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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 241
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231-Risking It For Helel

I briskly marched into the house after Pamela had ruined my mood with her offer. I was in shock

initially, but now I was just angry.

"Think about it," she said when she saw me rush into my room and slam the door shut. Mom shut the

diary; she had been busy writing something in it, and she watched my face.

What happened now?'" I swear she rolled her eyes as if I were the only mess in her life.

"What have you been telling her about my dragon?’ I demanded to know the truth about her actions

from her.

"The same thing I tell everyone just in case they notice you acting up," she shrugged, not even looking

concerned or ashamed that she was caught lying about my dragon again.

"Ace is not a seductress; she is just frustrated," I muttered, glaring into her soul, but I noticed how she

swiftly opened her diary and wrote something down.

"Ace!" she mumbled when jotting it down. I couldn't believe this was how she was responding to

something so serious.

Do you know what Pamela told me today?' I continued to speak to her in a serious tone. If she thought

she would mess up things for me and I would not even object, then she is a fool.

She told me I should sleep with her son to keep her and him happy,’ I muttered. Even remembering her

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

words made me gag. How could a woman suggest another woman sell her body? It is not my choice,

so why would she make that decision for me?

What? Her creepy son? Did you tell her no, fuck you?" She said this casually, since she wasn't the one

who had to tolerate the torture at work at the hands of Pamela.

I did. Don't expect any chicken soup anymore,’ I told my mom, as this was the only thing she thought

was torturous.

"What? I need my protein,’ she argued, jumping out of bed and arguing with me as if I had made that


"I don’t care about your fancy food or desires, mom. I’m not giving myself to that asshole," I muttered

as I moved closer to her face.

She stared at my face for a few seconds before she nodded in agreement.

"Then we will need something to hold on their heads," she snapped her fingers, coming up with a plan.

Elex was doing some dirty work for Vasquez and Sofia. I am sure he will have something in his bags to

blackmail them for,’ she said to herself, but I shook my head at her.

"I am not looking for more trouble with those two," I refused to get into another mess.

Fine. Then I will only take things that suggest I was —Elex's —sidechick," I am sure she didn't care, but

suddenly she was ashamed of herself for ruining a relationship.

I don't blame her solely for anything. Elex was as much at fault as she was, but it v/asn' t about these

two now. I wanted to get out of here, but only after I had gotten some answers from Markus, and so far,

he hadn't shown a moment of decency where I could speak to him.

"Do one thing. Guard the basement door while I go look for evidence of our relationship in Elex’s bags."

She said with a quick nod of her head.

What is that going to do?’ I folded my arms over my chest and frowned at her.

"I know Elex had something that could scare Vasquez! Don't you want Held's body?" She then looked

my way and shocked me. I thought she had no clue until I realized she must have a call recorder on

her phone. She freaking heard whatever Akin and I have spoken about.

"You are nasty!" I commented with an upturned nose.

"Don't forget, I am your mother. Nov/, go do as I am telling you," she gestured at the door so that she

can hide her diary from me.

So after I lost my diary, she started another, and I wonder how long till she gives me this one and

makes me do a billion exercises a day.

I waited for my mother outside our room. If v/e are lucky, we will get a whole hour, or even a few

minutes will be enough.

She cannot catch US because I have locked the door from the inside this time. She will have to knock

for US to open the door, and in the meantime, I will be out of the basement. Our only fear is getting

caught by Markus. Nov/ he is your responsibility," she shrugged her shoulders as she knew every time

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Pamela leaves the house, he wanders downstairs.

"How am I going to distract him?’ We were talking in whispers, standing next to the basement door.

"I don't know. Kiss him or seduce him." She rolled her eyes after pissing me off. I watched her go

downstairs, and my heart instantly began to pound harder in my chest.

As expected, after only about a minute, Markus strolled into the staircase and sat down to stare at me.

"What are you doing over there?" I played innocent, smiling at him and probably confusing him.

"You never smile for me. What do you want?" he asked, resting his elbows on his thighs and not acting

so childish now that his mother wasn't around. Since mom wanted me to distract her, I had no other


"I v/ant to talk about your drawings,' I said, marching slowly toward him.

"Did you find it?" he asked. "I lost something the other night. I am sure you found it." He had a very light

smirk form across the corner of his lips.

"This one?' I pulled the drawing out of my back pocket and showed it to him from afar.

"The resurrection of someone," he smiled, his eyes locked on mine.

"Is it true? I mean, is it possible?’ I asked, making slow steps toward him.

"Why don't you come upstairs to learn about my drawings?" He got up the stairs and started walking

back to his floor. I stayed in my spot for a minute before deciding that v/as the only v/ay to find


So I followed him.