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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 485
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The morning breeze and the chirping of the birds were what woke me up.

I shuddered when I felt the cold grass under me. I was instantly told that I wasn’t in my bedroom or in Akin’s arms.

The fear of spending the night in the mountains made me get up and stare at my body. I was naked, only covered

in my nightgown that was placed over top of me.

“What the he—,” I gasped, but my shock and astonishment withered away when another fear gripped me.

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I turned to look at the person by my side and was struck with fear instantly.

“Zane!” I yelped, crawling away and grabbing my nightgown to wear it. He was sitting against the tree with his eyes

closed, his knee up, and his arm resting on it.

“Good morning,” he whispered, not opening his eyes.

“What are you doing here? What am I doing here?” I yelled, still hugging myself and crawling farther away from


“I came here looking for you. You should be thanking me instead of raising your voice at me,” he groaned, shaking

his head in disapproval.

“What the heck is wrong with you? Tell me–,” I lowered my head when a sudden current of pain ran through my

entire body.

“Hmm! Nothing happened. I saw you flying around and realized how odd it was that you were flying alone in the

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middle of the night. Worried about you like a good mate, I followed you and found you passed out on the grass. I

covered you in your robe and sat close by to make sure nobody harms you while you rest,” he smiled, raising his


“You don’t need to worry about me,” I groaned angrily, getting up from the ground and running a hand through my

hair to shake off the dry leaves.

“That’s so rude of you. Why are you always dismissing my kindness, and then you complain that I don’t care about

anyone?” He finally got up from the ground and spared me a glance. I felt awkward under his lecherous gaze.

“Huh! As if you didn’t beat up those two and steal her blood. What are you and that evil witch up to, anyway?” I

yelled, as I was reminded of Shiloh and Jay.

“I did what?” He squinted his eyes, trying to listen carefully to me.

“Your witch took Shiloh’s blood. If you think you will use that blood to hurt Akin and I will come rushing to your arms,

you are wrong. If you hurt another loved one, I will come to kill you myself,” I warned him, pointing my f*inger at


He stretched his neck dramatically before slowly walking my way.

“I have no idea what you are talking about. Huia took Shiloh’s blood. Are you sure that girl is not lying?” He

mumbled with a grin on his lips, calling us idiots while smirking.

“Ah! It seems like you don’t know anything, either. That girl wanted to be back in the mansion. She did it. I must give

her that. She is really cunning. I finally realized I didn’t have to do anything. She is enough to cause riots,” he joked,

smacking his lips at the realization of how the people we thought were our friends might also be playing with us.

“If you think you can win over us,” I hadn’t finished when he placed his f*inger on my lips, and I had to shake my

head and step back in order to avoid bodily contact between us.

“I don’t want to win anything from anyone. I just want to win you,” he shrugged.

“And you think forcing me into accepting you is the way?” I asked, scoffing at him.

“Nope, you will see your value in everyone’s life and decide for yourself who you want to be with. The evilness

inside you wouldn’t be able to hold you back for too long,” he shrugged, making no sense and making me worry

even more.

“Go away, Zane. You lost everything, even a chance of being my friend,” it hurt me to see him turn into this evil

person. I wonder why he cannot see that he had a choice and chose to be this villain.

“I will wait,” he whispered without a smirk on his lips. I sped back to my mansion and planned to speak to Reign

about my current memory issues.

I was only midway through when I saw the royal car rushing on the road and going somewhere. Waving my hand at

it, I stopped the car to have a word with the driver.

“What is going on?” I asked, looking inside the car and only finding the driver and a few clothes in the back.

“Lady Gwen went into labor early morning. They all rushed to the hospital but forgot some stuff at home. So they

asked me to collect myself. They were also looking everywhere for you,” the driver said, hastily giving me the

information so that he could continue with his journey.

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“Oh!” I held my hand to my head, regretting that I must have caused them so much stress. They might have

needed me and here I was—flying around and then falling asleep so carelessly in the mountains.

“Do you want to come along? They are all at the hospital,” the driver suggested, and I nodded my head, rushing

into the back seat.

“There are so many clothes,” I said to myself, thinking there wouldn’t be a problem. I wear one dress and leave the

others for Gwen. It was awkward, but I changed into a black dress while sitting in the back, and soon we arrived at

the hospital.

I rushed out and grabbed the bag, giving the driver a hand wave and letting him go. I didn’t even have my

cellphone with me.

But I kept going.

The hospital seemed to be mostly empty. Helel must have advised them to keep the patients and visitors on one

floor to avoid anyone coming closer and harming the baby or Gwen.

Instead of asking around, I took the elevator to go to the assigned room that we had planned weeks ago. But the

instant I was in the elevator—I felt a weird sensation of being watched. I turned to my side to look at the guy

wearing a hat, and it just seemed wrong.

“It’s been so long Beatrice—,” and then he spoke. His voice made me step back and gasp. I didn’t expect to meet

Flynn again.