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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 554
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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 544 But She Doesn’t Belong Here. (Akin Spade)

The signals went down some hours ago, and now the power has been cut. It was as if everything was against

us. I have been in contact with Reign, and the last I heard from her was when she told me they were leaving

the ground as it was getting impossible for them to keep going for now.

“They will be alright,” Shiloh must have seen me sit alone in the garden. She came out with Evelyn and gave

her to me.

“It is just that I cannot contact them anymore,” I complained, showing my phone’s screen to her.

“Oh right! What happened to the electricity?” She looked puzzled, too. “I hope they have finished the deadly

battle and are coming back victorious. It is just that Reign told me Zane has a bigger army than ours now,” I

couldn’t understand how he was able to summon so many warriors so quickly.

Title of the document

Last, I remember, we pretty much wiped down the entire area.

“I have a feeling we will win,” I know she was trying to be optimistic. But I had fears that weren’t letting me

breathe in peace.

“I hope so too,” I let out a sigh and smiled at Evelyn.

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“Hey, I am really sorry for everything I did back when I was —I feel so guilty facing you,” Shiloh looked away when

mentioning that cursed part of her life.

“I don’t blame you at all. You were in control of a devil, just like Beatrice. So don’t feel like you have to keep

apologize to us,” I gave her a smile of assurance before noticing how dull her eyes looked.

“Are you feeling okay?” I asked. “It is just that-l keep having these weird dreams. And you know what? I think I even

know my baby’s gender,” she then suddenly smiled at the mention of her child. I can’t imagine how exciting it must

be for her and Bernard to think they will have their own child very soon.

“And may I ask you to share your thoughts with me?” I asked, playfully elbowing her. She seemed like if I had a

sister, it would be like her.

“Yes! I am having a daughter,” she smiled brightly, showcasing her white teeth, “and I will name her Genevieve


“That’s a pretty name,” I had only begun to come up with some fun questions for her when a scream from a

distance stole our attention.

We shared a glance before rushing towards the source of the voice. I had to gesture at her to stand back with

Evelyn, as it could be anything.

“Ahhh!” a young girl was sitting on the road with an iron arrow passing through her shoulder. Everybody in the lair

looked frightened and alarmed.

Beatrice’s mother had her eyes restlessly scanning around and waiting for signs of dismay.

“What happened?” I asked the girl, kneeling beside her.

“It came out of nowhere,” she complained, pressing her l*ips tightly. As I began to inspect the air, I realized

something was extremely wrong. “Everybody go inside and lock the big silver gate,” I yelled, carrying the wounded

girl and running inside while Shiloh followed close by. The moment we began to run like crazy. The crazy people

started shooting arrows at us. It came as a surprise because we didn’t know they were coming here.

But soon it began to make sense. To keep their plans a secret, all the signals went down. It has to be their work.

Once we had rushed into the mansion, we closed the doors, all made of silver. The people from Lair had been

preparing for the next war for years. At least the protective measures were not taken lightly.

“What is your name?” Shiloh asked the wounded girl while I made her sit down in the bed.

“I am Kristy,” she replied, her l*ips quivering as she began to cry. Everybody was ready to fight but also too scared

to face their enemies.

I have seen their courage, but facing Zane was not something that would be easy for them.

“Stay prepared,” I left the girl with Shiloh and sprinted out to assist the fighters of the lair.

“I saw some movement in the backyard. I think they are trying to surround us so that we don’t have any way out,”

Colt swiftly approached me, his dragon showing from his eyes when informing me about the danger lurking all

around us.

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“We have to do anything to keep these people safe, Colt. Beatrice needs to come back and see them alive

and kicking,” I said, expressing my desperation for keeping her lair safe.

“Don’t worry, we will do our best,” Colt reassured me, running to the backyard with the fighters.

As I was about to follow him, I got interrupted by Beatrice’s mother, who looked a little lost.

“Did that girl come with your pack?” she asked, making me frown at her.

“The wounded girl?” I asked, and when she nodded, I shook my head.

“No! She is from the lair. Her name is Kristy,” I mumbled, but I didn’t try to walk away because her face told

me that was not the case.

“She is not from our lair,” she shook her head confidently, and then, to reassure me she wasn’t forgetting

her, she added, “I have been stuck with these people forever. I know I have never seen her face here

before,” she replied, looking me back in the eye.

My heart began to pound at what I was hearing.

“What do you mean by she is not from the lair? That can’t be. We didn’t bring her with—,” as I began to

comprehend what was happening, my throat closed at the revelation of Zane’s plan.

“I am not sure, but she must be from your pack,” as she kept insisting, my body began to get covered in

goosebumps as I was certain she didn’t come with us.

So, she was planted here to get access to the mansion.