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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 6
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This was the first time Winnie had ever visited Garland Group. She did her best to pretend

to be a country bumpkin on their way up. Upon spotting the automatic glass doors, she

shrieked in delight before walking in and out of the doors several times. Finding her action

embarrassing, Yara and Kylie told her to stop doing that. They also promised to fulfill any

of her wishes if she agreed to listen to them. “Really? Thank you, Mommy and Kiki. You are

really kind to me!” Winnie gushed. Despite her act, she was actually trying to figure out a

plan to make them suffer badly. She told Yara that her jewel ring was pretty and Kylie’s

bag was cute, so she wanted them both. Of course, Yara and Kylie refused to let her have

her way, for the ring and bag were limited edition items worth millions. Alas, they had no

choice but to give in and give Winnie the items when she wouldn’t shut up. It was just an

act to appease Winnie. They thought that after they were done using Winnie, they would

definitely get the items back. Winnie didn’t give them any chance to do that. She put on

the ring and ran along the corridor, scratching it against the marble wall like a happy fool.

Yara’s heart clenched at the sight. Tamping down her urge to yell at Winnie, she said,

“Winnie, you shouldn’t be scratching the wall with the ring. It’s expensive, so you should

hide it when you’re wearing it.” Winnie was inwardly pleased to see how upset Yara was.

This is just the beginning. She knew when to stop. As Yara kept persuading her to hide the

ring, she did so and hid her hand. Instead of putting her hand in her pocket, she put it into

Kylie’s limited edition leather bag worth millions. Yara heaved a sigh of relief when Winnie

stopped. A while later, Kylie spotted holes in her bag that couldn’t be repaired. That

dumbass used her ring to ruin my bag from the inside! Kylie got so furious that she

wanted Winnie dead. Her anger increased when she overheard the employees gossiping

about them while walking in the company. “Look at the young lady beside Mrs. Garland.

That’s the real eldest daughter of the Garland family, right? That means the one who

came to the company previously should be the second daughter.” “She’s prettier than Ms.

Kylie! Look how graceful she is.” “Yeah! She looks like she has just stepped out of a

painting! What a gorgeous lady! Ms. Kylie is no match for her!” I’m no match for her? Kylie

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nearly choked on her rage as she fought back the urge to rip their mouths apart. Turning

over her shoulder, she had to admit that Winnie was indeed pretty. Winnie’s skin was fair

and flawless. No pores could be seen on her face even if one were to scrutinize her from a

close distance. She didn’t undergo any cosmetic surgery, but her eyes were huge, and her

nose was perfect. She was born beautiful. Kylie was green with envy. Once Winnie is

useless to us, I must get someone to destroy her face! Sensing Kylie’s menacing glare,

Winnie couldn’t help but feel bad for her. The enmity of one generation shouldn’t be

brought to the next generation. Winnie initially wanted to teach only Hamish and Yara a

lesson, but Kylie was a horrible person, too. Therefore, she decided to give them a taste of

their own medicine. The moment they entered Hamish’s office, Kylie lost her temper. She

tugged Winnie’s hair and yelled, “Dumbass, how dare you ruin my bag? Do you have a

death wish? You can’t afford to compensate me even if you sell yourself!” Hamish was

shocked. “Kylie, didn’t you go overseas? Why are you here? And why are you hitting your

sister?” “Hamish, listen…” Yara explained everything to him. “Then she ruined my ring

and Kylie’s bag. You can’t blame us for getting upset.” “Enough. This isn’t that serious.”

Hamish wasn’t interested in their ring or bag. He pulled out two files from his drawer. “Tell

them to stop. Winnie needs to sign both equity transfer agreements now.” That was the

most important thing to them right now. Yara went to the girls to bring Winnie over.

Because of the fight, Winnie sustained a few slaps and scratches, but those minor wounds

would heal in a few days. However, Kylie got the brunt of it. Winnie was skilled in mixed

martial arts and kickboxing. She even won various awards at competitions. During their

fight, she didn’t hold back and attacked Kylie viciously. She deliberately attacked various

spots on Kylie’s body discreetly. Kylie wasn’t smart enough to realize that her waist and

armpit had been hit. When Hamish told Winnie to sign the documents, she wailed and

complained that Kylie had hit her too hard. During the commotion, she peeked at the

papers in front of her. It turned out that Rufus agreed to transfer eight percent of the

Fairchild family’s shares to Winnie to get her to marry his grandson, who was in a coma.

The Fairchild family was a prominent family in Avenport with businesses all over the

country. Eight percent of their shares amounted to a lot of money. Rufus had made it clear

on the agreement that the recipient was Winnie Garland. However, Hamish prepared

another agreement that stated Winnie was to transfer the shares to Hamish after she

received the shares. Ha! Winnie snorted deep down. Now that she was in his office, she

was aware that they would never allow her to leave the building if she didn’t sign her

name with a pen or thumbprint. Nevertheless, Winnie wasn’t going to let them achieve

their goal. She wailed loudly, “Kiki hit me! I want her to say sorry to me. If she says sorry,

I’ll write my name.” “Kylie, apologize to her now.” Hamish and Yara advised Kylie to be

selfless and consider the bigger picture. Left with no choice, Kylie had to offer an apology.

Winnie quickly forgave Kylie, so the other three thought she was dumb enough to stop

crying after receiving an apology. Kylie rolled her eyes in disdain. “Can you write? Have

you gone to school? Idiot!” “Am I an idiot? What’s that? Is that a nice word?” Winnie asked

innocently. Kylie snorted. “Yeah, that’s a nice word. You’re an idiot!” “Oh, Kiki’s praising

me. You’re a nice girl. Come on, I want you to show me how to write that word,” Winnie

said cheerfully, dragging Kylie to a desk on the other side of the office. Hamish wanted to

talk to Yara, so he told his daughter, “Kylie, teach her to write her name so she can sign

the document.” “Got it,” Kylie snapped impatiently. “It’s easy. We’ll be done in a few

minutes!” Thus, Kylie started teaching Winnie how to write. Biting the pen, Winnie asked,

“Kiki, how do you write ‘idiot?’ You said I’m an idiot, so I’d like to learn how to write it.”

Kylie rolled her eyes and wrote “idiot” on the paper. Winnie prodded, “Kiki, how do you

spell your name?” Kylie wrote her name “Kylie Garland” on the paper crabbily. Feeling

pleased, Winnie curved a corner of her lip when Kylie wasn’t paying attention. She took

the pen and started writing on the equity transfer agreement. Kylie was on her phone and

didn’t notice what Winnie did. After Winnie was done, she showed the agreement to Kylie

and said sweetly, “Kiki, I’m done.” “Did you write it on the column I showed you?” “Yes,

Kiki. I’m a good girl. I like you,” Winnie said. Ugh… I don’t want this dumbass to like me!

Feeling disgusted, Kylie grabbed the agreement and was about to kick Winnie out. Before

she could do that, her gaze landed on the signature column on the papers. Winnie had

written: Kylie Garland is an idiot. The biggest idiot in the world. The number one idiot. “Are

you crazy? I told you to sign your own name. Why did you write this instead?” Kylie roared

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angrily. Hearing her outburst, Winnie burst into noisy tears. “Kiki is mad. Kiki is an idiot,

the best idiot. That was what you taught me. You said ‘idiot’ is a nice word. How could you

yell at me? Daddy, Mommy, Kiki yelled at me. She’s bad! She wants to beat me up!”

Winnie kept repeating the same thing again and again in Kylie’s ears. Kylie’s patience was

at its limit. “Shut up! Ugh, you’re so noisy!” She got so worked up that she ended up

tearing the agreement in her hands. That was the original copy that Rufus signed, and it

had been destroyed. Hamish nearly coughed out blood in a fury. His hands were trembling

as he squatted down and picked up the torn pieces of the agreement. He promptly lashed

out at Kylie and admonished her harshly. Kylie couldn’t hold back anymore and started

sobbing. “Gone. It’s all gone now.” Hamish was in despair. Despite her anger and distress,

Yara still had hope. “Should we get another copy from Old Mr. Fairchild?” “It isn’t as easy

as you think! Old Mr. Fairchild signed this agreement thinking that our eldest daughter is a

normal person. Now that he knows Winnie’s mentally challenged, he won’t give that much

to us! He might even refuse to give us anything. Kylie, how dare you cry? Leave right this

instance!” “Hamish, why are you yelling at our daughter? If Winnie didn’t insult our

daughter in the agreement, she wouldn’t have flown into a rage!” “Winnie’s mentally

challenged. So why are you even blaming her? Your precious daughter was the one who

taught her that ‘idiot’ is a nice word to praise someone else!” “What are you talking

about? Are you trying to defend the dumbass?” An argument broke out between Hamish

and Yara. Kylie quickly joined in, and they argued so badly that someone flung the

computer to the ground. Winnie sat on the couch and sucked on her lollipop calmly. Oh,

how sweet! Downstairs, Josiah stood outside Garland Group as he talked to Xavier on the

phone. “Yeah, it has been over an hour. I can’t go in. That’s Garland Group, not my house.”

Soon, he exclaimed, “Oh, I think they’re coming out. There’s someone else tagging along.

If I’m not mistaken, it’s Winnie’s stepsister, Kylie Garland. Huh? Wait a minute.” Afraid that

his eyes were playing tricks on him, Josiah rolled the window down hastily. “What’s wrong?

Speak!” Xavier urged as Josiah fell silent suddenly. “Ha!” Josiah chuckled. “Interesting.

This is interesting. Xavier, guess who I saw at the entrance of Garland Group besides the

Garlands? You’ll never believe it.”