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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 529
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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 519 Accused Of Killing His Baby Momma

I watched Akin get in our way and then push his coat back so that he can shove his hands in his pockets. He

looked devastated but I noticed how he was bluntly making an eye contact with me.

“Sorry, I don’t get it,” Zane shook his head to make sure he was hearing him right.

“You told us we can leave,” Zane argued.

“But Gwen’s case remains unsolved. Hence, you have to say,” Reign stepped ahead and announced, her

eyes showing anger.

Title of the document

“I am pretty sure you know when Gwen passed away. It was before the treaty was signed, so even if I did kill her,

will you break the treaty for the crime committed after signing it?” Zane was so clever, watching them with

quizzical eyes.

“Actually, we are not accusing you of Gwen’s murder,” Helel came forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with Akin.

I was getting worried about what was going on.

I am sure they all hated me, so they definitely weren’t trying to stop us from leaving because of me. As for Helel’s

statement, if he wasn’t blaming him, then who was he accusing?

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“Then?” Zane frowned, grunting loudly in shock.

Akin stretched his neck and took a deep breath before his eyes stopped on me and he gestured my way. “Beatrice

is under suspicion of the murder of Gwen.”

My heart seemed to have stopped breathing right then and there. It was as if somebody had ripped my soul out of

my body. The instant tears formed in my eyes from the fact that the brothers even thought I could do something

like that.

“That’s ridiculous,” Zane held my hand and forced me behind his back. However, I had stared into Akin’s eyes long

enough to never forget about this moment.

“Why? You were the one who gave us a hint,” Akin seemed too comfortable now. It was more like a war for them.

They have moved past the phase of winning my heart. Now they wanted to win only.

“You told me that there were too many similarities in the case. In fact, after you showed me all the clips, you even

asked me if I would rather have Beatrice get arrested or let her go live somewhere with you?” Akin seemed to have

dropped the deal Zane suggested to him. I was unaware of everything, but one thing was for sure I was being

accused of Gwen’s murder, and I was the one who couldn’t even deny anything.

“I —Zane zipped his lips tightly before he stepped back and dropped the bags. “Fine, we will stay here. Good look

finding any evidence,” the way Zane said it didn’t seem too confident. I was beginning to wonder if I really did

something to Gwen because I could remember her screams, but there was no image of the memory.

“Let’s go. We will stay in one of the rooms while these broken mates of yours try to ruin you for an act of revenge,”

Zane muttered as he dragged me after him. I watched Helel look at me with so much anger that I felt like he would

kill me with his own hands once it was proven that I have indeed hurt her.

My life has turned upside down in a matter of hours. Once we were in the room, Zane began pacing from one

corner of the room to the other in worry.

“Don’t look at me like that. I only suggested that to him because I thought he would let you leave with me in fear of

somebody finding out that you were the one with the dagger that killed Gwen,” Once he began talking, I shivered.

“The plan was not to get you arrested, but use the fear of you getting arrested against Akin. I thought he would ask

me to take you and leave, but that man—he got over you so quickly,” Zane shook his head and pouted, clicking his

tongue in disappointment.

“What? fine, say it in a whisper,” he walked my way and let me speak. “Did I really kill her?” I whispered as he let


“You did. I cannot say you were in your full senses but you were acting up. Now shut up,” he waved his hand at me

after giving me the biggest shock of my life.

Did I kill her?

Is that why I was holding that bloody dagger in my hand?

“How do we save you from this now?” he rubbed his chin, wondering how he will get to live with me if my

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pack will arrest me for killing The Dark Knight’s baby momma. I didn’t care about surviving this. If I did it, I

must be punished but it will be so heartbreaking that Evelyn will live without her mother because a psycho

mistress of doomsday wasn’t in her senses and killed her mother.

“Listen, I want you to do something for me. Find out where the bloody dagger is and then inform Jay. He will

go collect it from the site. Locate it quickly because the brothers are after it too,” Zane informed, who

seemed to be Huia. As he said Jay’s name, everything began to make sense.

It was Jay and Shiloh against us. They were both working with him while playing a good cop, bad cop with


Everybody got us fooled so easily and we were clueless all this time.

“Ugh! Once they find the dagger and discard it, I am taking you out of this pack. I can use these accusations

to finally leave the pack with you and claim our baby is not safe here,” he was murmuring to himself, making

me wonder if I ever truly knew him.

What happened to the Zane who was indeed an idiot but also always there to help everyone? That was

always a made-up a personality that he had used to blind us.

“The war is coming as soon as we leave this pack. I don’t give a f*uck about any treaty. I just want to take

you away from here before I’ll unleash a deadly curse on this land,” Zane muttered, exposing his true

intentions. He never wanted peace.