he could have a

fever to make Freya relent.

Sometimes, his secretary admired Hayden's cruelty.

He could be heartless to his body to achieve his goals.

But these were Hayden's own affairs. So even if the secretary knew about it, he couldn't say much

about it.

Hayden said confidently, "Don't worry. She will come back on her own."

Hayden and Freya had intenser quarrels before.

Just like back then, when Hayden resolutely decided to get engaged to a well-matched woman, Freya

made a scene.

But in the end, she returned to him on the second day of his engagement.

So Hayden firmly believed that Freya would come back this time.

Carrying her luggage, Freya walked to the exit of the manor but found she couldn't grab a taxi there.

When she sought help from the staff, Georgia just drove back from outside the manor.

Georgia rolled down the car window and greeted Freya, "Miss Mcbride, where are you going so late?

Do you need me to see you off?"

"Okay, Mrs. Serrano. Thank you."

She couldn't refuse because the manor was too far away from the city.

Freya got into the car and chatted with Georgia.

"Mrs. Serrano, did you hang out just now?"

"Yes. Efren was in a meeting, and my child was sleeping. I was bored, so I hung out."

Georgia then asked, "Do you like that bag? You can have it."

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Freya followed Georgia's gaze and saw a limited-edition Hermès bag in the bag under the passenger


"It's too expensive. I can't accept it." Freya refused.

Although the leather bag was good-looking, and every woman would like it, Freya knew it must be

worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. She dared not accept such an expensive gift. After all, she just

met Georgia not long ago.

Georgia said, "Don't rush to reject me! I just want to use the wife diplomacy to see if I can help Efren.

"Efren has been here for a few days but hasn't made much progress in the project. Can you give me

some information about how Mr. Gollust plans to cooperate?"

Freya felt nervous and uneasy, her forehead seeming to be twitching.

What was Hayden's plan?

He planned to get the ammunition about Efren and threatened him to surrender part of his profit.

But Freya didn't want to betray Hayden. She said, "Mrs. Serrano, I'm afraid I can't help. I'm just Mr.

Gollust's life assistant and don't know much about his work."